737. When I Am Far Away

727. When I Am Far Away

'When I Am Far Away Somewhere in France.' Sung by Mrs. B. M. Moody, Shull's Mills, Watauga county, 1921. For another version cf. OFS iii 310-11. This song, too, is a mixture of remembered fragments of other tunes. The first measure with up-beat as well as measure 8 curiously have the same melodic turn as measures 6 and 8 in the German folksong 'Muss I denn, muss I denn zum Stadtele 'naus.' Measure 3 occurs also in 'There is a Tavern in the Town' and measures 7-8, as a melodic line, derive from 'There's No Place
Like Home.' The leading tone, in this song, occurs but once, and then only as what is known as "passing tone."

Scale: Heptachordal. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: abcdea (2,2,2,3,1,2) = abc (4,5,3), a rather unusual structure. The tonal center is the lowest tone.

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