776. Goodbye to the Cracking of the Pistols

776. Goodbye to the Cracking of the Pistols

No title. Anonymous male singer with banjo accompaniment. Through patient search a song was found which, melodically as well as textually is almost identical with our version. Cf. CS (1938) 98-9, 'The Dying Cowboy of Rim Rock Ranch.' Our stanza is the second there. The chorus is practically the same. Owing to the poor 'dubbing,' some of the words could not be understood. No doubt, the end of our second line should read "spur" instead of "fur." The missing word of the second line is supplied there.


morn - ing

Good - bye to the wild life of fur. 

For I'm rid - ing a - way on the last round - up

Where the sun is a - sink - ing- low. Yes I'm rid - ing a - way

on the last round-up Where the sun is a - sink - ing low.

For melodic relationship cf. ***CS 98-9.

Scale : Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : b-flat. Structure : abacaib^a^c (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa^a^a^ (4,4,4,4).

Third stanza:
Goodbye to the lurching of the coyote,
Goodbye to the call of the dove,
Goodbye to the Rim Rock Ranch,
Goodbye to the girl that I love.