696. I Want to Be Somebody's Darling

696. I Want to Be Somebody's Darling
'I Want to Be Somebody's Darling.' Sung by C. E. Buckner, Asheville, Buncombe county, May 6, 1920. Cf. Ill 320, No. 272; one line of our text can also be found ibid., 412-13, No. 350 A, B, and C.


 to be some - bod - y's dar - ling-
I'm tired of liv - ing a - lone
To be queen o - ver somelit- tie king - dom,
To be queen o - ver some lit - tie home.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: abed (2,2,2,2) c is quite related to a. Over-all form: ab (4,4)-

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