687. Faithful Friend

687 Faithful Friend

'Faithful Friend.' Sung by Mrs. Alice Cooke, Boone, Watauga county, 1921  or 1922. There is also a ms score. Not all of the text could be understood.  For a similar text cf. OFS iv 305, No. 792.

  When  first I saw yo«r smil - ing face
And youth was in its prime.
When like turn to like set free. —
And ev - er since I've found you've been a faith - ful

 friend to me. — It mat - ters not wher - e'er I am,
Wher-er you may be-

If  I have  had a friend you've been that friend to me.

Scale : Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : f. Structure : ababcb ('4,4,4.  4,4,4) ; the second half of c is closely related to a.

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