732. Hop Along

732. Hop Along

'Hop Along.' Sung by Blake B. Harrison, Trinity College, Durham, in
1919. (Negro fragment.) Cf. ANFS 134, No. 7. Our song is a parody of the
church song: 'You Must Be A Lover of the Lord, If You Want to Go to Heaven, When You Die.'


You'll have to be the lev - er of an un - der - tak - er'a 

daugh - ter If you want to get a cof - fin when you

die. — Hop a - long, sis - ter Mol - ly, hop a - long, hop along,
Hop a - long, sis - ter Mol - ly, hop a - long.

Scale: Pentachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: aba^b (2,2,2,2)
= aai (4,4).

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