703. Lula Falls
'Lula Falls.' Sung by Otis Kuykendall, Asheville, Buncombe county, July 18, 1939. Cf. OFS III loi. No. 383; the second stanza is very similar to ours. Also JAFL lix 451.
2nd The oth - er eve - ning just at dark,
As I walked down through the park,
She was sit - ting in the hall — all a -lone
I bowed and tipped my hat,
Then we both be
gan to chat, She's an ag - gra - vat - ing beau-ty , Lu - la
Ev - ery ht - tie while she greets me with a smile,
She'll in - vite me to her hap - py home to call — If she'll
on - ly be my wife, I'll be hap - py all my life,
She's an ag - gra - vat - ing beau - ty, Lu - la Wall. —
Scale : Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : e-flat. Structure : abcdefc^d^
(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = abcb1 (4,4,4,4).