Poetic Origins and the Ballad- Louise Pound 1921

by Louise Pound- 1921

[The book is divided into 6 chapters which are attached (on left hand column- click to open). This page contains the title page, Contents, Preface and Index.

I've moved the footnotes to the end of each chapter for easier reading. R. Matteson 2011]
[Under construction!!! Some chapters may not be edited yet.]

[Title Page]









Professor of English in the University of Nebraska

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY      1921 All rights reserved





The leading theses of the present volume are that the following assumptions which have long dominated our thought upon the subject of poetic origins and the ballads should be given up, or at least should be seriously qualified; namely, belief in the "communal" authorship and ownership of primitive poetry; disbelief in the primitive artist; reference to the ballad as the earliest and most universal poetic form; belief in the origin of narrative songs in the dance, especially definition of the English and Scottish traditional ballad type as of dance origin; belief in the emergence of traditional ballads from the illiterate, that is, belief in the communal creation rather than recreation of ballads; belief in the special powers of folkimprovisation; and belief that the making of traditional ballads is a "closed account." The papers making it up are reprinted, with a few modifications and considerable additional material, from the Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, from Modern Philology, from The Mid-West Quarterly, and from Modern Language Notes. A few are printed for the first time, and the chapter on " Balladry in America " is indebted to a chapter on " Oral Literature in America " published in The Cambridge History of American Literature.

Thanks are due to the publishers for permission to utilize passages from the latter. The polemical tone of the papers, which is so marked as to need explanation, is to be accounted for by the fact that each was written to urge a distinctive point of view or to oppose some accepted position, i. e., was a piece of special pleading. It was impossible to eliminate the argumentative note without re-writing the articles in toto.

Much attention is given in the course of the volume to the subject of folk-song in America.

The author wishes to express grateful acknowledgment to Professor H. M. Belden of the University of Missouri, who first encouraged her to interest herself in the study of folk-song, and to Professor H. B. Alexander of the University of Nebraska, to whom she owes her interest in poetic origins and in much more besides. Both have read the manuscript in parts and to both she is indebted for generous assistance. Adequate acknowledgment of their help cannot be dismissed with a phrase.

Louise Pound.

University of Nebraska



Preface vii


I The Beginnings Of Poetry                            1
       I "Communal" Authorship and Ownership . . .4
       II Individual Authorship and Ownership . . . .13
       III The "Ballad" as the Earliest Poetic Form . . 27

II. The Mediaeval Ballad And The Dance        36
      I The Name "Ballad" 39
      II Dance Songs Proper 47
      III Narrative Songs and the Dance 67

III. Ballads And The Illiterate       87
       I Sources of Recovery            89
       II Audience and Authorship as Mirrored in the Ballads 95
       III The Ballads and Literature 106

IV. The Ballad Style 120
       I Incremental Repetition and Other Ballad Mannerisms 121
       II Dialogue and Situation Ballads and Theories of Development 139
       III The " Uniformity " of the Ballad Style . . .146
       IV Improvisation and Folk-Song 153

V. The English Ballads And The Church .... 162
      I The Earliest Ballad Texts 163
      II Some Ballad Affiliations 171
      III Ballads and Clericals 183

VI Balladry In America 192
    I Old-World Ballads and Songs in America . . 193
    II Indigenous Ballads and Songs 201
    III The Southwestern Cowboy Songs and the English and Scottish Ballads 214
   IV Ballad Making as a " Closed Account"... 231

Index 237



Abraham and Isaac, the Brome, 172.

Adam Bell, Clin o' the Clough, and William of Cloudeslee, 38.

Adam lay y-boundyn, 175.

Adolfi, Johann, 71.

After the Ball, 92, 213.

Akkas, The, 10.

Aldhelm, 94, 184.

Alexander, Mrs. H. B., 229.

Allen, G. N., 207.

Alliterative epithets, 109.

Als I yod on ay Mounday, 165.

Ames, Mrs. L. D., 61, 219.

American ballads, 192, ff.

Anatomy of Melancholy, 45.

Andamanese, the, 10, 25.

Andamese, the, 22.

Andersen, J. C, 22.

Anderson, Robert, 90.

Andrew Lammie, 109.

Angelina Baker, 219.

Annall of Waverley, the, 168.

Annandale, N., 74.

Ascham, Roger, 44, 98.

Assassination of J. B. Marcum, The, 106.

Aube, the, 167.

Australians, the, 10, 25, 34.

Babes in the Woods, 201.

Babylon, 121, 122, 134, 144, 168.

Bakairi, the, 26.

Baldwin, C. S., 37, 65, 87, 216, 231.

Ballad affiliations, 171.

Ballade, the, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 77, 85, 111, 142, 169.

Ballad and the dance, the, 36.

Ballad dance, the, 27.
Ballads and clericals, 183.
Ballads and the illiterate, 87.
Ballads as the earliest poetic

form, 27-35.
Ballad of Reading Gaol, 158.
Ballad of Twelfth Day, A, 164,

171, 180.
Ballad style, the, 120.
Ballin' the Jack, 228.
Banks of Claudy, 201.
Bannockburn song, 50, 78.
Barbara Allen, 53, 68, 80, 92, 93,

110, 137, 195, 197.
Barbour, John, 38.
Barrack Room Ballads, 101.
Barry, Phillips, 124, 137, 193,

207, 210.
Battle of Harlaw, The, 81.
Battle of Lovell's Pond, The, 203.
Battle of Maldon, The, 170.
Battle of Otterbourne, The, 76,

81, 102, 108, 110, 167, 173.
Baum, P. F., 164.
Bedier, J., 48, 68.
Beck, Jean, 166.
Bedroom Window, The, 200.

Beers, Henry, 37, 95, 148.
Beginnings of poetry, the, 1-35.
Belden, H. M., 123, 193, 198.
Betsy Brown, 199.
Betsy from Pike, 206, 207.
Bicester, 185.
Billy Boy, 133, 201.
Bingen on the Rhine, 137, 227.
Bird, James, 203, 234.
Bitter Withy, The, 110, 126, 171.
Blind Boone, 214.
Bludy Bark, The, 149.
Blue and the Gray, The, 204.
Boas, Franz, 20, 22.
Boatman's Dance, De, 225.
Bohme, Franz, 5, 68, 75, 76, 157,

Boll Weevil, The, 106, 215, 224,

226, 228.
Bonny Birdy, The, 80.
Bonny Black Bess, 226.
Bonny Dundee, 226.
Boros, the, 10, 22, 30, 145.
Born is the Babe, 126.
Boston Burglar, The, 198, 227.
Botocudos, The, 9, 10, 25, 26, 34.
Boynton, J. H., 174.
Bradley, Henry, 108.
Bradley, W. A., 106.
Breaking in a Tenderfoot, 223.
Brevity of Indian Songs, The, 31.
Bring Us Good Ale, 126.
Brisk Young Lover, A, 198.
Broadwood, Lucy E., 230.
Brockhaus, F. A., 40.
Brome Abraham and Isaaj, The,


Browne, George, 20.
Brown, Carleton F., 175.
Brown of Falkland, Mrs., 90, 109.
Brown Robin's Confession, 168.

Brown, Theron, 129, 159.
Bruce, Michael, 42.
Brunanburh song, 170.
Bryant, F. E., 123, 148, 155.
BUcher, Karl, 5, 22, 157.
Buena Vista Battlefield, 138, 227.
Buffalo Gals, 54.
Burlin, Natalie Curtis, 131.
Burning of the Newhall Eouse,

The, 212.
Burrows, G., 10.
Burton, Frederick R., 2, 16, 32.
Burton, Robert, 44.
Bury Me not on the Lone Prairie,

138, 206.
Bushmen, The, 15, 16.
Butcher's Boy, The, 198.
Butterworth, Hezekiah, 129, 159.
By Uarkentura's Flowery Marge,


Cabtiam, Thomas de, 185.
Callaway, H., 34.
Cambric Shirt, The, 196.
Campbell, Olive Dame, 137, 152,

Camptown Races, The, 225.
Canterbury Tales, 81.
Captain Jinks, 54, 63.
Captain Kidd, 105.
Carol, The, 45, 47, 50, 77, 145,

169, 172, 174.
Carol of the Six Rose Branches,


Carnal and the Crane, The, 110,

165, 167, 168, 172.
Carter, William, 124, 210.
Casey Jones, 105, 212, 230, 234.
Castel of Love, 186.
Chamberlain, A. F., 22.

Chambers, E. K., 102, 103, 143,

Chansons d'aventure, 110, 165.
Charleston, 198.
Charms, The, 170.
Chase that Squirrel, 63.
Chaucer, 43, 48, 97, 110, 160,

168, 181.
Cherry Tree Carol, 126, 167, 172.
Chevy Chase, 38, 40, 99, 148, 203.
Cheyenne Boys, 206.
Child, F. J., 42, 53, 88, 89, 95,

103, 111, 146, 163, 192.
Children's game songs, 57 ff.
Child Slain by the Jews, The,


Child Waters, 96.

Chippewa song, 13, 16, 19, 21,

29, 33.
Christ Comes, 175.
Clare de Kitchen, 225.
Cleasby-Vigfusson, 69.
Codrington, R. H., 22.
Cohen, Helen Louise, 43, 48, 142.
Colbrand (Guy of Warwick), 185.
Cold-Water Pledge, The, 133.
Coleridge, S. T., 45.
Columbus, Ferdinand, 23.
Combs, Jack, 106.
"Communal" authorship and

ownership, 413.
Complaynt of Scotland, The, 54,

81, 94, 190.
Continental Vocalists, The, 214.
Coombs, J. H., 193.
Cotgrave, R, 44, 82.
Courtship of the Frog and the

Mouse, 201.
Cowan, James, 30.
Cowboy's Lament, The, 137, 207,


Cowboy songs, 214 ff.
Cow Chace, The, 203.
Cox, E. G., 70.
Cruel Brother, The, 80.
Culin, Stewart, 29.
Cunningham, Allan, 227.
Cupid's Garden, 201.
Curtis, Natalie, 2.
Cynewulf, 141.

Dahlman, F. C, 71.
Dance songs proper, 47-67, 81.
DAngrera, Peter Martyr, 24.
Danish ballads, 170.
Danish dance songs, 69-72.
Dante, 41.

Darby, Loraine, 64, 94.
Days of Forty-Xine, The, 206,

Death of a Romish Lady, The,
92, 199.

Death of Garfield, The, 212, 234.
Debes, Lucas, 74.
Delia Cruscans, The, 122.
Deloney, Thomas, 38, 42, 99, 108.
Densmore, Frances, 2, 13, 18, 30,

Dialogue and situation songs,

Dick of the Cow, 82.
Ditmarsh folk of Holstein, 68, 71,


Dives and Lazarus, 168.
Dixon, G. VV., 225.
Douglas, Gawain, 48.
"Dream" songs, 13.
Dreary Black Hills, The, 206.
Drowsy Sleeper, The, 200.
Dyboski, Roman, 177, 178.
Dying Californian, The, 138.
Dying Cowboy, The, 106, 137, 207,

223, 226.
Dunbar, William, 44.

Earl Brand, 137, 160, 167.

Earl of Mar's Daughter, The, 79.

Ealdhelm, 94, 184.

Edom o' Gordon, 160.

Edward, 48, 111, 115, 118, 122,

134, 139, 140, 148, 160, 163,


Ehrenreich, Dr. Paul, 9, 25, 26.
Elfin Knight, The, 196.
Emmett, " Old Dan," 219.
English ballads and the church,

Eskimo, the, 10, 20, 25, 34.
Estrifs, 110.

Ethiopian Serenaders, The, 219,

Evergreen, Allan Ramsay's, 103.
Extinction of ballad making, 231

Fabyan, Robert, 49.

Fair Fannie Moore, 226.

Fair Flower of Northumberland,

The, 42, 99, 108.
Fair Janet, 80.

Fair Margaret and Sweet Wil-
liam, 137.
Falmouth is a Fine Town, 227.
Farmer's Boy, The, 201.
Farmer's Curst Wife, The, 197.
Faroe Island ballads, 73, 166.
Father Grumble, 200.
Fehr, Bernhard, 175.
Fenner, T. P., 129.
Fillmore, J. C, 24.
Firth, C. H., 99, 199.
Fisk Jubilee singers, 219.

Five Joys of Christmas, The, 126.
Fletcher, Alice C, 1, 2, 10, 16,

17, 21, 31.
Fletcher, John, 92, 200.
Flodden Field, 42, 99, 167.
FlUgel, E., 164, 176.
Ford, Robert, 211.
Forty-Five Bottles a-Hanging on

the Wall, 132.
Foster, Stephen C, 204, 208, 219,


Four Elements, The, 166.
Freighting from Wilcox to Glebe,

French dance songs, 68.
Froissart's Chronicles, 97, 160.
Fry, C. W., 209.
Fuller and Warren, 212.
Furnivall, F. J., 82, 172, 175,

Gallant Church, The, 203.
Gardener, The, 108.
Gascoigne, George, 44.
Gawayn and the Green Knight,

Gay Goshawk, The, 136.
Gennep, A. van, 8.
Geordie, 196.

Geste of Robin Hood, 98, 110, 111,

116, 139, 165.
Ghost-dance songs, 14.
Gillen, F. J., 34.
Gilman, B. I., 3.
Godless French Soldier, The, 203.
Golden Vanity, The, 197.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 92.
Gomes, E. H., 30.
Gomme, Alice, 47, 60, 64, 65, 144.
Gray Cock, The, 110, 167.
Green Gravel, 59.

Green Grass, 59.

Green Grass Grows All Round,

Greg, W. W., 164.
Griggs, N. K., 229.
Grosse, Ernst, 8.

Gummere, F. B., 3, 6,9,27, 28, 30,
36, 46, 50, 62, 68, 73, 82, 83,
87, 88, 96, 98, 99, 107, 113, 116,
117, 121, 154, 157, 215, 218,

Grundtvig, S., 50, 72, 90.
Gtoine to Run All Night, 225.

Hag en's Dance, 71.
Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here,

Hako, The, 18, 19, 154.
Hale, Nathan, 203.
Hales, Thomas de, 176.
Hamilton, Goldy M., 64, 219.
Hamlet, 99.

Hampton Institute singers, 213,

Hangman's Tree, The, 112, 136.

Hanson, J. M., 226.

Hardy, John, 93.

Harris, C. K., 213.

Harrowing of Hell, The, 172, 173.

Hart, W. M., 28, 65, 83, 88, 104,

111, 139, 142, 146, 217.
Haureau, B., 185.
Hays, Will S., 204.
Haytians, The, 23.
Healing song, 20.
He bare him up, he bare him

down, 176.
Henderson, T. F., 38, 149.
Henley, W. E., 227.
Henryson, Robert, 149.
Herbert, a minstrel, 185.

Here Comes Three Dukes A-Rov-
ing, 93.

Here's a Soldier, 60.

Hodson, T., 34.

Holy Rollers, the, 75.

Holy Well, The, 110, 126, 172.

Horse Wrangler, The, 206, 223.

Horstmann, Carl, 172.

Hot Time in the Old Town To-
night, 158, 204, 220.

Howards, the, 167.

House, H. C., 196.

Howitt, A. W., 14, 20, 30.

Hoyt, C. K., 213.

Hudson, W. H., 28.

Hugh of Lincoln, 168.

Hulme, W. H., 172.

Humboldt, A. von, 35.

Hunting of the Cheviot, The, 76,
81, 107, 108, 147, 154, 167, 173.

Hunt Is Up, The, 51, 54, 82.

Hustvedt, S. B., 42.

Hutchinson Family, the, 214.

Hypurinfis, the, 26.

Icelandic dance songs, 69.

I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a

Soldier, 106, 228.
/ Have Found a Friend in Jesus,


/ Have Twelve Oxen, 125.
I'll not Marry at all, 225.
I'm a Good Old Rebel, 228.
Improvisation and folk-song, 153-

"Incremental repetition," 121-

Individual authorship and own-
ership of primitive song, 13-

Inter diabolua et virgo, 123, 164,

Irwin, May, 213.

Ivanhoe, 97.

Jack Combs, 106.

Jack Donahoo, 226.

Jack the Evangelist, 229.

Jack Williams, 199.

James Bird, 203, 234.

James, Sir H., 10.

Jamie Douglas, 147.

Jeanroy, Alfred, 48, 68, 105.

Jealous Lover, The, 210.

Jekyl, Walter, 230.

Jesse James, 105, 106, 211, 213,

227, 234.
Jew Boy in an Oven, A., 172.
Jew's Daughter, The, 168.
Jim along Jo, 54, 63.
Jock o' the Side, 82.
Joe Bowers, 205.
Joe Stecher, 106.
John Brown, 54, 105, 106, 152,

John, Come Kiss Me Now, 52.
Johnstown Flood, the, 212.
Johnny Armstrong, 82.
Johnny Campbell, 110, 167.
John Hardy, 93, 137, 152.
Johnny Sands, 214, 234.
Johnson, Samuel, 42.
Jolly Old Miller, The, 61, 62.
Jones, John Percival, 229.
Jonson, Ben, 44.
Juanita, 220.
Jubilee Singers, the, 213.
Judas, 76, 123, 136, 142, 164, 166,

171, 173, 178, 179, 184, 189.
Judas Iseariot, 164.

Juniper Tree, The, 62.
Junod, H. A., 30.

Kaffirs, the, 26.
Karok, the, 1.

Keep the Home Fires Burning,

152, 205.
Ker, W. P., 37, 38, 100, 143, 180.
Kidd, Captain, 105.
Kilmacrankie, 62.
King Cnufs Song, 50.
King Denis of Portugal, 141.
King Estmere, 48, 78, 94, 109,

118, 160.
King Horn, 100.

King John and the Bishop of

Canterbury, 118.
Kinkaid, M. P., 228.
Kinkaiders' Song, 228.
Kipling, Rudyard, 101.
Kitchie Boy, the, 100.
Kittredge, G L., 36, 96, 104, 107,

112, 116, 155, 157, 192, 215,

218, 231.
Knight of the Burning Pestle, 92,


Koch-Griinberg, Theodor, 24, 25,

Krapp, G. P., 28.
Krehbiel, H. E., 129.
Kurburu's song, 20.
Kwai, the, 15, 25, 34.

Lackey Bill, 226.
Lady Caroline of Edinboro Town,

Lady Isabel, 94.
Lady Maisry, 94, 96, 160.
La Flesche, Francis, 17, 21.
Lambarde, William, 49.
Lamentacio Dolorosa, 175.

Lamkin, 100, 195.
Landtmann, G., 30.
Lang, Andrew, 67, 107, 235.
Lang, H. R., 141.
Lass of Roch Royal, The, 93, 137,

Last Longhorn, The, 138, 227.
Lawrence, W. W., 216, 217, 221.
Leesome Brand, 79.
Le Jeune's Relations, 15.
Life'3 Railway to Heaven, 230
Lily of the Valley, The, 209.
Literary words in the ballads,

Little Brown Jug, 54, 64.
Little Harry Hughes, 196.
Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane,

Little Old Sod Shanty, The, 106,

207, 208, 223, 226, 230.
Lomax, J. A., 134, 150, 210, 214

ff., 228, 235.
London Bridge, 38.
Lone prairie, The, 223, 226.
Longfellow, H. W., 41, 203.
Long Long Trail, The, 152, 205.
Lord Bateman, 196.
Lord Lovel, 94, 137, 195.
Lord Randal, 48, 93, 122, 134,

140, 154, 160, 163, 168, 195,


Lord Thomas and Fair Annet,

94, 160.
Lorena, 92, 152, 220.
Lorla, 210.

Love in Disguise, 226.
Love Rune of Thomas de Hales,

Lover's Return, the, 201.
Lovewell's Fight, 203.
Lowlands Low, the, 197.

Lucy Long, 225.
Lucy Neal, 225.

Lullaby to the Infant Jesus, 175.
Lyke Wake Dirge, 133.
Lyngbye, H. C, 73, 106.

Macaffie's Confession, 227.
Mackenzie, A. S., 5, 30.
Madden, Sir F., 49.
Magalhaes, Jose V. Couto de, 27.
Maid and the Palmer, 80, 168.
Maid Freed from the Gallows,

The, 53, 78, 93, 122, 134, 144.
Maori, the, 10.
Marching Round the Levy, 61.
Marching Through Georgia, 152.
Marie Hamilton, 94.
Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess,


Mary moder cum and se, 172.
Mary of the Wild Moor, 201.
Matthew of Paris, 49, 168.
Matthews, Brander, 219.
Matthews, Washington, 24, 33.
Maypole dance, 64, 94.
McGill, Josephine, 193.
Mediaeval literary conventions in

the ballads, 110, 167.
Melanesians, the, 15, 22.
Mermaid, The, 197.
"Metis" Song of the Buffalo

Hunters, 221.
Miles, E. B., 128.
Miles, Joseph T., 158.
Milkmaid, The, 134.
Miller Boy, The, 62.
Miller, Emery, 208.
Miller, G. M., 155.
Milman, H. H., 130.
Miracles of Our Lady, The, 172.
Mississippi Girls, 206.

Moody and Sankey, the evange-
lists, 134.

Mooney, James, 3, 14, 22.

Moore, Frank, 203.

Moore, John Robert, 123.

Motherwell, William, 122.

Moulton, R. G., 4, 5, 27, 28.

Mulberry Bush, 58.

Murray, J. A. H., 81, 82, 94, 190.

Myers, C. S., 230.

My Little Old Sod Shanty, 106,
207, 208.

My Maryland, 228.

My Old Kentucky Home, 208,
213, 224.

Name "ballad," the, 39.

Nancy of Yarmouth, 204.

Nashe, Thomas, 52.

Nathan Hale, 203.

Navaho song, 24.

Negro revival hymns, 129-132.

Neocorus, 71, 75.

Newell, W. W., 53, 57, 65, 93,

155, 192, 210.
~New English Dictionary, 40, 43,


Newton, Henry, 33.
New Webster International Dic-
tionary, 40.
Nichols, John, 90.
Night-Herding Song, 221.
Noah's Flood, the Chester, 182.
noels, 169, 171.
Norton, Caroline E., 137.
Nut-Brown Maid, the, 150.

Oats and Beans and Barley, 60.

Obongo, the, 25.

Ojibway song, 32.

Old Black Joe, 106, 213, 224.

Old Chisholm Trail, The, 106,
215, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228.

Old Dan Tucker, 54, 152, 219.

Old Grumble, 200.

Old Man Under the Hill, 226.

Old Shawnee, The, 211.

Omaha, the, 16, 17, 21.

One little, two little, three little,
Injuns, 133.

One, two, buckle my shoe, 133.

Out of the Blossom, 126.

Over There, 152, 205.

Pack Up Your Troubles, 205.
Padelford, F. M., 140.
Pane, Ramon, 23.
Paper of Pins, A, 134.
Pastance with gude companye,

Paumari, the, 26.

Pawnee, the, 18.

Pepys, Samuel, 42, 92, 93.

Percy, Bishop, 45, 89, 90, 103.

Percy and the Douglas, the, 42,

105, 160.
Percys, the, 167.
Perrow, E. C, 110, 136, 224, 226.
Peter Martyr d'Anghrera, 24.
Piers Plowman, 97, 165.
Piper, E. F., 61, 193, 219, 229.
Pirates' Chorus, 158.
Play party songs, 60 flf.
Poor Lonesome Cowboy, A, 138.
Poor Lorella, 210, 234.
Poor Mary Sits A-Weeping, 60.
Porter, M. V., 22.
Powers, Stephen, 1.
Prentice Boy, The, 201.
pricksong, 166.
Prioresse's Tale, The, 168.
Proud Elselille, 70.

Proud Lady Margaret, 160.
Psychic suggestion in poetry, 84.

Quaker's Courtship, The, 133.
Queen Anne, 59.
Queen Emma, 185.

Railroad Corral, The, 226, 230.
Ralston, W. R. S., 68.
Rambling Cowboy, The, 226.
Ramsay, Allan, 103.
Randolph, Earl of Chester, 97.
Randolph, Innes, 229.
Rattlesnake Song, 210, 226.
Refrains, 76.
Rejected Lover, The, 137.
Rexford, Eben E., 227, 229.
Rhys, Ernest, 173.
Rice, Wallace and Frances, 229.
Rice, T., 225.

Richard Hill's Commonplace

Book, 175, 177.
Richie Btory, 100.
Rich Merchant of London, 201.
Rickert, Edith, 126.
Ridderen i Hjdrteham, 170.
Riddles Wisely Expounded, 108,


Ride of Billy Venero, 226, 229.
Ride of Paul Venarez, 227.
Ring of Roses, A, 59.
Ritson, Joseph, 42, 45, 49, 103,

Robert Grosseteste, 186.

Robert Manning of Brunne, 186.

Robin and Gandeleyn, 109, 110,

123, 165, 166, 174, 188.
Robin Hood, 82, 97, 102, 105", 107,

110, 140, 144, 154, 166, 167,

188, 216.

Robin Hood and Little John, 81,

Robin Hood and the Monk, 165.
Robin Hood and the Potter, 165.
Robin Hood and the Ranger, 108.
Robin Hood and the Shepherd,

Robin Hood Newly Revived, 98.
Rob Roy, 79.

Rabyne and Makyne, 149.
Romance of the Rose, 47.
Rondeau, 42.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 216.
Root, George F., 212.
Rose of England, The, 99, 110,

Rose is Railed on a Ryse, This,

Rosin the Bow, 226.
Rossetti, D. G., 41, 140.
Round and Round the Village,

Rowe, Nicholas, 103.
Roxburgh ballads, 200.
Royster, J. F., 49.

Saalbach, Arthur, 56.
Salvation Army, 75.
Sankey, Ira D., 209.
Sapir, Edward, 29.
Satire against women, 124.
Saunders, W. H., 207.
Saving of Crotey City, 172.
Schelling, F., 166.
Schlichter, 10.
Schmidt, Erich, 8, 35.
Schmidt, Dr. Max, 26.
Schnadahiipfln, 76, 157.
Schweinfurth, G. A., 10.
Scott, F. N., 22.
Scott, Sir Walter, 101, 103.

Seligmao, C. G., 20.
Semang, the, 10, 25.
Seri, the, 10.

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 185.
Shakers, the, 75.
Sharp, C. J., 93, 119, 137, 152,

Shearin, H. G., 193.
Sheffield Apprentice, A, 198.
Shenstone, William, 42.
Ship's Carpenter, The, 197.
Shortened Bread, 213.
Sidgwick, F., 87, 107, 176.
Sievers, E., 99.
Silver Dagger, 211.
Silver Jack, 229.
Sioux, the, 21.
Sir Aldingar, 110, 167.
Sir Andrew Barton, 99, 167.
Sir Orpheo, 173.

Sir Patrick Spens, 41, 45, 102,

118, 154, 160.
Sister Helen, 41, 140.
Skip to My Lou, 61.
Smith, C. Alphonso, 155, 193,

195, 231.
Smith, Eeed, 193, 195.
Smith's Affair at Sidelong Hill,


Soldier, soldier, 133.
Soldier, The, 201.
Soldier, The Godless French,

Song of Dekum, 21.
Song of the Bird's Nest, 18.
Song of the Boxer, 204.
Song of the Incarnation, 174, 175.
Song of Joseph and Mary, 174.
Song of the "Metis" Trapper,

Song of a Tree, 132.

Song of the Trees, 19.

Song of the Wren, 18.

Song on a fox and geese, 125.

Songs composed by women, 20-


South African Dutch, 170.

Spencer, B., 34.

Springfield Mountain, 210, 234.

Standard Dictionary, The, 40.

Stanley, H. M., 10.

Stanleys, the, 167.

Starving to Death on a Govern-
ment Claim, 206.

Stecher, Joe, 228.

Steenstrup, J. C. H. E., 70, 72,
73, 173.

Steere, J. B., 26.

Stempel, G. H., 65, 83, 88, 107,

140, 150.
St. Nicholas and Three Maidens,


Stoning of St. Stephen, The, 181,

Storm, Theodor, 235.
Stow, G. W., 16.
Stratton Water, 41.
Structural repetition, 121-139.
St. Stephen and Herod, 118, 123,

142, 164, 168, 173, 180, 182,

184, 189.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 158.
Sumer is ioumen in, 49, 55, 78,


Susannah, or Seemly Susan, 172.
Swanee River, The, 208, 224.
Sweet Betsy from Pike, 206, 227.
Symposius, 94.

Tamlane, 81, 82.

Taylor, Marshall W., 130.

Tee-Totallers Are Coming, 132.
Texas Ranger*, The, 204, 234.
There Was a Romish Lady, 92,

Thomas a Beket, the Murder of,

Thomas de Hales, 176.
Thomas Potts, 100.
Thomas Rymer, 48, 56, 78, 165.
Three Sailor Boys, The, 196.
Thomas of Erseldoune, 165.
Thuren, H., 74, 166.
Tipperary, 152, 205, 220.
Tolman, A. H., 193.
Toxophilus, 98.
Trip to Chinatown, A, 213.
True Lover's Farewell, The, 137.
Turpin, Dick, the highwayman,

Tuskegee singers, the, 224.
Twelfth Day, A Ballad of the,

Two Brothers, The, 79, 93, 195,

Two Little Girls in Blue, 213.
Two Sisters, The, 53, 54, 80, 136,

196, 197.
Tyler, M. C, 203.
Types of American song, 201-


Uhland, J. L., 43.
Uniformity of the ballad style,

Unfortunate Rake, The, 207.
Unreconstructed, 228.

Vigfusson and Cleasby, 69.

Village Bride, The, 201.

Visions of Seynt Poul, The, 172.

Wee Wee Man, The, 166.
Wendell, Barrett, 216.
Weeping Mary, 128.
Weeping Willow, the, 210.
Weevilly Wheat, 61, 62.
We're Marching Down to Old

Quebec, 204.
Weston, Jessie L., 126.
When I Became a Rover, 226.
When This Cruel War is Over,


Whiffen, Thomas, 10, 22, 24, 25,

27, 30, 34, 145.
Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo, 227.
Wife of Usher's Well, The, 102.
Wilde, Oscar, 158.
William of Malmesbury, 184.
Willie and Mary, 200.
Willie Reilly, 219.
Wissmann, H. von, 10.
Wolf, Ferdinand, 141.
Wood, J. E., 26.
Wordsworth, W., 18.
Work, Henry C, 204.
Wrap Me in a Bundle, 228.
Wreck of the Hesperus, The, 41,


Wreck of the Lady Elgin, The,

"Wrenched accent" in the bal-
lads, 108.
Wundt, Wilhelm, 8.

Young Beichan, 160, 196.
Young Charlotte, 124, 209, 213,

223, 226, 234.
Young Hunting, 160.
Young Thomlin, 82, 190.
Young, W. T., 38.

Wars of Qermanie, The, 226. Zip Coon, 152, 225.
Warton, Thomas, 184, 185. Zulu, the, 25, 30, 34.

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