753. Such a Gittin* Up-stairs

Such a Gittin' Up-stairs

'Such a Gittin' Up-stairs.' Sung by Dr. Bradley, Blowing Rock, Watauga
county, September 3, 1939. Cf. EASM 53, which gives G. Willig, Jr., of
Baltimore (n.d.) as publisher. A song of the same title but not content nor
melody can be found in SRA 73-4. Cf. also the remarks about this song
in AFS Ch 53. Bascom Lamar Lunsford told this editor that he heard his
father sing this song. In 1925 'Doc' Sams sang it to him also. For ad-
ditional versions cf. APPS 98, 187; SBPPG 32; SFLQ vi 3-4, No. i;
NFMNS I, 242-4, ibid. 11 167-8. For the same title cf. PTFLS (1916) 86,
No. I. For the beginning phrase cf. Ill 210, No. 165, first line of second
stanza. There are many other songs with this line: cf. TNFS 107; JAFL
xLiv 425 ; ANFS 243 ; FB 163. Melodically the tune resembles that of 'Some
Love Coffee, Some Love Tea' (Virginia).


night 'fore last the

old cow died

old cow come to the Ufe a -gain,

Such a git - tin' up -stairs,

you nev - er saw a -like,

Such a git - tin' up - stairs.

you nev - er saw a -gain. Such a git - ting up - stairs, you nev - er saw a -

 like, Such a git- ting up- stairs you nev-er see a - gain.

For melodic relationship cf. **Wolford (iqSQ) I53, general melodic line,
compare our measures 9, ii, 13, I5. with 5, 7, and 9 there.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: aaibb^bbi (4,4.2,
2,2,2) =r abb (8,4,4) = nmm = inverted barform.

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