726. Sweet Bunch of Daisies

726. Sweet Bunch of Daisies

'Sweet Bunch of Daisies.' Sung by the late Mrs. I. G. Greer, Vilas, Watauga county. MS score and record, 1921-22. The text was furnished by Miss Annie Smith; a note in handwriting of Thos. Smith: "popular here fifteen years ago." Dr. White says : "Same as 'Sweet William.' " for another version ct. J A PL Lix 466.


Sweet bunch of dai - sies,
Oh, how dear to me.
Oft -I hear them
Whis - p'ring love of thee.
Mur - mur - ing soft - ly
In si - lent theme
Of love's bright mom - ing,
Now one sad, sweet dream.

Sweet bunch of dai - sies,
Brought from the dell;
Kiss me one, dar - ling
Dai - sies won't tell.
Give me your prom - ise
Oh- sweet-heart do
Dar - ling, I love you
Won't you be true?

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: a. Structure: aba1caba1c (2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2) = aa1aa1 (4,4,4,4), In the smaller subdivision, the beginning of b is the same as that of a.


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