686. Sweet Evelina

686. Sweet Evelina
'Sweet Evelina.' Sung by Dr. I. G. Greer, us score, Boone, Watauga county,  in 1922. There is also a recording. For an interestingly different version,  of which the text is well known, cf. here ABS 211, No. loi ; also ETWVMB  87; JAFL Lix 466 ('Sweet Evalena'), and JFSS V 315 ('My Dear Evleen;  Arah').


Way down in the val - ley where the lil - ies first bloom-
And the winds of the moun- tains nev - er ruf - fled  rose,

There lived E - ve - lin the  dear lit - tie dove,
She's the pride of the val - ley and the girl that I love.
Dear E - ve - lin - a, Sweet E - ve-li - na,
My love for thee — will nev - er, nev-er die.

For melodic relationship cf. **Ford 142, measures 1-4 and 9-12 of stanza;  also 3-4 of our chorus and the first two of the quoted version; *BTFLS 94,  III, No. 4.

Scale : Mode III. Tonal Center : b-flat. Structure : aba1ca2c1 (4,4,4,4,4,4) ; b  is closely related to a. One might reduce this to: aa1a1 (8,8,8). The tonal  center is the lowest tone.


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