681. Venison

681 Venison
'Venison' (Hunting Song). Sung by Otis Kuykendall, Asheville, Buncombe  county, July 18, 1939. The words at the beginning could not be understood.  Cf. here AnFSC 34-5. Melodically, compare the first two measures with  those of IV 331, No. 316 and measures 5-6 with the corresponding initial measures of 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.' For a similar refrain cf. EFSS 50-1
No. 24, and PMOT 346.


'Twas Sun - day morn - ing.
And the ground all cov-ered in  snow,
I put my shoul - der to my gun
And a hunt-ing I did,
And a hunt-ing I did go.

 fif - teen and twen - ty
Ten thou-sand I did Ten- 

The mon - ey that I got For ven - 'son and skin, I

For melodic relationship cf. **AnFSC 34-5, measures 1-6.

Scale: Irrational (2,4), plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abed (2,2,2,4); It is mostly built of a contraction as well as development of a.

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