711. My Pretty Quadroon

711. My Pretty Quadroon

'My Pretty Quadroon.' Sung by Dr. I. G. Greer, Boone, Watauga county,
1921-22. There are two ms scores, besides the recording. For additional
texts cf, SMLJ 217; JAFL lix 454.


Oh, who was as hap - py as I?-
She'd a brow like the bios - som - ing pea
And the light of her vi - o - let 

blue-eyes Nev - er shone on a dark - y like me.
my pret - ty qua - droon,- The flow - er
that fad - ed so soon, — This heart like the strings on my banjo
Am broke for my pret - ty qua - droon.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abcdabcd (2,2,2,
2,2,2,2,2) = abab (4,4,4,4).

2nd stanza:
Her face was exceedingly fair.
She'd a cheek like the wild rose of June,
And the ringlets of her dark, glossy hair
Was the pride of my pretty quadroon.

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