721. Sparking on a Sunday Night

721. Sparking on a Sunday Night

'Sparking on a Sunday Night.' Sung by Mrs. Alice Cooke, Boone, Watauga county, 1922. MS score and record. No more text available. For additional texts cf. OFS III 228, No. 468- Ford 296; JAFL lix 465.

Sit - ting in the cor - ner spark-ing on a Sun - day

( eve With her ta - pered fin - gers rest - ing on my sleeve.

up - on me so bright
Oh, bless me ain't it pleas-ant spark - ing on a Sun-day night.

Spark-ing, spark - ing, spark - ing spark-ing on a Sun-day night,

Oh, bless me ain't it pleas - ant, spark-ing on a Sun-day night?

Scale: Hexatonic (4), plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: aba1b1a-b2 (4,4,4,4,4,4).


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