763. Star in the East

763. Star in the East

'Star in the East.' Sung by Miss Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Montgomery county. No date given. Frank C. Brown notes : "Cf. Southern Harmony 16. This is different air. Many of these sung at Blackwood's Chapel, Montgomery county." There is, however, some similarity of melody with our version. Cf. also the Episcopal Hymn 'Brightest and Best.' The use of the natural and sharpened seventh suggests a characteristic quality of the Mixolydian mode.


 Hail the blest morn, see the great Me - di - a - tor ^

 Dovm from the re - gions of glo - ry de - scend.
Shep-herds, go wor - ship the babe in the man - ger!
Lo, for his  the bright an - gels at - tend.
Bright-est and best of the sons of the mom - ing,
Dawn on our dark - ness andlend us thine aid.
Star in the East, the ho - ri - zon a-

dorn - ing, Guide where our in - fant Re - deem - er is laid.

For melodic relationship cf. ***DESO 189, No. 183; **ASoWS 181, No. 327.

Scale: Hexatonic (6), plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: abaibcdeb (4,4,4, 4,4,4,4,4) = aabc (8,8,8,8) ; the second half of c is the same as that of a.

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