Biographies of Informants & some Collectors N-O-P
Biographies of Informants, Performers and some Collectors (Traditional Ballads and Folk Songs)
North America (Arranged in Alphabetical order by last name)
[This section is for biographies of the important informants of Anglo-Saxon ballads and folk songs and is not all inclusive. Every collector had their best informants. Some informants by their reputations were visited by many collectors, and recordings were made in some instances. Some informants were recording artists in the 1920s and their songs were collected indirectly by the record companies.
The focus of this study is North America. At some point The British Isles will be included on a separate page.
There is little known about some collectors, for example, Fred High (MO-AR), John Stone (VA, under the auspices of the Virginia Folklore Society), Winston Wilkinson (VA, under the auspices of the Virginia Folklore Society).
R. Matteson 2015]
Informants and Some Collectors- North America
Olney, Margarite; Collector
Pace, Elisa (KY) Sharp informant EFSSA
Parler, Mary Celeste (SC-WS-AR) collector Ozarks; wife of Vance Randolph
Patton, Sandy, collector, recorder
Peel, Alfreda M. (VA) collector Virginia Folk-Lore Society
Presnell, Monroe (NC) Warner;
Porter, Marjorie (VT) Flanders
Proffitt, Frank (NC) informant Warner; Patton; Recordings; Son-in-law of Nathan Hicks