665 I Have No Mother Now
'I Have No Mother Now.' Anonymous singer. No place or date given. This is a version from the collection of this editor, made a considerable number of years ago. Our stanza is almost identical with the third stanza given by Miss Jewell Robbins. Melodically (cf. F-563) there are some important differences, as can already be seen from the two scales. Measures 3 and 7 represent idioms that occur frequently either identically or similarly. (Cf. 'Tom Dooley', IV 324-6.) Interestingly, in spite of the melodic differences, the structures are identical.
My heart now ev - er lone - ly,
My life drear and sad.
'Twas her dear pres - ence
That made my spir - it glad.
From morn - ing un - til evening.
Care rests up - on my brow,
She's gone from me to heav - en —
I have no moth - er now.
Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: abacdbac (2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2) = aa1ba1 (4,4,4,4) = Reprisenbar. Here too, the ending of b is like that of a.