717. Rosalie, the Prairie Flower

717. Rosalie, the Prairie Flower

'Rosalie, the Prairie Flower.' Sung by Mrs. Alice Cooke, Boone, Watauga
county. No date given. Frank C. Brown notes : "Published 50 years ago in sheet music form." Actually, this song by Wurzel (Geo. F. Root) was published by Nathan Richardson at Boston, in 1855. C£. EASM 150. For this title cf. JAFL lix 461. Only a few words could be understood in such a poor recording.


O'er the dis - tant prai - rie
Fair as the li - ly
Ev - 'ry one who knew her
As Ros - a - lie the Prai - rie Flow'r.

Scale : Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : g. Structure : aba1cdea1c (2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2) = aa1ba1 (4,4,4,4) = Reprisenbar.

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