664 I Have No Mother Now
'I Have No Mother Now.' Sung by Miss Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Montgomery county, recorded at Durham in 1921. For additional texts cf. JAFL lix 442; OFS IV 46, No. 612, title only, and FSV 117, reference only; no text or music given there.
hear the soft winds sigh - ing,
Through ev - 'ry bush and tree,
Where my dear moth - er's ly - ing
So far a - way from me.
Tears from mine eyes are start - ing,
And sor - row shades my brow,
Oh, wea - ry was our part - ing, I have no moth - er now.
Scale : Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : a-flat. Structure : abacdbac (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa^bai (4,4,4,4) = Reprisenbar. The ending of b is the same as that of a.