714. Over the Garden Wall

714. Over the Garden Wall

'Over the Garden Wall.' Sung by Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Pensacola, Yancey county, September 1929. For additional texts cf. OFS iv 392, No. 867 ; JAFL Lix 458; SFLQ IV 180-1. According to the information given in OFS iv, this song was sung in England when Charles J. Finger was a boy.


once stood un - der alac tree

O - ver the gar - den wall.
She whis-pered and said she'd be true to me,

O - ver the gar - den wall. She had beau - ti - ful eyes and
beau - ti - f ul hair; She was not ver - y tall, so she 

stood on a chair And man - y a times I kissed her there.

O - ver the gar - den wall.
Over the garden wall,
The pret - ti - est girl of all

nev - er shall for get how her kiss - es felt
O - ver the gar - den wall.

Scale : Heptachordal. Tonal Center : c. Structure : abcded (4,4,4,4,4,4) ; e is
slightly related to b. The tonal center is the lowest tone.

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