682. Away on a Hill

682 Away on a Hill
No title given. Anonymous female singer. No place or date given. The  beginning reminds us somewhat of the artillery song and the ending of 'He  Done Her Wrong.' No other version or reference could be found. Cf., however, HI 495, No. 412 and editorial note, as well as OFS iv 388, No. 860;   MSON 43-5 and 136-7. Not all the words could be recognized.


 Away on a hill, a sun - ny moun-tain side,
When we part - ed
On the ny moun-tain - side.
Car - ry me back to old Virginny

 Scale : Heptachordal. Tonal Center : d. Structure : nmmi (6,4,4) = inverted barform. The epode is in itself an application of the bar-form principle.  The tonal center is the lowest tone.


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