744. How I Love Them Pretty Yellow Gals
'How I Love Them Pretty Yellow Gals.' Anonymous singer. No place or date given on ms score. Negro fragment. Certainly minstrel in origin,
probably more modern.
How love them pret - ty yal - ler gals One named
Beck - y and the oth - er named Sal. Soon there'll be
wed - ding in the cot - tage o - ver yon - der, And
I'll be hap - py ev - er - more. Soon there'll be great
In the kit - chen on the floor. times in danc - ing
Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: aa^bcde (2,2,2,
2,2,2) = abc (4,4,4). In the smaller subdivision e is somewhat related to
c; therefore, in the over-all form the ending of c is related to that of b.