713. The Old Stepstone

713 The Old Stepstone

'The Old Stepstone.' Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford, Turkey Creek, Buncombe county, 1921. The singer learned this song from Lila Ammons of Robbinsville, Graham county, the fifteen-year-old daughter of the sheriff. The song is also known as 'The Old Doorstep.' For additional version of the text and remarks in OFS iv 381. The fourth and second stanzas there are combined in our version. This is made mandatory by our tune.


O 'tis sad to be part - ed from those that we love,

Strange fa - ces — we see ev - 'ry day.
Each heart-string of mine is bro - ken in — time,
When I think on those dear ones at home.
Good - bye, dear old step-stone, good - bye to my

 home, God bless those I leave with sigh,
I'll cherish fond mem - 'ries when I'm-farway

 To wan - der o'er this wide world a - lone.

Scale : Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : b-flat. Structure : abaicdea^c

(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) ^ aa^ba^ (4,4,4,4) = Reprisenbar. In the smaller subdivision,
c is somewhat related to a.

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