694. In the Shadow of the Pines (I)

694. In the Shadow of the Pines (I)

[Published by Crabtree in 1936 - Overton County TN. Recorded by Carter Family c. 1936]

'In the Shadow of the Pines.' Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford, Turkey Creek, Buncombe county. No date given. There was another version credited to Miss Hattie McNeill, but this record was destroyed in transit to the Library of Congress. The typewritten text, however, which was to go with that tune is almost identical with that of our present version. Another text given by Miss Pearl Webb of Pineola, Avery county, has two additional stanzas. The beginning of our tune to the chorus reminds somewhat of 'Les Preludes' by Liszt.

 We wandered through the shadow of the pines, my  love and I,-

As the wind was blowing freshly from the sea;
When the sud - den, fit - ful dark-ness stole a cross the sum-mer sky.
And the shad - ow came between my love and me.
Some hast - y words were spo ken and al - most im - a-wares,
Hast - y an-swers to unthink - ing an - ger — led.
And our hearts felt bit - terlong - ings, and our weep - ings and our prayers
Ne'er canmake those false and cru-el words un - said.
Come back to me, sweet -heart, and love me as — be - fore. —
Fly back to me, sweet-heart, and leave me nev - er more;
 In life'sdark path-way the sun no long - er shines, 
Come, love, — and meet me, in the shad-ow of the — pines-

Scale : Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : e-flat. Structure : abacdeacfgf1g1 (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa1ba1cc1 (4,4,4,4,4,4). As the stanza aa1ba1 is a Reprisenbar, the over-all form again is a compound structure : Reprisenbar plus strophe. Additional text furnished by Miss Pearle Webb:

2nd stanza :
You took the ring I gave you, nor cast a glance at me,
As you lield the jeweled trinket in your hand;
And then you turned and tossed it in the waters of the sea,
When the waves were splashing idly on the sand,
You went your way unheeding the tears I could not hide,
You went your way and not a word was said.
But my stubborn heart was breaking underneath its mask of pride
And the pine trees sobbed in pity overhead.

3rd stanza:
I awoke from bitter dreamings, but to call aloud your name;
I sleep again to dream of you once more;
And my stubborn pride has left me, I admit I was to blame,
Forgive me, dear, and love me as before.
For tlie future is o'ershadowed with the darkness of despair,
In the sky of life love no longer shines,
And I'd give the whole world gladly once again to meet you there.
Reunited in the shadow of the pines.


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