725. Sunny Tennessee

725. Sunny Tennessee
'Sunny Tennessee.' Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford, Turkey Creek, Buncombe county. No date given, but probably 1921. Frank C. Brown says  "In Print." Cf. OFS iv 2,2,2, also JAFL lix 466.

On a morn-ing bright and clear
To my old home I drew near,
just vil - lage down in Sun - ny Ten - nes - see.

speed - ing on a train
That would bring me back a - gain

To my old home that was wait - ing there for me.
I could hear the dark - ies sing - ing
As she said fare - well to me
Far a - cross the fields of cot - ton-

My dear old home I could see,
Where the moon rose in its glo - ry,
There I told my sweet - est sto - ry
To the love girl in Sun - ny Ten - nes - see.

For melodic relationship cf. ***OFS IV 332, the first halves of the stanzas are almost identical and the second half of our stanza is identical with the chorus of the quoted version.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: f. (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa1bb1 (4,4,4,4). Structure : aba1b1cdc1b1


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