661 Scottish Drinking Song
'Scottish Drinking Song.' Sung by Miss Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Montgomery
county, 1921-22. This is another drinking song from Scotland which had
come down to the singer from her forefathers. The tune exhibits a charac-
teristic of many others which are called 'primitive songs,' namely, the descend-
ing tendency from an initial high tone to the lowest.
'is - ter Mc Clag - gle, Sagala ga - la
gu rum, Sa val la ga
dine - tum, Tharang, thang a non e o, Tha rang, thang a non e o.
Scale: Heptachordal. Tonal Center: c. Structure: nmm (6,2,2) = inverted barform. The tonal center is the lowest tone.