743. Honey Babe

743. Honey Babe

'Honey Babe.' Sung by Miss Hattie McNeill, Ferguson, Wilkes county,
1922. The MS score has no text and the typewritten sheet statins:: "Words
and air by Miss Hattie McNeill" also has a note by Newman I. White saying:
"But the words are missing." Cf., however, NWS 145, 'Honey Baby' from
which our text was derived; also JAFL lix 440; and for a different text,
Mellows 180-3.


If I could lay my head on yo' sweet breas', — Hon - ey

 ba - by, could fin'

Sweet res', I could

 Cm' sweet res',Hon - ey babe, I could fin' sweet res'.

Scale : Mode HI, plagal. fairly unusual structure.

Tonal Center: f. Structure: abb^c (4,4,3,3), a

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