705. Many Miles Apart

705. Many Miles Apart
'Many Miles Apart.' Sung by Miss Hattie McNeill, Ferguson, Wilkes county. A subtitle is: 'We are Many Miles Apart.' The text was furnished by S. M. Holton, Durham; no date. Compare our text with that of F-599 in this volume. The second stanza of F-599 is identical with the first of this version, and the text of the chorus is very similar. Likewise, the text of F-588 is like that of the above mentioned versions. Our tune is indicated as chorus, therefore it seems logical that the other two should likewise be considered as such. The tune of the chorus will fit the text of the stanza. Cf. also 'Lady Alice' for second stanza, II 131, No. 28, versions B, D, F, I, K.


Chorus: Sad, oh sad, my dar - ling
Oh, this mes - sage breaks my heart:
And be - fore this time tomor - row, —
We'll be man - y miles a - part.

Scale : Heptachordal. Tonal Center : e-flat. Structure : abed (2,2,2,2) = ab (4,4). The tonal center is the lowest tone.

1st stanza:
Take this little bunch of roses
That I gave you years ago.
I have kissed them dearly, darling;
Those I'll never kiss no more.
Chorus: (as in score above)

2nd stanza:
Oh, don't you see those mourning doves
Flying from pine to pine?
They are weeping for their true loves
Just like I do weep for mine.

3rd Stanza:
When you hear those whip-poor-wills hollowing [sic]
On some dark and lonesome sea;
When you are thinking of your darling,
Will you one time think of me?

4th stanza :
Oh, my darling, gone forever,
No more in this wide world to me,
For tonight he is with another ;
He no longer cares for me.

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