677. Ridin' Of A Goat, Leadin' of a Sheep

677. Ridin' of a Goat, Leadin' of a Sheep
'Ridin' of a Goat, Leadin' of a Sheep.' Sung by Miss Beulah Walton, of  Morrisville, Durham county; recorded at Durham, July 25, 1923. For additional text cf. ANFS 301, No. 31. In our version, the goat changes place  with sheep in contrast to the version quoted.


 Rid - in' of a goat and lead - in' of a sheep,
 Rid - in' of  goat and lead - in' of sheep,
 Rid - in' of a goat and lead - in' of a sheep,
I won't be back 'till the mid - die of the week.

Scale : Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center : f. Structure : aa1ab (2,2,2,2) = aa1  (4,4) ; the ending of b is identical with that of a1. Circular tune(V).

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