774. A Plea for Mercy

774 . A Plea for Mercy

No title. Anonymous female singer. No place or date given. Measures 4-5 are identical with the third and fourth of F-61. There is evidence of some real, economical exploitation of melodic material : measures 8-9 with up-beat, 10-12, 13-14 with up-beat and the transformation of measures 3-5 by repetition and extension into the last four measures with up-beat. No more of the text
could be understood.


In a plea for mer - cy Near their Fa-ther's dwell-ing go,

 Where poor sin-ners are con-fess-ing All

 :Bi - ble an-oth - er plan.

 There is noth - ing but the Bi - ble of man.

Go my daugh - ter. you are

Second stanza: Go my daughter, you are able
To destroy
Both in sermon and in song.

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: abed (5,4,5,4).

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