768. Was You There When They Crucified Jesus?

768. Was You There When They Crucified Jesus?

'Was You There When They Crucified Jesus?' Sung by Mrs. Nora Hicks, Mast's Gap, Watauga county, September 5, 1940. For other versions cf. JAFL X 116 and lix 470 (Index).

Was you there when they went to Gal - ilee,-
Was you there when they went to Gal - i - lee.-
Oh-some-times it caus - es me to trem - ble, — trem - ble,-
Was you there when they went to Gal - i - lee.

For melodic relationship cf. **WNS 221 ; ANS 105 ; Dett, Appendix vi,
first eight measures. *BANS 11 136, beginning only; FSSH 415.

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: abca (4,4,4,4).

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