673. Sally Ann

673 Sally Ann
'Sally Ann.' Anonymous singer and MS score. No place or date given.  The text is identical with that of SharpK 11 351, No. 240 (Jig). Cf. also  JAFL xxviii 183; ibid., xli 575, No. viii, and lix 462.


O, where are you go - ing,  - ly Ann?
O, where are you going Sally Ann?
I'm go - ing to the wed - ding, Sal - ly Ann.

O, shake that lit - tie foot, Sal - ly Ann,
O, shake that Ut - tie foot, Sal - ly Ann,
O, shake that lit - tie foot, - Sal - ly Ann,
You're a pret - ty good danc - er, Sal - ly Ann.'

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: aa1a2a (4,4,4,4).

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