The Frank C. Brown Collection of NORTH CAROLINA FOLKLORE;
Volume 3 & Volume 5 [Under construction- the first three chapters are basically finished- to improve this book, I'll do the individual songs attached to each chapter- upcoming]
[Contents; Abbreviations, Introduction, Index, Contributors
** Song texts are in separate additions attached to this page- See column on left]
[To make this easier to use I'm separating the songs in Volume 3 into chapters as they appear in the book, the first section will be I. COURTING SONGS continuing through 658 texts. After that I'll do individual songs attached to the chapters. Volume Three is the folk song texts and Volume 4 has the music and texts to the ballads. Volume 5 has the music to the folk songs. There will be only two volumes presented in my collection (Volume 3 and later Volume 2- with music from Volume 4). I'm combining the music from Volume 5 to the texts in Volume 3. There are some additional texts in Volume 5. There are also several additional songs I'll include as an appendix later. Later I will add Volume 2- The ballads. Note that Volumes VI and VII: Superstitions From North Carolina (not included here) were not listed since they were published later.
NOTE: The chapters with songs are attached as pages to this main page and can be found on the left hand column- click on the page to open it.]

The Folk-Lore of North Carolina collected by DR. FRANK C. BROWN DURING THE YEARS 1912 TO 1943 IN COLLABORATlON WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA Folklore Society of which he was Secretary-Treasurer 1913-1943
General Editor
Associate Editors
Wood Engravings by CLARE LEIGHTON
Volume I
Edited by Paul G. Brewster, Archer Taylor, Bartlett Jere Whiting, George P. Wilson, Stith Thompson
Volume II
Edited by Henry M. Belden and Arthur Palmer Hudson
Volume III
Edited by Henry M. Belden and Arthur Palmer Hudson
Volume IV
Edited by Jan P. Schinhan
Volume V
Edited by Wayland D. Hand
Cambridge University Press, London, N.W. 1, England
1. A Paper of Pins 6
2. Madam, Will You Walk? 9
3. The Courting Cage 10
4. Madam Mozelle, I've Come Courting 13
5. Miss, Will You Have a Farmer's Son? 14
6. Lucindy, Won't You Marry Me? 14
7. Soldier, Soldier, Won't You Marry Me? 15
8. The Quaker's Wooing 16
9. The Old Man's Courtship 17
10. When I Was a Young Girl 20
11. Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid? 21
12. Madam, I Have Gold and Silver 23
13. One Morning in May 24
14. No, Sir 25
15. Courting Song 27
16. Don't Stay after Ten 28
17. I Wouldn't Marry 30
18. A Single Life 36
19. When I Was Single 37
20. The Drunkard's Hell 42
21. The Drunkard's Doom 44
22. The Drunkard's Dream (I) 45
23. The Drunkard's Dream (II) 48
24. Father, Dear Father, Come with Me Now 48
25. The Drunkard's Lone Child 50
26. Don't Go Out Tonight, My Darling 51
27. Be Home Early 53
28. I Wish I Was a Single Girl Again 54
29. Seven Long Years I've Been Married 56
30. The Lips That Touch Liquor Must Never Touch Mine 57
31. I'm Alone, All Alone 60
32. Old Rosin the Beau 61
33. Little Brown Jug 62
34. Pass Around the Bottle 64
35. Judie My Whiskey Tickler 64
36. I'll Never Get Drunk Any More 65
37. Show Me the Way to Go Home, Babe 67
38. Pickle My Bones in Alcohol 69
39. Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones 71
40. Just Kick the Dust over My Coffin 72
41. The Hidden Still 72
42. Moonshine 73
43. Old Corn Licker 74
44. Sal and the Baby 74
45. Sweet Cider 74
46. A Little More Cider Too 75
47. Sucking Cider Through a Straw 77
48. Drinking Wine 78
49. The Journeyman 78
50. Jack of Diamonds 80
51. Shoot Your Dice and Have Your Fun 81
52. I Got Mine 82
III. Homiletic Songs 83
53. When Adam Was Created 83
54. Pulling Hard against the Stream 86
55. Paddle Your Own Canoe 87
56. Why Do You Bob Your Hair, Girls? 88
57. Meditations of an Old Bachelor 88
58. The Thresherman 89
59. You Say You Are of Noble Race 90
60. Who Is My Neighbor? 91
61. Dying from Home and Lost 91
62. The Wicked Girl 92
63. A Poor Sinner 95
64. Advice to Sinners 95
65. Wild Oats 96
66. You Can Run on a Long Time 97
67. Weevily Wheat 100
68. Here Comes Three Lawyers 101
69. Jennie Jenkins 102
70. Oh, Pretty Polly 104
71. Don't Cry 104
72. Here We Go in Mourning 105
73. Row the Boat, Row the Boat 106
74. The Needle's Eye 107
75. The Miller Boy 108
76. In and Out the Window 108
77. Shoot the Buffalo 109
78. Coffee Grows on white Oak Trees 110
79. Little Fight in Mexico 112
80. Pig in the Parlor 113
81. Buffalo Gals 114
82. Old Dan Tucker 114
83. Yonder Comes a Georgia Girl 118
84. Captain Jinks 119
85. Hop Light, Ladies 119
86. Old Joe Clark 120
87. What's the Lady's Motion? 124
88. The Farmer's Boy 125
89. Sally Goodin 126
90. Doctor Jones 127
91. She Loves Coffee and 1 Love Tea 128
92. I Do Love Sugar in My Coffee O 129
93. Pop Goes the Weasel 130
94. Turkey in the Straw 130
95. We're All A-Singing 131
96. The Dolly-Play Song 131
97. Uncle Joe Cut Off His Toe 132
98. Oh, Lovely, Come This Way 134
99. The Duke of York 135
100. I'll Tell Your Daddy 136
101. I Want to Go to Baltimore 136
102. Poor Little Laura Lee 136
103. Darling, You Can't Love but One 137
104. Page's Train Runs So Fast 138
105. Turkey Buzzard 139
106. All Around de Ring, Miss Julie 140
107. Too Young to Marry 140
108. Poor Little Kitty Puss 141
109. Fare You Well. My Own True Love 142
110. Mr. Carter 142
111. Wish I Had a Needle and Thread 143
112. Bye Baby Bunting 148
113. Rock-a-Bye Baby in the Tree-Top 148
114. Kitty Alone 149
115. Hush-a-Bye, Don't You Cry 150
116. Go to Sleep. My Little Pickaninny 151
117. Poor Little Lamb Cries 'Mammy I' 152
118. Hush, Honey, Hush 153
119. Pitty Patty Poke 154
120. The Frog's Courtship 154
Appendix 165
121. Billy Boy 166
122. Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be? 170
123. Taffy Was a Welshman 170
124. Barnyard Song 172
125. McDonald's Farm 174
126. Quack, Quack, Quack 177
127. The Dogs in the Alley 177
128. Go Tell Aunt Patsy 177
129. The Fox axd the Goose 178
130. The Old Woman and Her Pig 181
131. Whex I Was a Little Boy 182
132. Bobby Shaftoe 183
133. The Pretty Pear Tree 184
134. Jack-a-Maria 185
135. There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea 186
136. John Brown Had a Little Injun 186
137. Bingo 187
138. Call My Little Dog 187
139. The Vowels 188
140. Banbury Cross 188
141. Oh, Mr. Revel! 189
142. Old Woman All Skin and Bones 189
143. What Are Little Girls Made Of? 193
144. Neighbor Jones I93
145. Whistlixg Girls axd Crowixg Hens 194
146. Little Birdie in the Tree 195
147. How I Love the Old Black Cat 195
148. I've Got a Master and I Am His Man 196
149. The Cobbler 196
150. Scotland's Burning I97
151. Steam Ship I97
152. Birds Courting I99
153. The Jaybird 201
154. Redbird and Jaybird 202
155. Jaybird Up in the 'Simmon Tree 203
156. Said the Blackbird to the Crow 203
157. The Crow and the Weasel 205
158. Chicken in the Bread Tray 205
159. The Old Black Hen 206
160. Get Along, John, the Day's Work's Done 206
161. Possum Up a 'Simmon Tree 206
162. De Possum Am a Cunning Thing 208
163. The Raccoon Has a Bushy Taii. 208
164. De Possim Sits in de 'Simmons Tree 209
165. Over the Hills So Far Away 210
166. Rabbit In the Log 211
167. Old Molly Hare (Mr. Rabbit) 211
168. The Rabbit Skipped, the Rabbit Hopped 213
169. Rabbit Stole de Greens 214
170. It's all Night Long 214
171 . Mr. Squirrel 214
172. The Weasel and the Rat 215
173. Mole in the Ground 215
174. The Old Grey Horse Came Tearing Out of the Wilderness 216
175. The Old Grey Mare 217
176. I Had a Little Horse Whose Name Was Jack 217
177. Mv Old Sow's Nose 218
178. The Old Sow 218
I79. The Kitten Is Under the Sod 219
180. The Animal Fair 219
181. The Monkey Married the Baroon's Sister 219
182. The Catfish 220
183. Lulu 222
184. Jonah Fishing for a Whale 223
185. Snake Bakes a Hoecake 223
186. Row the Boat Ashore 224
187. I Went Down to the Low Ground 225
188. As I Went Up the Silver Lake 225
189. Way Down Yonder in Pasquotank 225
190. Ninety-Nine Blue Bottles 226
191. A Picnic 226
192. Two Little Fleas 227
193. Went to the River and I Couldn't Get Across 228
104. Old Boi! Ridley 229
105. Jimmy My Riley 232
106. Sheep Shell Corn by the Rattle of His Horn 233
197. Bugle, Oh! 234
198. Come to Shuck Dat Corn Tonight 234
199. De Shucking Ob de Corn 235
200. Shuck Corn, Shell Corn 236
201. Round It Up a Heap It Up 237
202. Corn-Shucking Song 237
203. The Old Turkey Hen 238
204. Run, Sallie, My Gal 238
205. Up Roanoke and Down the River 239
206. Hidi Quili Lodi Quili 239
207. Here, Jola, Here 240
208. Come away from That Old Man 240
209. Sally, Molly, Polly 241
210. Down on the Farm 241
211. Negro Cotton-Picker 243
212. Pickin' Out Cotton 243
213. The Humble Farmer 244
214. Boll Weevil Blues 245
215. Ole Massa's Going Awav 247
216. The Man Who Wouldn't Hoe His Corn 247
217. The Old Chisholm Trail 248
218. The Duke of Buckingham 250
219. The Wild Ashe Deer 250
220. Old Blue 252
221. The Ground Hog 253
222. I'll Fire Dis Trip 255
223. Hi Yo Boat Row 256
224. We Live on the Banks of the Ohio 256
225. A Boat, a Boat, Across the Ferry 257
226. Haul, Haul, Haul, Boys 257
227. Old Horse. Old Horse 258
228. For Six Days Do All That Thou Art Able 258
229. Alphabet of the Ship 259
230. Whip Jamboree 260
231. I Have a Father in My Native Land 260
232. Sal's in the Garden Sifting Sand 261
233. The Heathen Chinese 261
234. Working on the Railroad 262
235. The Little Red Caboose Behind the Train 263
236. Reuben's Train 264
237. If the Seaboard Train Wrecks I Got a Mule to Ride 266
238. Seaboard Air Line 266
239. A Southern Jack 266
240. I Been a Miner 267
241. Some of These Days and It Won't Be Long 267
242. I Ain't A-Gonna Work a No Mo'! 268
243. Roll Down Dem Bales 0' Cotton 268
244. I Wish My Captain Would Go Blind 268
245. Lavender Girl 268
246. Run Here, Doctor, Run Here Quick 269
247. The Washtub Blues 269
248. The Inconstant Lover 271
249. The Turtle-Dove 274
250. The Wagoner's Lad 275
251. Sourwood Mountain 279
252. Pretty Saro 285
253. Old Smoky 287
254. Little Sparrow 290
255. Kitty Kline 293
256. All Around The Mountain, Charming Betsy 297
257. The Buue-Eyed Boy 298
258. The False Trie-Lover 299
259. I'll Hang My Hat on a Willow Tree 304
260. Red River Valley 305
261. The Slighted Sweetheart 306
262. The Slighted Girl 308
263. The Pale Wildwood Flower 309
264. Storms Are on the Ocean 311
265. There Comes a Fellow with a Derby Hat 313
266. Bury Me in the Garden 3i3
267. The Weeping Willow 314
268. Down by the Weeping Willow Tree 317
269. The Gumtree Canoe 317
270. The Indian Hunter 319
271. Goodbye, Little Girl, Goodbye 319
272. I'm Tired of Living Alone 320
273. Will You Love Me When I'm Old? 321
274. Goodbye, My Lover, Goodbye 322
275. Somebody 323
276. You, You, You 325
277. Cold Mountains 325
278. My Home's Across the Smoky Mountains 326
279. Must I Go to Old Virginia? 327
280. Red, White, and Blue 328
281. Down in the Valley (Birmingham Jail) 330
282. I Sent My Love a Letter 332
283. In the Pines, Where the Sun Never Shines 332
284. Bonnie Blue Eyes 334
285. The Midnight Dew 337
286. Fly Around, My Blue-Eyed Girl 339
287. Darling Little Pink 342
288. Billy My Darling 342
289. Seeing Nelly Home 343
290. Troubled in Mind 344
291. Cornread When I'm Hungry 345
292. Lonesome Road 347
293. Young Lovers All to You I Call 347
294. When First I Seen This Lovely Queen 349
295. Sweet Birds 350
296. Going Back West 'Fore Long 353
297. You Caused Me to Lose My Mind 353
298. I Wish That Girl Was Mink 353
299. Cripple Creek 354
300. My Martha Ann 355
301. High-Topped Shoes 355
302. Who's Gonna Love You, Honey? 356
303. Oh, Where Is My Sweetheart? 357
304. Like an Owl in the Desert 359
305. The Lonesome Dove 359
306. By By, My Honey 360
307. I Love Little Willie, I Do, Mamma 361
308. The Lords of Creation 363
309. Poor Married Man 364
310. The Black-Eyed Daisy 366
311. Black-Eyed Susie 366
312. A Housekeeper's Tragedy 367
313. Kissing Song 368
314. My Mammy Don't Love Me 369
315. I Wondered and I Wondered 370
316. My Mammy Told Me 370
317. Oh, Honey, Where You Been So Long? 371
318. Away Out On the Mountain 371
319. The Garden Gate 372
320. Susy Gal 372
321. Josephus and Bohunkus 372
322. Leather Breeches 374
322. Old Aunt Katy 375
324. Kindling Wood 376
325. Mother, May I Go Out to Swim? 376
326. River's Up and Still A-Rising 376
327. Little Brown Hands 377
328. The Carolina Crew 380
329. Cumberland Gap 381
330. Arkansas Traveler (I) 381
331. Arkansas Traveler (II) 382
332. Hard Times 385
333. The Dodgers 387
334. Calomel 389
335. Twenty (Forty, Sixty) Years Ago 390
336. If You Want to Go A-Courtin' 393
337. When Young Men Go Courting 394
338. Johnson Boys 394
339. Leave for Texas, Leave for Tennessee 395
340. The Wood Hauler 397
341. Walk in the Parlor 399
342. Preacher in the Pulpit 403
343. Preacher's in de Pulpit 403
344. Wait on de Lord 404
345. I Never Will Turn Back Any More 404
346. Jonah And The Whale 4O5
347. Jesus Lover Of My Soul 408
348. Bob Ingersoll and the Devil 408
349. Lord, I Never Will Come Back Here No Mo'
350. The Prisoner's Song
351. Seven Long Years 416
352. Twenty-One Years Is a Mighty Long Time 417
353. Write My Mother I'll Be Home 418
354. Durham Jail 419
355. Moonshiner's Dream 420
356. May I Sleep in Your Barn Tonight, Mister? 420
357. The Tramp Song 423
358. Tale of a Tramp 425
359. The Wild and Reckless Houo 426
360. The Dying Hobo 427
361. Waiting for a Train 428
36J. Banjo Tramp 429
363. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
364. I Lay Around the Old Jail House (John C. Britton) 431
365. The Foggy Mountain Top 433
366. The Rolling Neuse 436
367. The Jolly Soldier 437
368. Flora MacDonald's Lament 437
369. The Rambling Soldier 439
370. Then We'll Have a New Convention 440
371. Colonel Harry, He Was Scared 441
372. Root Hog or Die 441
373. Harness up Yo' Hosses 442
374. The Southern Wagon 443
375. Red, White, and Red 444
376. The Soldier's Farewell 447
377. Early One Morning in the Month of July 449
378. John Brown's Body 449
379. The Bonny Blue Flag 451
380. The Homespun Dress 453
381. Pretty Peggy 456
382. Never Mind Your Knapsack 457
383. Bushwhacker's Song 458
384. Deserter's Song 459
385. Come, Rain, Come 460
386. Sorghum Molasses 460
387. Jeff Davis Rode a White Horse 461
388. Old Abe Is Sick 462
389. The Privates Eat the Middlin' 462
390. When This Cruel War Is Over 462
391. The Good Old Rebel 464
392. The Veteran's Song 467
393. Brother Green 468
394. He Never Came Back 470
395. Goodbye, My Blue Bell 471
396. Soldier's Epitaph 472
397. Tippecanoe 472
398. Does Your Mother Know You're Out? 473
399. Uncle Sam's Farm 474
400. The Sweet Sunny South 475
401. Blue Ridge Mountain Blues 476
402. The North Carolina Hills 477
403. The Hills of Dan 478
404. Cindy 482
405. Dearest Mae 485
406. Massa Had a Yaller Gal 487
407. Nelly Bly 488
408. Oh, Susanna! 488
409. Nancy Till 491
410. Miss Julie Ann Glover 492
411. Kitty Wells 492
412. Ella Rhee 494
413. Clare de Kitchen 494
414. Jim Crack Corn 496
415. Lynchburg Town 498
416. My Long Tail Blue 502
417. My Ole Mistus Promised Me 502
418. Old Zip Coon 503
419. Camptown Races 504
420. Uncle Ned 505
421. Way Down on the Old Peedee 506
422. Shinbone Alley 50/
423. Some Folks Say that a Nigger Won't Steal 508
424. The Happy Coon 510
425. The Preacher and the Bear 511
426. I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago 512
427. Have a Little Banjo Beating 514
428. The Traveling Coon 515
429. The Voodoo Man 516
430. Ain't Gonna Rain No More 517
431. Ain't Got to Cry No More 519
432. Boil Them Cabbage Down 519
433. Broder Eton Got de Coon 519
434. Chicken 520
435. The Dummy Line 521
436. Eliza Jane (1) 522
437. Eliza Jane (II) 522
438. Everybody's Gal Is My Gal 523
439. Go 'Way from My Window 523
440. Here Lies de Body uv Po' Little Ben 523
441. I'm Going Down the Road Feeling Bad 524
442. I Could'n Live Bedout de Flowers 524
443. I'd Rather Be Dead 525
444. If You Want to Go to Heaven 525
445. I Had a Banjo Made of Gold 525
446. If You Meet a Woman in the Morning 526
447. If You Don't Believe I'm Sinking 526
448. I Got a Girl 527
449. I'm Gwine Away to Georgia 527
450. The Yaller Gal 527
451. I Went Down to My Gal's House Las' Night 528
452. Mama Don't Allow No Low Down Hanging Around 528
453. Negro Yodel Song 529
454. Oh, Dat Watermilion 529
455. One More River to Cross 530
456. Po' Liza Jane 530
457. Run, Nigger, Run 531
458. Sally Went to Preachin' 533
459. Saturday Night and Sunday Too 533
460. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain 534
461. Short'nin' Bread 535
462. Sing Polly Wolly Doodle 538
463. Stick My Head in a Paper Sack 539
464. That's Where My Money Goes 539
465. There Was a Watermelon 539
466. Train . . . Run So Fast 540
467. Two Little Niggers Black as Tar 540
468. Watermelon Hanging on the Vine 541
469. Way Down Yonder on Cedar Street 541
470. What You Gwine Do When the World's on Fire 542
471. Jigger, Rigger, Bumbo 542
472. Guinea Negro Song 543
473. White Folks Go To College 543
474. Cold Frosty Morning 543
475. Hung My Bucket on de White Folks' Fence 544
476. White Folks in the Parlor 544
477. White Gal, Yaller Gal, Black Gal 544
478. You Shall Be Free 547
479. Old Bee Makes de Honey Comb 548
480. Hard Times 549
481. Don't Like a Rich White Man Nohow 549
482. Sugar Babe 550
483. Rich Man Rides on a Pullman Car 551
484. I Don't Like a Nigger 551
485. Shady Grove 552
486. Fair Brown 553
487. Old Aunt Dinah 554
488. Apple Sauce and Butter 554
489. When I Die Don't Wear No Black 554
490. Rain Come Wet Me 555
491. We'll Have a Little Dance Tonight. Boys 555
492. Way Down Below 555
493. Railroad Dinah Gal 556
494. If I Had It You Could Get It 556
495. If I Die in Tennessee 557
496. Jinger Blue 557
497. Mammy in the Kitchen 558
498. I've Bin to the 'Bama and I Just Got Back 558
499. Raise a Ruckus Tonight 558
500. Georgia Buck 560
501. You've Got Your Big Gun, and I've Got Mine 562
502. Went Down Town 562
503. Standing on de Street Doin' No Harm 562
504. A Thirty-Two Special on a Forty-Four Frame 562
505. The California Blues 563
506. Oh! When a Man Get the Blues 563
507. I Got de Hezotation Stockings and de Hezotation Shoes 564
508. It's Raining Here 564
509. Nigger in the Woodpile 565
510. Share 'Em 565
511. The Preacher Song 565
512. Johnson's Mule 566
513. The Kicking Mule 567
514. The Billy Goat 568
515. The Cumberland Traveller 573
516. The Great Round-Up 573
517. Some of These Days 574
518. Long White Robe 575
519. There's a Little Hand Writing on the Wall 576
520. Ananias 577
521. The Gospel Pool 578
322. A Charge To Keep 579
523. Creation 580
524. Daniel in the Lion's Den 581
525. Departed Loved Onks 583
526. Dark Was the Night 584
526. Don't Take after Me 585
528. Drooping Souls, No Longer Grieve 586
529. The Gospel Train 588
530. Hicks' Farewell 589
531. If You Get There Before I Do 591
532. I'm Boun' to Cross the Jordan 591
533. 1 Am Going to Heaven 592
534. In the Valley 592
535. I've Got a Brother in the Snow-White Fields 593
536. Jacob's Ladder 594
537. Jesus Born in Bethlehem 595
538. John Saw the Holy Number 596
539. John Saw de Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand 597
540. Johnny Was a Baptist 597
541. The Little Black Train 598
542. The Lone Pilgrim S99
543. Mary Wore Three Links of Chain 600
544. Noah's Ark 601
545. Pharaoh's Army 602
546. Oh, They Put John on the Island 604
547. Rock of Ages 605
548. There Is No Place in the Height of Heaven 605
549. Ain't Goin' to Worry My Lord No More 606
550. All God's Chillun Got Shoes 607
551. All My Sins Been Taken Away 608
552. Angels Roll Dem Stones Away 609
553. As I Went Down in the Valley to Pray 610
554. Babe of Bethlehem 612
553. Baptist, Baptist Ls My Name 612
556. Bye and Bye 613
557. Cain and Abel 613
558. Can't Cross Jordan 613
559. Christ Was a Weary Traveler 614
560. City of Refuge 615
561. Come All You Friends and Neighbors 616
562. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 616
563. Dar'll Be No Distinction Dar 617
564. Didn't It Rain? 617
563. An English Orphan 618
566. Down by de Ribberside 619
567. Gwine Down to Jordan 620
568. God Is at de Pulpit 620
569. Going to Heaven by the Light of the Moon 621
570. Go Down, Moses 621
571. Golden Slippers 622
572. Good News — Chariot's Comin' 623
573. Good Lordy, Rocky My Soul 623
574. Good News Coming from Canaan 624
575. Go Wash in the Beautiful Stream 624
576. Gwine Down Jordan 624
577. Hear That Rumbling (I Heard a Mighty Rumbling) 625
578. He Never Said a Mumbling Word 626
579. Heaven Is a Beautiful Place 627
580. Hush, Little Baby 629
581. I Am Bound for the Promised Land 629
582. I Am Going Where the Blood Flows Stronger 630
583. I Belong to That Band 631
584. I Don't Love Old Satan 631
585. I Don't Sing Like I Used to Sing 632
586. I Do Wonder Is My Mother on That Train 632
587. I Got de Key of de Kingdom 634
588. I Have Long Since Been Learned 634
589. I Am Standing in the Shoes of John 635
590. I Don't Know When Old Death's Gwineter Call Me 635
591. I'm Goin' to Ride in Pharaoh's Chariot 636
592. I Mean to Go to Heaven Anyhow 636
593. Indian Song: Ah, Pore Sinner 637
594. I Picked My Banjo Too 637
595. I'se Gwine Land on Dat Shore 638
596. I Shall Not Be Blue 639
597. It's Good fuh Hab Some Patience 640
598. I Wanter Jine de Ban' 640
599. I Was Once in a Dark and Lonesome Valley 641
600. I Wonder as I Wander 641
601. Jekkel Walls 642
602. Jesus Christ I Want to Find 643
603. Jesus Says, 'You Goes and I Goes W'id Vou' 643
604. John He Baptized Jesus 644
605. John Jasper 644
606. Judgment Day Is Comin' 646
607. Lily White Robe 646
608. Little David 647
609. Little David, Play on your Harp 647
610. The Little Family 648
611. Mary Bowed 652
612. Moses Smote the Waters 653
613. And Must I Be to Judgement Brought? 653
614. The New Burying Ground 653
615. Nobody Knows 655
616. No Hidin' Place 655
617. No More! No More! 657
618. Oh, I Used to Drink Beer 657
619. Oh, Lord, I'se Stepping Higher 658
620. Oh, Heavens Shut the Gates on Me 658
621. O Lord, Won't You Come by Here? 658
622. Oh, See My Father Layin' There 658
623. The Old Ship of Zion 659
624. Old Satan's Mad 661
625. One of Tonight 663
626. On a Dark and Doleful Night 664
627. Our Fathers They'll Be There 665
628. Poor Old Lazarus 665
629. Red Sea 666
630. Rolled the Stone Away 666
631. Roll. Jordan, Roll 667
632. Rough, Rocky Road 668
633. Shout Along and Pray Along 668
634. Somebody's All de Time Talkin' 'bout Me 669
635. Somebody's Knockin' at Your Door 669
636. Soon as My Foot Struck Zion 670
637. Standing in the Need of Prayer 671
638. Sweet Heaven 672
639. Talk About Jesus 673
640. That Old Time Religion 674
641. There's a Little Wheel A-Ti'rning 675
642. Through the City Where He Rose 675
643. Tossed and Driven 676
644. Tree in Paradise 676
645. Two White Horses Side by Side 678
646. Way Over in the Promised Land 678
647. We Are Marching On 679
648. We Have Loved Ones Over Yonder 679
649. What You Gon'er Do That Day? 680
650. We'll Roll the Old Chariot Along 680
651. We'll Sail Away to Heaven 681
652. When I Was Lost in the Wilderness 682
653. When the World Is on Fire 682
654. Where My Lord Went to Pray 683
655. What Kind of Crowns Do the Angels Wear? 683
656. Wrestlin' Jacob 684
657. 'Zekiel'll Weep and 'Zekiel'll Moan 685
658. Cherokee Hymn 685
659. I Wonder Where's the Gambling Man
660. Old Scotch Drinking Song
661. Scottish Drinking Song
662. Come All Ye Young Ladies
663. The Drunkard's Home
664. I Have No Mother Now
665. I Have No Mother Now
666. I Have No Mother Now
667. Morality
668. The Old Armchair
669. Woodman, Spare That Tree
670. Chewing Gum Song
671. Mississippi Lawyer
672. Negro Song
673. Sally Ann
674. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star F-573 4I5
675. Lullaby F-574 4i6
676. Mr. Bull Frog F-575 417
677. Ridin' Of A Goat, Leadin' of a Sheep F-576 417
678. Trip, Play-Mo-Blay F-577 418
679. What Makes the Wild Cat Wild? F-578 419
680. The Keeper F-579 419
681. Venison F-580 420
682. Away on a Hill F-581 421
683. Childhood Days F-582 422
684. Enoch Arden F-583 422
685. Essie Dear F-584 423
686. Sweet Evelina F-585 424
687. Faithful Friend F-586 424
688. Flitting Away F-587 425
689. Goodbye F-588 427
690. Goodbye, John F-589 428
691. I'll Be All Smiles Tonight F-590 429
692. Lll Give You My Love F-591 430
693. I Loved You Better Than You Know F-592 430
694. In the Shadow of the Pines F-593 431
695. In the Shadow of the Pines F-594 433
696. I Want to Be Somebody's Darling F-595 434
697. Just Give Him One More as He Goes F-596 434
698. Leap Frog John F-597 435
699. The Letter That Never Came F-598 436
700. Little Bunch of Roses F-599 437
701. The Little Logwood Cabin F-600 437
702. The Little Log Cabin in the Lane F-601 439
703. LuLA Falls F-602 440
704. LuLA Wall F-603 441
705. Many Miles Apart F-604 442
706. Maple on the Hill F-605 443
707. Mary, Weep No More For Me F-606 443
708. Molly Darling F-607 444
709. Molly Darling F-608 445
710. My Hair Was Black as Ribbon F-609 446
711. My Pretty Quadroon F-610 446
712. Old and Gray F-611 447
713. The Old Stepstone F-612 448
714. Over the Garden Wall F-613 449
715. Pretty Bessie F-614 450
716. Riding in a Sleigh F-615 451
717. Rosalie, the Prairie Flower F-616 451
718. Sadie Ray F-617 452
719. Sadie Ray F-618 453
720. Seven Long Years F-619 453
721. Sparking on a Sunday Nightt
722. Standing by the Old Cabin Door
723. Standing by the Old Garden Gate
724. The Stars Shine Bright
725. Sunny Tennessee
726. Sweet Bunch of Daisies
727. Sweet Forget-Me-Not
728. Sweet Long Ago
729. Singing in the Lane
730. Surely I Can Do
731. Hole in the Bucket
732. Hop Along
733. I Don't Let the Girls Worry My Mind
734. Snuff Box
735. Behind Those Walls of Gray
736. Rainbow Division
737. When I Am Far Away
738. Coonshine
739. Dis Morning
740. Down at Widow Johnson's
741. Gwine 'Round Dis Mountain
742. Hikin' Down de Main Line
743. Honey Babe
744. How I Love Them Pretty Yellow Gals
745. Hump-back Mule
746. I'm Going Down the Mobile Line
747. I'm Going Home
748. I'se a-running
749. Mike and Jerry
750. The Nigger and the Bee
751. Oh! I Had a Good Woman
752. Old Folks Better Up and Git to Bed
753. Such a Gittin* Up-stairs
754. Yonder Come a Yaller Gal
755. Blow Gabriel
756. Drunkard's Dream
757. Dry Bones
758. Gimme Oil in My Lamp
759. Got to Cross Jordan
760. O Bear Me Away on Your Snowy White Wing
761. Oh, Where Shall I Be?
762. The Road Is Rocky
763. Star in the East
764. Storm Bird
765. Tell My Mother
766. There's a Place Prepared
767. Thorny Desert
768. Was You There When They Crucified Jesus?
769. The Watchman's Call
770. Way Back in Heaven
771. Wayfaring Stranger
772. When in Death I Calmly Recline
773. Wondrous Love
774. A Plea for Mercy
775. Hell Broke Loose in Georgia
776. Goodbye to the Cracking of the Pistols
777. Jimmie Suttonton
778. Blow the Man Down
779. Hanging Johnnie
780. Haul Away, Joe
781. Hullabaloo Balay
782. Lanky, Lucy, Lister
783. What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?
784. When Johnnie Comes Down to Hilo
785. Whiskey Johnny
786. No title
Children's Games and Rhymes
Index 687
Contributors to Volumes II and III 704
Supplementary List of Contributors 710
Herb Gatherers frontispiece
Cotton Pickers 244
Cypress Knees page 409
Sorghum Boiling facing page 460
Fishing in the Creek facing page 600
VOLUME II has a foreword for both the Ballads and the Songs. In the present volume of Songs, Nos. 1-327 are edited by Professor Belden; the remaining Songs, Nos. 328 to 658, by Professor Hudson.
Here it is proper to add only that as the work of printing has progressed a few irregularities have been noted and corrected, though doubtless others still remain. Dr. Schinhan tells me, moreover, that he will have additional texts taken from phonograph records, which were not available to the present editors, but which will be printed in volume IV. He will also have there some tunes for the Games described in volume I.
We can say now. with my Lord Chancellor. Francis Bacon: "Nothing is finished till all is finished." In the fifth volume we hope to gather the loose threads together for a final report.
ABFS American Ballads and Folk Songs. By John Avery Lomax and Alan Lomax. New York, 1934.
ABS American Ballads and Songs. By Louise Pound. New York, [1922].
AMS American Mountain Songs. By Ethel Park Richardson and Sigmund Spaeth. New York. [1927].
ANFS American Negro Folk-Songs. By Newman I. White. Cambridge [Mass.], 1928.
APPS The American Play-Party Song. By Benjamin A. Botkin. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1937.
AS American Speech. Baltimore, 1926 — .
ASB The American Songbag. By Carl Sandburg. New York, [1927].
Barry Folk Songs of the North Atlantic States. By Phillips Barry. Boston, 1908. Mimeographed.
BBM British Ballads from Maine. By Phillips Barry, Fannie H. Eckstorm, and Mary W. Smyth. New Haven, 1929.
BFSSNE Bulletin of the Folk-Song Society of the Northeast. Cambridge [Mass.], 1930-37.
BKH Ballads of the Kentucky Highlands. By Henry Harvey Fuson. London, 1931.
BMFSB Twenty-Nine Beech Mountain Folk Songs and Ballads. By Mellinger Henry and Maurice Matteson.
New York, 1936.
Botkin See APPS.
BSI Ballads and Songs of Indiana. By Paul G. Brewster, Bloomington, Indiana, 1940.
BSM Ballads and Songs Collected by the Missouri Folk-Lore Society. By H. M. Belden. Columbia, Missouri, 1940.
BSO Ballads and Songs from Ohio. By Mary O. Eddy. New York, [1939].
BSSB Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy. By Franz Rickaby. Cambridge [Mass.], 1926.
BSSM Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan. By Emelyn E. Gardner and Geraldine J. Chickering. Ann
Arbor, 1939.
BSSN Ballads and Sea Songs from Newfoundland. By Elizabeth Greenleaf [and] Grace Y. Mansfield. Cambridge [Mass.], 1933.
BSSNS Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia. By W. Roy MacKenzie. Cambridge [Mass.], 1928.
BTFLS Bulletin of the Tennessee Folklore Society. Maryville, Tenn., 1935 — .
CFLQ California Folklore Quarterly. 1942 — Christie Traditional Ballad Airs. By W. Christie. Edinburgh, 1876- 1881. 2 vols.
CS Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads. By J. A. Lomax and Alan Lomax. New York, 1938. (In
a few cases the earlier edition, 1910, is cited.;
CSV Country Songs of Vermont. By Helen H. Flanders [and] Helen Norfleet. New York, [1937].
DD Devil's Ditties. By Jean Thomas. Chicago, 1931.
Dean Flying Cloud and One Hundred and Fifty Other Old Time Songs and Ballads. By M. C. Dean. Virginia, Minn., n.d.
DESO Down-East Spirituals, and Others. By George Pullen Jackson. New York, [1943].
ECS English County Songs. By Lucy Broadwood and J. A. F. Maitland. London, 1893.
ETSC English Traditional Songs and Carols. By Lucy Broadwood. London, 1908.
ETWVMB East Tennessee and Western Virginia Mountain Ballads. By Celeste P. Cambiaire. London, 1935.
FB Frontier Ballads. By Charles J. Finger. New York, 1927.
Ford Traditional Music of America. By Ira W. Ford. New York, 1940.
FSA Folk-songs of America. By Robert W. Gordon. National Service Bureau, 1938.
FSE Folk-Songs of England. Ed. Cecil J. Sharp. Books I II, III, IV, V, various editors. London, 1908-12.
FSF Folksongs of Florida. By Alton C. Morris. Gainesville. 1950.
FSKH Folk-Songs from the Kentucky Highlands. By Josiah H. Combs. New York, 1939.
FSKM Folk-Songs of the Kentucky Mountains. By Josephine McGill. New York. | 1917].
FSM Folksongs of Mississippi and Their Background. By Arthur Palmer Hudson. Chapel Hill. N. C., 1936.
FSMEU Folk-Songs du Midi des Etats-Unis. By Josiah H. Combs. Paris, 1925.
FSMWV Folk-Songs Mainly fron West Virginia. By John H. Cox. National Service Bureau of the Federal
Theatre Project. W.P.A. New York. 1939.
FSN Folk Songs from Newfoundland. By Maud Karpeles London 1934
FSONE Folk Songs of Old New England. Eloise Hubbard Linscott. New York. 1939.
FSRA Folk-Songs of Roanoke and the Albemarh Louis W. Chappell. Alorgantown, W. Va.
FSS Folk-Songs of the South. By John Harrington Cox. Cambridge [Mass.], 1925.
FSSC Franklin Square Song Collection. Selected by McCaskey. New York. 1881-1891. 8 vols.'
FSSH Folk-Songs from the Southern Highlands. By Melinger E. Henry. New York, [1938].
FSSom Folk-Songs from Somerset. By Cecil J. Sharp and C. L. Marson. London, 1904-1909.
FSUT Folk Songs of the Upper Thames. By Alfred Williams. London, [1923].
FSV Folk-Songs of Virginia. A Descriptive Index. . By Arthur Kyle Davis. Jr. Durham, N. C. 1949.
FTM Folk Tunes from Mississippi. By Arthur Palmer Hudson and George Herzog. National Play Bureau
Publication No. 25. July 1937.
GGMS A Garland of Green Mountain Song. By Helen Hartness Flanders. Boston, 1934.
Gomme The Traditional Games of England. Scotland, and Ireland. By Alice Bertha Gomme. London. 1894-
GSAC Games and Songs of American Children. By William Wells Newell. New York. 1883: new and
enlarged ed., 1903. 1911.
Halliwell The Nursey Rhymes of England. By James Orchard Hal li well. London, 1842.
HFLB Hoosier Folklore Bulletin. Bloomington. Ind.. 1942-45. Thereafter: Hoosier Folklore. — HFL.
JAFL Journal of American Folklore. 1888 — .
JEFDSS The Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society. London, 193 1 — . Successor to JFSS.
JFSS The Journal of the Folk-Song Society. London, 1899-1931.
JISHS Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Springfield, 1908 — .
LL Last Leaves of Traditional Ballads and Ballad Airs. By Gavin Greig and Alexander Keith. [Aber-
deen], 1925.
LT Lonesome Tunes; Folk Songs from the Kentucky Mountains. By Loraine Wyman and Howard Brockway. New York, [1916].
MAFLS Memoirs of the American Folklore Society. No. xxix is 'Folk-Lore from Iowa,' by Earl J. Stout, 1936.
Mason Nursery Rhymes and Country Songs. By M. H. Mason. London, 1877.
McLendon A Finding List of Play-Party Games. By Altha Lea McLendon, SFLQ viii (1944). 201-34.
MLN Modern Language Notes. Baltimore, 1886 — .
MM Minstrelsy of Maine. By Fannie H. Eckstorm and Mary W. Smyth. Boston, 1937.
MMP Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania. By Henry W. Shoemaker. Philadelphia, 1931. A revision of Nlpl
MSHF More Songs of the Hill Folk. By John J. Niles. New York, [1936].
MSNC Mountain Songs of North Carolina. By Marshall Bartholomew and Susannah Wetmore. New York, 1926.
MWS Maine Woods Songster. By Phillips Barry. Cambridge [Mass.], 1939.
Newell See GSAC.
NGMS The Nezu Green Mountain Songster. By Helen Hartness Flanders, Elizabeth Flanders Ballard, George Brown, and Phillips Barry. New Haven, 1939-
NEFR Northall English Folk-Rhymes. By G. E. Northall. London, 1892.
NPM North Pennsylvania Minstrelsy. By Henry W. Shoemaker. 2nd ed., Altoona, Pa., 1923.
NS The Negro and His Songs. By Howard W. Odum and Guy B. Johnson. Chapel Hill, N. C, 1925.
NWS Negro Workaday Songs. By Howard W. Odum and Guy B. Jonhson. Chapel Hill. N. C, 1926.
NYFLQ New York Folklore Quarterly. 1945 — .
OASPS The Ozarks: An American Survival of Primitive Society. By Vance Randolph. New York, 1931.
OFS Ozark Folksongs. Collected and edited by Vance Randolph. Columbia. Mo., 1946, 1948, 1949. 1950. 4 vols.
OIFMS Old Irish Folk Music and Songs. By Patrick W. Joyce. London. 1909. 3 parts.
OMF Ozark Mountain Folk. By Vance Randolph. New York, 1932.
OHEFS One Hundred English Folk Songs. By Cecil J. Sharp. New York and Boston, [1916].
Ord The Bothy Songs and Ballads of Aberdeen, Banff and Moray, Angus and the Mearns. By John Ord. Paisley, [1930].
OSC Our Singing Country. By John A. Lomax, Alan Lomax, and Ruth Crawford Seeger. New York, 1941.
OSSG Old Songs and Singing Games. By Richard Chase. Chapel Hill, N. C, 1938.
Owens Swing and Turn: Texas Play-Party Songs. By William A. Owens. Dallas. 1936.
Ozark Life Ozark Life {Outdoors). Kingston, Ark., 1925-31.
PTFLS Publications of the Texas Folk-Lore Society. Austin, 1916 — .
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association. 1884—.
Pound Folk-Song of Nebraska and the Central West. A Syllabus. By Louise Pound. University of Nebraska, 1915. Nebraska Academy of Sciences Publications, vol. IX, no. 3.
Rinibault Nursery Rhymes, with Tunes. By Edward F. Rimbault. London, n.d.
SBML Songs and Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks. By Roland Palmer Gray. Cambridge [Mass.]. 1924.
SBNS Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia. By Helen Creighton. Toronto, [1932].
SCB South Carolina Ballads. By Reed Smith. [Mass.], 1928.
SCSM A Song Catcher in Southern Mountains. Dorothy Scarborough. New York, 1937.
SFLQ Southern Folklore Quarterly. Gainesville, Fla., 1937—-
SFSEA Spiritual Folk-Songs of Farly America. By George Pullen Jackson. New York, [1937].
SharpK English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians. By Cecil J. Sharp and Maud Karpeles. London, 1932. 2 vols.
Shearin A Syllabus of Kentucky Folk-Songs. By Herbert G. Shearin and Josiah Combs. Lexington. Ky., 1911.
Transylvania Studies in English II.
SHE Songs of the Hill-Folk. By John J. Niles. New York, [1934].
SMLJ Songs of the Michigan Lumberjacks. By Earl C. Beck. Ann Arbor, 1941.
SS Slai'e Songs of the United States. By William E. Allen. New York, 1867 (reprinted 1929).
SSSA Songs Sung in the Southern Appalachians. By Mellinger E. Henry. London, [1934].
Steely "The Folk-Songs of the Ebenezer Community." By Mercedes S. Steely. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of North Carolina, 1936.
Talley Negro Folk Rhymes. By Thomas W. Talley. New York, 1922.
TBmWV Traditional Ballads mainly from West Virginia. By John Harrington Cox. National Service Bureau, 1939-
TBV Traditional Ballads of Virginia. By Arthur Kyle Davis. Cambridge [Mass.], 1929.
TKMS Twenty Kentucky Mountain Songs. By Loraine Wyman and Howard Brockway. Boston, [1920].
TNFS On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs. By Dorothy Scarborough. Cambridge [Mass.], 1925.
TSSI Tales and Songs of Southern Illinois. By Charles Neely. Menasha, Wis., 1938.
landers and George Brown. Brattleboro, Vt., 1932. 2nd ed.
WNS IVhite and Negro Spirituals. By George Pullen Jackson. New York, [1944].
Wolford Tlie Play-Party in Indiana. By Leah J. Wolford. Indianapolis, 1916.
WSSU White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands. By George Pullen Jackson. Chapel Hill, N. C, 1933.
N.C.K.. Vol. III, (3 ) SONGS
THE DISTINCTION between ballads— as folklorists now use the term — and other types of folk song was first formulated, so far as I know, by the eighteenth-century poet William Shenstone, Percy's friend and adviser in editing the Reliques. He wrote to Percy in 1761 : "It is become habitual to me, to call that a ballad, which describes or implies some Action; on the other hand, I term that a Song, which contains only an expression of Sentiment." In arranging the contents of the Brown Collection we have decided to follow this principle. But it has been found necessary to apply the terms in a very elastic spirit. In scores, perhaps hundreds, of instances there are hints, traces of action, but no definite story is told. The composite and desultory character of a great deal of traditional folk song makes a strictly logical classification of the items impossible. But the items must be placed in some order. If a given piece is found among the ballads when it seems to be rather merely a song, or vice versa — if the placing of items seems some- times merely arbitrary — we must plead necessity.
Editor's titles are shown in italics. Numhcrs following semicolon refer to pages. All the titles of songs mentioned in headnotes are indicated by parenthesized numbers. An asterisk before a title denotes that the music for that ballad or song (or some form of it) may be found in Volume V.
Adam and Eve 53B; 84
Adam Was the First Man 342A; 402
Advice to Sinners 64 ; 95
Ain't I Glad the Old Sow's Dead 461 I; 537
Ain't Goin to Worry My Lord No More 549; 606
Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' 430E; 518
Ain't Gonna Rain No More 430; 517
Ain't Got to Cry No More 431; 519
All Around de Ring, Miss Julie 106; 140
All Around the Mountain, Charming Betsy 256: 297
All God's Chillun Got Shoes 550, 550A; 607
All My Sins Been Taken Away 551 : 608
Alphabet of the Ship 22q: 259
Ananias 520, 520B ; 576 f.
And Must I Be to Judgment Brought? 613; 653
Angels Roll Dem Stones Away 552; 609
Animal fair. The 180; 219
Apple Sauce and Butter 488 ; 554
Applesauce and Butter Spread out on the Floor 488 ; 554
Arkansas Traveler (I) 330; 381
Arkansas Traveler (II) 331; 331A; 382
As I Walked Out Last Christmas Day 258B; 301
As I Went Down in the Valley to Pray 553 ; 610
As I Went Up the Sil'er Lake 188: 225
Away Out on the Mountain 318; 371
Babe of Bethlehem 554; 612
Banbury Cross 140; 188
Banjo Sam 182A; 221
Banjo Tramp 362; 429
Baptist, Baptist Is My Name 555; 612
Barnyard Song 124: 172
Be Home Early 27; 53
Beef steak When I'm Hungry 404B; 483
Bessie, or the Drunkard's Daughter 25A; 50
Big Black Nigger Black as Tar 467B; 540
Big Fine House in Baltimore 111F; 145
Billie Boy 121 C ; 169
Billy 288 A B ; 342 f.
Billy Boy 121, 121B, 307 A; 166, 168, 361
Billy Coat, 'The 514; 568
Billy Goat Was Feeling Fine, A 514; 568
Billy My Darling 288; 342
Bingo 137; 187
Bird Song 152D ; 200
Birds Courting 152; 199
Birds in the Cage 282C; 331
Birmingham Jail 281 B; 330
Black-Eyed Daisy, The 310; 366
Black-Eyed Susie 311, 311 A; 366
Black-Eyed Susy 311B; 366
Black Sheep. Black Sheep, Where'd You Leave Your Lamb? 117B ; 153; 688
Blackbird and the Crow, The 156C; 204
Bluc-Eyed Boy, The 227; 257AB; 298
Blue-Eyed Girl, The 286 D; 341
Blue Ridge Mountain Blues 401 ; 476
Blue Yodel 339B ; 396
Blue Yodel Number Five 508; 564
Blue Yodel Number Four 505; 563
Boat, A Boat Across the Ferry, A 225; 257
Boating Song 222 ; 255
Bob Ingersoll and the Devil 348; 408
Bobby Shaftoe 132; 183
Boil Them Cabbage Dozen 432; 519
Boll Weevil Blues 214, 214AB; 245 f-
Bonnie Blue Eyes 284, 284A-D; 334 ff.
Bonny Blue Flag, The 379: 451
Bright Sherman Valley 260F ; 306
Broder Eton Got de Coon 433 ; 519
Broom Field Town 49A ; 78
Brother Green 393, 393AB ; 468 f.
Buffalo Gals 81 ; 114
Bugle, Oh! 197; 234
Bury Me in the Garden 266; 313
Bury Me in the Garden, Mother 266; 314
Bushzvhaeker's Song 383 ; 458
By By, My Honey 306; 360
Bye and Bye 556; 613
Bye Baby Bunting 112; 148
Cain and Abel 557; 613
California Blues. The 505 ; 563
Call My Little Dog 138; 187
Calomel 334; 389
Camptozvn Races 419; 504
Can I Sleep in Your Barn Tonight, Mister? 356B ; 422
Can't Cross Jordan 558, 558A ; 613
Captain Jenks S4; 119
Card-Player's Song, A 50B ; 81
Carolina Crezy, The 328 ; 380
Catfish. The 182, 182B-D; 220 f.
Charge to Keep, A 522 ; 579
Charming Betsy 256B ; 297
Charming Betty 256A ; 297
Charming Billy 121A; 167
Cherokee Hymn 658 ; 685
Chicken 434; 520
Chicken in the Bread Tray 158;
Chickens A-Crowing in the Sourwood Mountains 251H; 284
Christ Was a Weary Traveller 559; 614
Cindy 404, 404CD ; 482, 484
City of Refuge 560; 615
Civil War Song 378C ; 450
Clare de Kitchen 413; 494
Clear the Kitchen 413B; 495
Climb Up Jacob's Ladder 536B ; 594
Climbin' Up Jacob's Ladder 527A ; 585
Cobbler, The 149; 196
Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees 78 ; no
Cold Frosty Morning 474; 543
Cold Mountains 277; 325
Colonel Harry, He Was Scared 371 ; 441
Come All Ye Extanded Fair Ladies 254E ; 292
Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies 254D ; 292
Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies 254C ; 291
Conie All You Friends and Neighbors 561 ; 616
Come Away from That Old Man 208 ; 240
Come On, Chillun, Won't You Come Along ? 499C ; 560
Come, Rain, Come 385; 460
Come, Says Harry 125E; 176
Come, Thou Fount of Ev'cry Blessing 572; 616
Come to Shuck Dat Corn Tonight 198; 234
Corn Husking Song 207 ; 240
Corn Shucking Song 202 ; 237
Corn Shucking Song 194C. 197. 108. 201 ; 231, 234. 227
Corn Shucking Song; Blow, Horn, Blow 196A 233
Cornbread Whne I'm Hungry 211, 221A; 341
Courting Cage, The 3; 10
Courting Case, The 110)
Courtin' Song 15; 27
Cradle Song 114. 117A; 146,
Creation 523; 580
Cripple Creek 299, 299 1'.; 354
Crow and the Weasel. The 120 5
Crow He Pecked at the Wca The 157 ; 205
Cuckoo Is a Pretty Little H 248E; 273
Cumberland Gap 329; 381
Cumberland Traveller, The 5
Daisy 78 A ; no
Daniel in the Lion's Pen 524: 581
Dark and Stormy Night 20B ; 43
Dark is the Night 526B; 584
Dark Was the Night 526; 584
Darling Little Pink 287; 342
Darling. ]'ou Can't Lore but One
103; 137
Dar'll Be No Distinetion Par
563: 617
*Dearesf Mae 405 ; 485
Departed Loved Ones 525 ; 583
Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again
523B; 580
Deserter's Song 384; 459
*Didn't It Rainf 564, 564C ; 617 f.
*Doctor Jones 90; 127
Dodgers. The 333: 387
Docs Your Mother A';u»n.' )'ou're
Out? 398; 473
Dogs in the Alley. I'he 127; 177
*Dolly-Play Song. The 9O ; 131
Don't Cry 71 ; 104
Don't Go Out Tonight. My Dar-
ling 26, 26A-C; 51 ff.
Don't Like a Rich While Man
Nohozv 481 ; 549
Don't Slav after Ten 16, 16A ; 28
♦Don't Teli Pa 307CDH : 362 f.
Don't ]'ou Grieve after Me 527;
iiin, * Don't You Sec (Poor Old Laz-
arus ) 628 ; 665
*Diin-n by tie Ixihbcrsidc 566; 619
Down by tlie Weeping Willow
2C)7J : 317
Dozen by the Weeping Willozv
'Tree 268 ; 3 1 7
*Down in tlie \alley U> Pray
5 53 A : ()i()
*Do-wn in the I 'alley I IHrminghnm
Jail) 281, 281 A; 330
Dozen on the Farm 210, 210A-E;
241 f.
Down to Lynchburg Town 415D;
*Down under the Hill 41 ; 72
Drinking Song 38C ; 70
Drinking Jl'ine 48; 78
Drooping Souls, No Longer Griez'c
528: 586
Drunkard. A 28B ; 55
Drunkard's Courtship (10)
*Drunkard's Doom, The 21 ; 44
* Drunkard's Dream. The (I) 22.
22A-E; 45 ff.
Drunkard's Dream. The (Uj 23;
Drunkard's Hell, The 20, 20AD ;
42. 44
Drunkard's Lone Child. The 25 ;
Drunkard's Love Child, The 25C ;
Drunkard's Song, A 39A ; 71
♦Drunkard's Wife, The 28C ; 56
Duke of Buckingham, The 218;
*Duke of York, The 99: 135
*Dummy Line, The 435; 521
Durham Jail 354; 419
Dying frotn ILnne and Lost 61 ;
*J)vin(/ Llobo, 'Lhe 360, 360AC :
427 f.
*Larly One .\h>rning in the Month
of July 377 ; 499
Eastern Hobo, The 360B ; 428
Eli::a Jane (I) 436; 522
Hlica Jane (II ) 437 ; 522
Ella Rliee 412 ; 494
690 1 N
English Orphan. An 565, 565A ;
Everybody's Gal Is My Gal 438;
Eair Brown 486 ; 553
Fair Mona 499 A ; 559
False Truc-Lovcr, The 258; 299
Far Back in My Childhood 31 A;
*I-arc Yon Well. My Otcn True
l.ove 109; 142
Farmer Boy, A 17FS; 31. 36
Farmer Boy. The 88C ; 125
Farmer Boy for Me 17G; 32
* farmers Boy, The 88, 88ABD ;
Farmer's Wife I'll Be 17I: 33
Father, Dear Father, Come Home
with Me Now 24AB: 49
father, Dear father. Come ifith
Me Now 24 ; 48
Fishing Song 226 ; 257
flora MaeDonald's Lament 368:
/'7.V Around. My Blue-Eyed Girl
286; 339
Fly Around, My Pretty Little
Miss 286C; 340
foggy Mountain Top. The 365;
For Six Days 228; 258
for Six Days Do All That Thou
Art Able 228; 258
Forsaken Lover 248 A ; 271
Forty Years Ago 335C ; 392
Fox 129D ; 180
*fox and the Goose. The 129,
129AE; 178. 180
*Frail Wildwood Flower, The
263C; 311
*Free a Little Bird 255H ; 296
Frog and the Mouse 120I; 160
Frog Courtship 120Q; 162
♦Frog Went A-Courtin', A 120A,
120P; 154, 162
*Frog Went A-Courting 120BDE
158 f., 161 f.. 163 f.
Froggie Went A-Courting 120Y;
Froggy Went A-Courtin' 120G;
frog's Courtship, The 120; 154
Funeral Song of Uncle Ananias
520A; 576
Garden Gate. The 319; 3-2
*Georgia Buck 500, 500ABC ; 560 fiF.
Get Along Down Town 415; 499
Get Along, John, the Day's
il'ork's Done 160; 206
Get Along, Sindy 404E ; 484
*Get on Down to Richmond Town
415A; 498
Gideon's Band 544A ; 601
Git Along Down Town 415G;
Git Along Home, Cindy 402G
*Go Dozen. Moses 570; 621
Go Tell Aunt Patsy 128; 177
Go to Sleep 115C; (151)
Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep 115D;
Go to Sleep. My Little Pick-
aninny 116, I16B ; 151 f.
Go li'ash in the Beautiful Stream
575 : 624
Go 'li'ay from My Windon' 439;
God Bless the Ocean 485B; 552
God Is at de Pulpit 568 ; 620
*God Pity Bessie, the Drunkard's
Lone Child 25B ; 51
Going Back West 'fore Long 296;
Going Down to Town 415H; 501
*Going to Georgia 248 B ; 271
*Going to Heaven by the Light of
the Moon 569; 621
Going Up 571 ; 622
* Golden Slippers 571 ; 622
Good Lordy. Rocky My Soul 573;
*Good Nezi.'s — Chariot's Comin
572; 623
Good News Coming from Canaan
574: 624
*Good Old Rebel. The 391 : 464
Goodbye. Little Girl. Goodbye
271; 319
*Goodbye. My Blue Bell 395; 471
Goodbye, My Lover, Coodbyc 274,
274B ; Z22 i.
Gospel Pool, The 521 ; 578
Gospel Train, The 529; 588
♦Grandma Grunts 145; 194
Great Romni-Gp, The 516; ~,j:s
♦Green Grows tlic Wild Olive
280C: 329
*Groun' Hog. The 221 C; 255
♦Ground Hog 194F. 221 AB: 22,2,
253 f-
*Grouiid Hog, The 221 ; 253
*-Gumea Negro Song 472; 542
Guiiitree Ganoe, The 269; 318
*Gzcine Dozen Jordan 576 ; 624
Gzcine Dozvn to Jordan 567 ; 620
Had a Pie 89D ; 127
Hand Me Doini My Walking
Gane 363. 363AB; 430 f.
Hang John Brown on the Sour
Apple Tree 378B ; 450
Happy Goon, The 424; 510
Happy Little Negro 468; 540
*Hard Times 332, 332A-D. 480:
385 ff.. 549
Harness Gp Vo' Hosses 373; 442
Haul, Haul, Haul, Boys 226; 257
*Have a Little Banjo Beating 427 ;
*He Xezrr Game Back 394 ; 470
He Sez'er Said a Mumbling Word
578; 626
*Hear That Runibling (I Heard a
Mighty Kumbliixj) ^~~. 577A ;
*Heathen Ghinese. The 233; 261
Heaven Is a Beautiful Place 579;
♦Heaven Is a Beautiful Place. I
Know 579B : 628
Here Gomes Three Laziyers 68 ;
Here, Join, Here 207: 240
Here Lies de Body uv Po' Little
Ben 440; 523
Here We Go in Mourning 72; 105
Hi Vo Boat Rozi' 223; 256
Hic'.s' Farewell 530; 589
Hidden Still, The 41 ; 72
Hidi Quill LodI Ouili 206; 239
Hii/h-Topped Shoes 301, 301 1?;
355 f.
Hills of Pan, The 403; 478
Homespun Press, The 380; 453
♦//()/> /./■(//;/. Ladies 85. 85A : 119 f.
♦Hop Up de Doodle 474B ; 543
* Housekeeper's I ragedy, A 312,
312A ; 367
*Hozv I Loz-e the Old Black Gat
147: 195
*Humble Tanner, The 213; 244
*Hung My Bucket on de White
Folks' Pence 475; 544
Hunks of Pudding and Pieces of
Pie 89C: 127
♦Hus Keep uh-Rollin' 614A; 654
Hush, Honey, Hush 118; 153
Hush, Little Baby 580; 629
Hush. Oh. Baby," Don't You Cry
580 ; 629
♦Hush-a-By 115A: 150
Hush-a-Bye, Don't You Gry 115:
♦/ Ain't A-Gonna Work a No
Mo' 242; 268
/ Am Bound for the Promised
Land 581 ; 629
/ .tni Going to Heaven 533; 592
/ .-/;;/ Going li'here the Blond
Tlozi's Stronger 582 ; 630
♦/ Am Standing in the Shoes of
John 589; 635
*/ Been a Miner 240 : 267
/ Belong to That Band 583; 631
♦I Bought Me a Hen 124ABC;
172 f.
/ Gouldn'f Live Without de h'lozi--
ers 442 : 524
I Do Like Sugar in My Cofifec
92 A ; 129
/ Do Love Sugar in My Goffee
O 92; 129
/ Do Wonder L<; My Mother on
That Train 586 ; 632
/ Pon't Knozv When Old Death's
Gzi-nne ter Gall Me 590; 635
/ Pon't Like a Nigger 484; 551
♦/ Don't Love Old Satan 584: 631
/ Don't Sing Like I Gsed to Sim/
585; 632
692 I N
*/ Got a Girl 448; 527
*I Got a Long. Tall Valler Gal
450B; 527
*/ Got dc Hcaotation Stockings
and dc Hczotation Shoes 507 ;
/ Got dc Key of dc Kingdom 587 ;
/ Got Mine 52 : 82
/ Had a Banjo Made of Gold
445; 525
I Had a Dog and His Name Was
Blue 220; 252
I Had a Little Hen 124D; 173
/ Had a Little Horse IVhosc
Xanic IVas Jack 176: 217
*I Had a Little Ship 35oH ; 415
/ Have a Father in My Native
Land 231 ; 260
*I Have a Ship on the Ocean
350G: 415
*/ Ha7r Long Since Been Learned
588; 634
*I Heard a Mighty Lumbering
577C; 626
/ Lay Around the Old Jail House
(John- C. Britton) 364; 431
*I Love Coffee, I Love Tea
91ABD; 128 f.
I Love Little Willie 307BF ;
361 f.
/ Love Little Willie. I Do,
Mamma 307 ; 361
/ Mean to Go to Heaven Auyhozc
592; 636
/ Never Will Turn Back Any
More 345 : 404
I Once Had a Sweetheart 280B ;
/ Picked My Banjo Too 594 ; 637
/ Sent My Love a Letter 282;
/ Shall Not Be Blue 596; 639
I Shall Not Be Moved 596B ; 639
/ W^anf to Go to Baltiinorc loi ;
*/ JVanter Jinc dc Ban' 598; 640
I Was Born About a Thousand
Years Ago 426C ; 513
/ Was Born About Ten Thousand
Years Ago 426. 426A ; 512
*I Was Born Ten Thousand Years
Ago 426B: 513
/ Was Once in a I}ark and Lone-
some J 'alley 599; 641
*/ Went Dozen to My Gul's House
Las' Night 451 ; 528
I Went Down to Suckie's House
123A; 171
/ JVcnt Dozen to the Loze Ground
187; 225
I Went to See My Susan 426D ;
I Wish I Had a Great Big House
41 4C; 497
I Wish I Had a Pig and a Pen
iiiD; 144
/ Wish I Was a Single Girl
Again 28; 54
*I Wish I Was Single Again
19BDEGI ; 38 f.
*I Wish I Were Single Again
28A: 54
*/ Wish My Captain Would Go
Blind 244 ; 268
*/ Wish That Girl Was Mine 298;
*I Wonder as I Wander 600; 641
/ Wondered and I Jl'andered 315;
I Won't Marry at All 17JK; 33 f.
I Would Not Marry an Old Man
17N: 34
*/ Wouldn't Marry 17, 17DEQR:
30 f., 35
I Wouldn't Marrv an Old Maid
I Wnitc My Love a Letter 282 B ;
*/'(/ Rather Be Dead 443; 525
If iiiC ; 144
*If Amid the Din of Battle 390D ;
// / L)ic i)t 'Tennessee 495 ; 557
// / Had It )'ou Could Get It
494; 556
If Religion Was a Thing That
Money Could Buy 341C; 401
// the Seaboard Train IVrecks I
Got a Mule to Ride 237; 266
*// )'ou Don't Hclicve I'm Sink-
ing 447 ; 526
// )\>ii (,'.•/ Tlu-rr nch'rr I Do
531 : 5"!
*// )\>ii Mi-rt >i U'lniiiiii ill tin-
M oninui 446 ; ~,2U
If )'ot( li'aiif til (ill .l-Ci>urtin'
// ]'oi( Want III (,'11 III lli-aii'ii
444: 5-^5
*It You Will Only \W My I'.rick-
/'// /•')>.■ Pis 'I'l-ip 222; 255
*/•// //<;;/,</ .1/v //</r/i on a Willow
I'rcc 239. 259AI!: 304 f.
*/'// \crcr Get Drunk Any More
36. 36ACD; 65 ff.
♦I'll Put My Knapsack on My
Back 78G; 112
/'// Tell Your Daddy 100 ; 136
*rni Alone 31 B ; 60
I'm Alone. All Alom 31 ; 60
*Vn\ as Free a Little Bird as I
Can Be 255FG; 296
/';;; Bonn to Cross the Jordan
532: 591
I'm Climbing Up Zion's Hill
624C ; 662
*rm Determined to Be an ( )ld
Maid 17HL; 32, 34
*/'»( Cioin' to Ride in Pharaoh's
Chariot 591 ; 636
*/'»; Coiiig Douni the Road Teel-
iiui Bad 441 ; 524
*rm Going over Rocky Mountain
278B; 327
I'm Going to 73C ; 107
*/'»; Cwinc Azi-ay to Georgia 449;
I'm My Mammy's Youngest Child
107B; 140
*rm My Mammy's \'(iungcst Son
1 07 A; 140
/';» 'I'ired of Living Alone 2~2\
I'm Troubled 290B ; 345
In and Out the Window 76: 108
In the Merry (ireen Fields of
Ireland 125B ; 175
/;/ the Fines Where the Sun
Xe-i'er Shines 283 ; 332
*Iu the J 'alley 534; 592
Inconstant Lover, The 248; 271
Indian HiDiter. 'the 270; 311)
* Indian Song: .Ih, Lore Si)iner
503: (^37
Indian Sont; : Let Me Cn> 270;
I'se (]\vine Down to Town 415F;
I'se Gieine Land on Dat Shore
595; 638
I'se (iwine to Live in de Harvest
39C; 71
*lt Ain't er Gwiiie ter Rain 43()A ;
It Ain't No Harm to Trust in
Jesus 529B ; 589
*It Takes a Long, Tall, Slim Black
Man 450C ; 528
*Italy iiiE; 145
It's All Night Long 170 ; 214
It's Good fuh Hah Some Patience
597; 640
It's Raining Here 508; 564
*rve Been Working on the Rail-
road 234A ; 262
*/'7r Bin to the 'Bama and I Just
Got Back 498; 558
I've Got a Brother in the Snozv-
IVhite Fields 535 : 593
I've Gut a Master and I .Im His
Man 148: 196
I've Got a New Sweetheart 307I ;
Jack-a-Maria 134; 185
*Jack of Diamonds so. soACD ;
80 f.
Jacob's Dream 536A ; 594
^Jacob's Ladder 536, 536C ; 594 f.
Jacob's Ladder 527 B ; 586
Jaybird. The 153 ; 201
*Jaybird and the Sparrow, The
89 F; 127
Jaybird Died with the Whooi)ing-
cough 1 53 AH ; 201
Jaybird Up in the 'Sinunon 'Tree
155. 1 55 A; 203
Jeff Dazns Rode a White Horse
387; 461
Jekkel Walls 601 ; 642
Jennie Jenkins 69, 69B ; 102
Jenny Jenkins 69C ; 103
Jesus Born in Bethlehem 537; 595
Jesus Christ I Want to find 602;
*Jesus Lover of My Soul 347 ; 408
Jesus Says, ')'ou Goes and I Goes
li'id You' 603 ; 643
Jigger, Rigger, Bumbo 471 ; 542
Jim Crack Corn 414, 414ABDE;
496 ff.
Jimmy My Riley 195; 232
Jinger Blue 496 ; 557
*John Brown Had a Little Injun
136, 136A; 186 f.
John Brown's Body 378, 378A ;
449 f-
*John He Baptized Jesus 604; 644
*John Jasper 605, 605A ; 644 f.
John, John, John 100; 136
*John Sazv de Hundred and Forty-
Four Thousand 539; 597
John Saiv the Holy Number 538 ;
*Johnny Was a Baptist 540; 597
*Johnson Boys 338. 338ABC ; 394 f.
*Johnson's Mule 512; 566
Johnston Boys They Went A-
Courting, The 338D ; 395
* J oily Soldier, The 367 ; 437
Jolly Thrasher 58; 90
Jonah 346E ; 407
* Jonah and the Whale 346, 346A-D ;
405 ff.
Jonah Fishing for a Whale 184;
Josephus and Bohunkus 321 ; 372
Journeyman, The 49, 49C ; 78, 80
Judgment Da\ Is Cotnin' 606;
Judie My Whiskey Tickler 35; 64
*Julie Jenkins 69A ; 102
*Just Down to the Gate 319; 372
*Just Kick the Dust Over My
Coffin 40; J2
*Katy Kline 255CDE; 295
Keemo-Kinio 120 App. ; 166
*Kicking Mule, The 513; 567
*Kind Sir, I See You've Come
Again 3A ; 11
Kindling Wood 324; 375
* Kissing Song 313; 368
♦Kitchie Ki-Me-O 120 App.; 165
Kitten Is under the Sod, The 179;
Kitty Alone 114 ; 149
*Kitty Kline 255, 255AB; 293 f.
*Kitty Wells 409, 409A-M, 411,
411A-M ; 492 f.
Laura Lee 102A ; 137
Laurie Lee 17A; 30
Lavender Girl 245 ; 268
* Leather Breeches 322; 374
Leave for Texas, Leave for Ten-
nessee 339; 395
Like an Ozcl in the Desert 304 ;
*Li'l Liza Jane 436; 522
Lily White Robe 607 ; 646
Lips That Touch Liquor, The
30B; 59
Lips That Touch Liquor Must
Never Touch Mine, The 30; 57
Lips That Touch Liquor Shall
Never Touch Mine, The 30A ;
*Littlc Alabama Coon 116A; 151
Little Birdie in the Tree 146; 195
Little Black Train, The 541 ; 598
Little Black Train Is A-Coming
541 : 598
Little Brozen Hands 327 ; syy
*Little Broun Jug 2,;^, 33A-DF;
62 f.
Little David 608; 647
* Little David, Play on Your Harp
609 ; 647
Little Familv, The 610, 610A;
648 f.
*Little Family of l'>ethany, Tlie
610B; 652
/./'///(' Light in Mexico 79; 112
♦Little Johnny Miller 75C ; 108
Little Lonely Valley 260D ; 306
♦Little More Cider,' A 46ABDF:
75 f.
Little More Cider Sweet, A 46E ;
Little More Cider Too, .{ 46 ; 75
♦Little More Sugar in .My Coffee,
A 92B ; 129
Little Red Caboose lU-hind the
Train, The 235; 263
69 =
*/.(///(' Sparrozc J54, 254AB ; 290 f.
i,ittlc Sparrow 248 1' ; 274
♦Little Turtle Dove 249: 274
♦Liza Jane 437; 522
Logging Song 494; 556
*Louc Pihirim. The 54^. 54-'A ;
*Loucsoinc Dove. The 305; 359
♦Lonesome Pine. The 283C ; 334
Lonesome Road 292. 292A ; 347
*l.o}ui IVIiite Rohe 518: 575
♦Look Up, Look Down That Lone-
some Road 292 B ; 348
*Lord. 1 Ne7'er Will Come luieic
No Mo' 349: 409
Lords of Creation, The 308; 363
♦Love Somebody 106C
Lovely Emma 250F ; 279
Lticindy. Won't )'ou Marry Me.^
6; 14
Litlii 183; 222
*L\nchbnry Total 415, 415CE;
498, 500 f.
Madam, I Am Come A-Courting
8: 17
Madam. I Have Cold and ."stiver
12; 23
MadamMozcllc.Tvc Come Court-
imi 4: 13
*Madam. Will ]'ou Walk? 2. 2AB;
9 f-
Mamma Don't Allow No Lozv
Doii'n Hanqinq Around 452;
*Mammy in the Kitehen 497; 558
♦Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn
216; 247
Man Who Wouldn't Hoe His
Com. The 216 ; 247
Marching round the Levee (109)
♦Marching round the Love-Ring
76; 109
Marster Had a Yallcr Gal 406B ;
♦Martha and Mary 610C; 652
.\fary Bozved 61 1 ; 652
♦Mary Wore a Golden Chain
543B; 601
*Mary Wore Three Links of Chain
543; 600
Massa Bought a ^'aller Gal 406A ;
Massa Had a ]'aller Cat 406; 487
Master Had an Old Black Hen
1 59 ; 206
May I Sleep in \'(iur Barn To-
night, Kind Mister? 356A ; 420
May I .S'leef> in ]'our Ham To-
niijht. Mister? 356, 356C ; 420,
*McDonald's Tarm 125, 125A; 174
♦Me and My Sister, We Fell Out
91 E; 129
Meditations of an Old Hachclor
57; 88
Meet Me by the Moonlight 350I5E ;
412, 414
♦Meet Me in the Moonlight 350A
DI; 411, 413, 415
Meet Me Tonight 350F ; 415
♦Merry Green Fields of the Low
Lands, The 125D ; 176
Mexican War 79; 113
Midniijht Dezv, The 285; a7
Miller Boy. The 74, 74AB; 108
Miss Jennia Jones (102)
*Miss Julie Ann Clozrr 410; 492
Miss. Will You Haz'e a Farmer's
Son? 5 ; 14
Mobilinc 283B ; 334
*Mole in the Cround 173; 215
Monkey Married a Baboon's Sis-
ter 181 C ; 220
Monkey Married the Baboon's
Sister. The 181. 181 AB; 219 f.
Moonshine 42 ; 73
Moonshiner's Dream 355 ; 420
*Moses Smote the Waters 612;
649. 653
Most Done Suflfering 632C; 668
Mother. May I Co Out to Sicim?
325; 376
Mr. Carter no; 142
Mr. Frog Went A-Courting
120V ; 163
Mr. Rabbit 167I ; 213
Mr. Revel 141A; 189
.\fr. Squirrel 171 ; 214
}fusf I Co to Old Virginia? 279;
*My Darling Little Pink 78D.
287; III, 34^
My Father and Mother were
Irish 80B ; 113
My Father Was a Spanish Mer-
chant (25)
My Howe's Across the Smoky
Mountains 278. 278A ; 326
My Horses Ain't Hungry 250C ;
My Long Tail Blue 416; 502
*My Mammy Don't Love Me 314:
*M\ Mammx Told Me 316, 316A
BC: 370
My Martha Ann 300 ; 355
My Name Is Dinah 324A ; 375
*My Name Is Dinah from South
Carolina 324B ; 375
My Old Sow's Nose 177; 218
My Ole Mistus Promised Me
417; 502
*Xancy Till 409. 409AB ; 491
Napper 123B ; 171
*Needle's Eye, The 74; 107
Negro Cotton-Picker 211; 243
Negro Fragment 37C. 536D, 551,
552, 563, 564AD, 568, 592. 602,
603. 606; 68, 595, 609, 610, 617,
618, 620, 636, 643, 646
*Negro Hollow 487; 554
*Negro Song 141B, 462. 481: 189,
538, 549
Negro Yodel Song 453 ; 529
Neighbor Jones 144; I93
Nelly Bly 407 ; 488
*Never Mind 644C ; 677
Never Mind )'our Knal^saek 382;
*Nezv Bur\inq (irou)ul. The 614,
*New River Train 103; 137
Nigger in the Woodpile 509 ; 565
Nightingale, The (24)
Ninety-Nine Blue Bottles 190;
*No Hidin Place 616; 655
No More! No More! 617; 657
*No, Sir 14. 14BD; 25, 27
Noah's Ark 544; 601
Nobody Knows 615; 655
North Carolina Hills, The 402;
O Brother Green, Come to Me
393C; 470
O Lord. Won't ]'ou Come by
Here/ 621 ; 658
O No, John 14A ; 26
O, Ship of Zion 460; 534
O, the Dogs in the Alley 127
*0 When I Die Don't Bury Me
Dce(y 455
*0 When I Die Don't Bury Me
Deep 38F ; 70
Obey 308 ; 363
*0h. Dot li'aterniilion 454, 454B ;
*Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter
Be? 122, 122AB ; 170
Oh, Don't Stay after Ten 16B;
*0h, Goodbye, Babe, Forever More
37B; 68'
*Oh, Grandma Had Some Very
Fine Geese 125C; 176
Oh. Honey. Where ]'ou Been So
Long? 317: 371
Oh. I Used to Drink Beer 618:
Oh, I've Got a Master and I Am
His Man 148; 196
Oh, Life Is a Toil! 312B ; 368
Oh. Lord, Tse Sfeppin' Higher
619: 658
*Oh, Lordy, Come This A-Way
342: 403
Oh. Loz'cly. Come This Way 98;
Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep
545A ; 602
Oh. Mr. Revel! 141 ; 189
*0h. Mourner 423FI ; 509 f.
Oh, Nigger, You Shall Be Free
478: 548
*0h. Pretty Polly 70; 104
Oh. See M \ Father Layin' There
622; 658"
*0h. Susanna! 408. 408ABI ; 488 f.,
Oh. the Heavens Shut the Cales
on Me 620; 658
♦Oh. the Old Grey Mare She Ain't
Wliat Slio Used to Be 1-4C:
Oh. Tlu'y I 'lit JkIui on the Island
546 ; 004
Oh, We're All A-Singint> 05; 131
Oh! When a Man dct the lUiirs
506; 563
Oh. Where Is My Sweetheart.'
303. 303ABC; 357 f.
Oliio 77: iO()
Old Ahe Is Siek 388; 462
Old Aunt Dinah 487; 554
Old Aunt Kafy 323: 374
Old Hee .Makes de Ilnney Conil>
479: 548
Old Blaek Hen, The 159: 206
Old Black Sheep 117C; I53
Old Blue 220; 252
*Old Bob Ridley 194. 194D ; 229,
Old Boots 9DE: 19
Old Chishohn Trail. The 217; 248
Old Corn Licker 43 ; 74
Old Corn Song of Long Ago, The
205; 239
*Old Dan Tucker 82. 82ABCF;
114 ff.
Old Dan Tucker 458D
*01d Darkey Joe 421 B; 507
Old Gray Goose 128; 178
Old Cray Horse Came Tearing
through the Wilderness. The
174: 216
*Old Crey Marc. The 175; 217
*01d Grimes Is Dead 321A; 373
Old Horse, Old Horse 227 ; 258
*01d Jim Crow 413A; 495
*Old Joe Clark 86, 86ABDE;
120 f., 123
Old Maid, The 17P; 35
*01d Maid's Song 170; 35
*01d Man, An 17M ; 34
Old Man, Old Man 251 J; 285
*01d Man, The 9C ; 18
Old Man's Courtship. The 9; 17
Old Massa Married a Yaller Gal
Old Molly Hare 167EGH; 212 f.
Old Molly Hare (Mr. Rabbit)
167 : 211
*01d Napper 123C; 171
Old Reuben 236B ; 265
*Old Rosin the Beau 32 ; Oi
Old Sam Fanny ( 181 )
*01d Satan 624A ; 661
Old Satan Made One Grab at Me
624D; 663
*Old Satan's Mad 624, 624 B ; 661 f.
*()ld Ship of Zion, 'The 623, 623 A
BC : 659 f.
Old Shoe Boots and Leggins 9A ;
*01d Skin and Bones 142F ; 192
*01d Smokey 253A ; 287
*Old Smoky 253. 253C-F; 287 ff.
*Old Sozc. The 178; 218
*01d Turkey Buzzard 105B; 139
*Old Turkey Hen. The 203; 238
Old Uncle" Joe Cut Off His Toe
Old War Song 369 ; 440
Old li'oman All Skin and Bones
142, 142C; 189, 191
Old Woman and Her Pig. The
130, 130AC; 181 f.
*01d Woman's Little Pig, The
130B; 182
Old Zip Coon 418; 503
*01e Marse Robert 391 D; 466
Ole Massa in de Parlor 291 B;
Olc Massa's Going Aicay 215:
Ole Molly Har' 167F; 212
*01e Molly Hare 167BC; 212
Ole Molly Hare. What \'ou Doin'
There? 167 A ; 211
On a Dark and Doleful Xiglit
O26; 664
*0n a Dark and Stormy Night
20C ; 44
On the Tombigbee River 269.\ ;
On Top of Old Smokie 253B ;
On Top of the Smokies All Cov-
ered with Snow 253G ; 290
One Day We Went Rowing
269B: 318
One 'Lection Morning 340 P. ; 398
One More River to Cross 455 ;
*One Morning iu May 13, 13AB
CD ; 24 f/
One of Tonight 625 ; 663
One Two Three 120C; 156
*Our Fathers They'll Be There
627 ; 665
Over the Hills So Far Auvy 165 ;
*Over the River to Feed the Sheep
67A; 100
♦Owen's Fort 383; 458
*Owl in the Desert, The 304; 359
Paddle Your Ozvn Canoe 55; 87
*Page's Train Runs So Fast 104;
Pale Amaraiithus, The (309)
Pale li'ildwood I'lourr, The 263,
263B; 309 f.
Papa Has Got the Whooping
Cough 93; 130
* Paper of Pins. A i. lA-M; 6 ff.
* Pasquotank 189; 225
Pass Around the Bottle 34; 64
Peaches in the Summer Time 97 B ;
*Pharaoh's Army 545. 545CD ;
602 f.
Pharaoh's Army Got Drownded
545B: 603
*Pickin' Out Cotton 212, 212AB;
243 f-
Pickle Mm Bones in Alcohol 38;
Picnic, A 191 ; 226
Pig in the Parlor 80; 113
Pitty Patty Poke 119; 154
Plantation Song 46G, 405B, 471 ;
77, 486, 542
Po' Liza Jane 456 ; 530
Poor Johnny 250E ; 279
*Poor Little Kitty Puss 108; 141
Poor Little Lamb Cries 'Matnniy!'
117; 152
Poor Little Laura Lee 102; 136
*Poor Married Man 309, 309AB ;
364 f.
Poor Old Lazarus 628; 665
Poor Sinner, A 63 ; 95
Pop Goes the PVeasel 93; 130
Pore Little Kitty Puss 107
Possini Sits on 'Simmon Tree, De
164; 209
*Possu)ii Am a Cunning 'Thing, De
162, 162AB ; 208
Possum Ran from Under the Barn
*Possum Tree 194E ; 231
Possum Up a Gum Tree 161D;
*Possu>n Up a 'Simmon Tree 161,
194B ; 206, 230
* Possum Up de 'Simmon Tree
161 B ; 207
Possum Up the 'Simmon Tree
161 C; 207
*Preachcr and the Bear, The 425,
425B; 511 f.
Preacher in the Pulpit 342 ; 403
Preacher Song, The 511 ; 565
Preacher Went Out Hunting
425 A; 511
Preacher's in de Pulpit 343 ; 403
* Prettiest Girl I Ever Saw, The
47 ; 77
Pretty Little Pink 78CE ; in
Pretty Mary 250D ; 278
*Pretty Pear Tree, The 133; 184
*Pretty Peggy 381 ; 456
*Pretty Saro 252, 252AB: 285 f.
Prisoner's Song, The 350, 350C ;
4", 413
Privates Eat the Middlin'. The
389; 462
Pulling Hard Against the Stream
54; 86
Quack, Quack. Quack 126; 177
Quaker's Wooing, The 8; 16
Rabbit in the Log 166; 211
Rabbit Skipped, the R abb i t
Hopped. The 168: 213
Rabbit Song 166 ; 211
Rabbit Stole de Greens 169; 214
Raccoon Has a Bushy Tail, The
163 ; 208
♦Raccoon Has a Bushy Tail, De
I 63 A ; 209
♦Raccoon Is a Cunning Thing, The
1 62C ; 208
♦Raccoon Up de Tree 161E; 207
I N I) E X
699 V
Raccoon Wears a Busliy Tail
163B ; 209
*Railroad Dinah (iai 493 ; 556
*Ram Conic Wet Mc 490; 555
*Naisc a Ruckus Toniiiht 4g(),
499BD : 558 ff.
Ramblinii Soldier, The 369; 430
♦Raven Black Hair 263A ; 310
Red Bird Sitting in Jay Bird's
Nest 154H : 202
Red River I 'alley 260, 26oL"E ;
305 f-
/v(-</ Sea 629; 649. 666
*Red. White, and Blue 280, 280A,
375 B; 328. 446
Red. White, and Red 375. 375AC;
444 f-. 447
Redbird and Jaybird 154; 202
* Reuben's Train 236, 236 A ; 264
Rich Girl Wears the Ten Dollar
Shoes, The 477H ; 547
Rich Man Rides on a Pullman
Car 483; 551
*Ri7'er's Up and Still A-Risinf/
326; 376
Robert Ridley, Hoo 194 A; 230
Rock-a-Bye Baby in the Tree-Top
113; 148
Rock-a-Bye, Don't You Cry 115B;
Rock of Acjes 547 ; 605
♦Rock, Rock, Old Joe Clark 86C :
Rodybodysho 186; 224
*RoU Dozen Deni Bales 0' Cotton
243 ; 268
*Roll. Jordan, Roll 631, 631 ABC;
♦Roll, Jordan, Roll 555; 612
Roll, Riley, Roll 174A; 216
Rolled the Stone Away 630; 666
Rolling Neuse, The 366 ; 436
*Root Hoy or Die 372; 441
*Roui/h. Rocky Road 632, 632B ;
Round It L'p a Heap It I'p 201:
Round Town Girls 81 B; 114
Rovin' Gambler, The 49B ; 79
Ro2i' the Boat, Row the Boat -i-
73 A ; 106
Roxk' the Boat Ashore 186; 224
*Run Here. Hoctor. Run Here
(Juick 24() ; 2()t)
Run, Nigga, Run, or Padcn.le'll
Ketch You 457''" : 533
*Run, Nigijcr. Run 457, 437ADK :
531 i-
*Run. Sallie. My Cal 204: 238
Sad Parting, A 62B ; 03
*.V(//(/ the Blackbird to the Croic
156, 156AB; 203
♦Sailor's Chanty, A 231 ; 260
.S'(j/ and the Baby 44 ; 74
* Sally Coodin 89", 8gl'. ; 126 f.
Sally. Molly. Tolly 209; 241
*.S'ally ll'ent to Preachin' 458; 533
Sal's in the Carden Sifting Sand
22,2 ; 261
Sapsuck A-Sucking Up a Hollow
Gum Tree 156D; 204
♦Satan's Sad and I Am Glad 624E ;
*Saturday Xight and .Sunday Too
459: 533
Saw Noah When He Built dat
Famous Ark 426 K ; 514
*Scotland's Burning 150; 197
Seaboard Air Line 238; 266
See the Train Go Round the Bend
274A; 322
Seeing Nelly Home 289; 343
*Sei'en Long )'ears 351 ; 416
♦Seven Long Years 12; 23
*Set'cn Long Years /'tt fh'cn Mar-
ried 29, 29B ; 56 f.
Seventeen Come Sunday iiA; 21
*Shady Grove 485, 485A ; 552
*.S'hare 'Em 510 ; 565
She Loves Coffee and I Love Tea
91 ; 128
Sheep Shell Corn 196BC: 233 f.
Sheep Shell Corn by the Rattle of
His Horn 196; 233
*.She'll Be Coming 'Round the
Mountain 460 ; 534
♦Slierman X'alley 260AB; 305 f.
♦She's My Yaller Gal 406C ; 488
Shinbone Alley 422; 507
Shoot the Buffalo yj ; 109
*Shoot Your Dice and Hair Your
Pun 51 ; 81
Shortened Bread 461 A; 535
X.C.F.. \'ul. Ill (47)
♦Shortenin' Bread 461 D; 536
*Shortening Bread 461CH; 536 f.
Shortnen Bread 461 F; 537
Shortnin" Bread 462E, 461EG;
Shori'llin' Bread 461 ; 535
*Should I Prove False to Thee
258D; 303
*Shout Along and Pray Along 633 ;
Show Me the Way to Go Home
37DEFH; 68 f.
Shoiv Me the Way to Go Home,
Babe yj ; 67
Shuck Corn, Shell Corn 200; 236
Shucking ob de Corn, De 199; 235
*Sindy : A Jig 404 A ; 482
Sing Pollx IVollv Doodle 462:
Single Life, A 18; 36
Sixty Years Ago 335D ; 392
*Skin and Bones 142H ; 192
Skip o'er the Mountain 87 ; 124
Slighted Girl, The 262; 308
Slighted Szveetheart, The 261 ;
Snake Baked a Hoecake 185,
185ABC; 223 f.
Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry
Ale? 7B; 16
* Soldier, Soldier, Won't You
Marry Me? 7, 7ACDE ; 15 f.
Soldier's Epitaph 396 ; 472
*Soldier's Farezvcll, The 376, 376A ;
447 f-
Some Folks Say That a Negro
Won't Steal 423E ; 509
Some Folks Say That a Nigger
Won't Steal 423 ; 508
*Some of These Days 517, 517AB;
574 f-
*Some of These Days and It Won't
Be Long 241 ; 267
Some Say dat a Nigger Won't
Steal 423B ; 508
*Some Twenty Years Ago, or, The
First Old Cooking Stove 335B ;
*Somebody 275, 275B ; 323 f.
Somebody Is Tall and Handsome
275D; 325
Somebody's All dc Time Talkin'
'bout Me 634 ; 669
* Somebody's Knockin' at Your
Door 635 : 669
*Somebody's Tall and Handsome
275AC; 323, 325
Song 19H, 33E, 37A, 39B, 78B,
78F, 97A, iiiG, 25 1 K, 258C,
317, 423C, 489; 39. 63, 67, 71,
no, 112, 133, 146, 285. 302, 371,
509, 554
Song Composed During the Civil
War 390B ; 463
*Song of Jesus 537 ; 596
*Soon as My Foot Struck Zion
636 ; 670
^Sorghum Molasses 386 ; 460
*Sourwood Mountain 2Si, 251 A-G;
270 ff.
Southern Girl, The 380B ; 456
*Southern Jack, A 239; 266
*Southern Spy's Song 382 ; 457
Southern Wagon. 77;r 371, 371AB,
374. 374AB; 443 f.
Spanish Merchant 14C ; 27
*Standing in the Xeed of Prayer
637. 637ABC; 671
^Standing on the Street Doin' jVo
Harm 503; 562
*S tea III Ship 151 ; 197
*Stick My Head in a Paper Sack
463: 538
Sticks and Stones May Break My
Bones 39; 71
Storms Are on the Ocean 264,
264A; 311 f.
Sucking Cider Through a Strazc
47; 77
*Sugar Babe 482 ; 550
Sunday School Song 341A; 400
Susanna 408E ; 490
Susannah, Don't You Cry 408C ;
*Siisy Gal 320 ; 372
*Sweet Bird 295B ; 351
*Szccet Birds 295, 295ADEF; 350,
Szvect Cider 45 ; 74
Sweet Fern 291CG, 295CG ; 351,
Sweet Fields of Violo (174)
Sweet Hcazrii 638; 672
♦Sweet Lulur 350JK; 410
*Sn.'Cct Siiinty South. The 400: 475
*Swect Willie 3071''; 3()j
Taffy lids ti Welshman 123; 170
'Tain't A-(iiiin^ to Rain No More
43C)C ' : 5 1 8
*'Taiii't (iiiin' to Rain No More
430I) ; 318
*'Tain't Gun' Rain an' 'Tain't Gon'
Snow 430B; 517
Talc of a Tramp 358 ; 425
'Tallc .-ihout Jesus 639: 673
♦That Blne-Eyod Girl 286A ; 339
*'That Old-Time Rcligioii 640; 674
*That's Jl'here My Money does
464: 53^)
*Thcn We'll Have a Nezi' Coin'en-
tion 370 ; 440
There Comes a hello-u' with a
Derby Hat 265 ; 313
There Is A'o Phiee in the Ueif/ht
of Heaven 548 ; 605
There Was a Lady, Skin antl
Bone 142G; 192
*There Was a Ji'atenueloii 465;
♦There Was an Old Woman 142 A
DI; 189, 191 f.
♦There Was an Old Woman All
Skin and Bones 142BE; 190 f.
*There's a Hole in the Bottom of
the Sea 135 ; 186
There's a Little Hand Writinii on
the Wall 519; 576
*There's a Little Wheel A-Turnin(i
641 : 675
There's a Long, Tall Tree in
Paradise 644B ; 677
There's More Than One 383A ;
Thresherman, The 58; 89
Thirfy-Tzco Special on a Forty-
Four Frame, A 504; 562
♦Those High Topped Shoes 301A;
Through the City Where He Rode
642; 675
Tim of This 548A; 606
Tippecanoe 397 ; 472
Tommy Jones 73B ; 106
*T(iu lluo. Says de Owl 156E; 204
Too )'ouu(j to Marry 107; 140
Toolcy Wooley Iser 69U ; 103
'Tossed and Driven 643 ; 676
* Train . . . Run So Fast 466; 539
I'ramp Son,/. The 357; 423
Traveler in Arkansas, A 331 B;
*Trareltin(/ Coon. The 428; 515
*Trce ill /'(irmlise '>44 ; 676
'J'ree in the Wood (184)
Troubled in Mind 290; 344
*Turkey Buzzard 105, 105A; 139
^Turkey in the Strazv 94; 130
Turn, Young Men 65A ; 97
'Turtle-Dove, The 249; 274
Tzi'cnty (Forty. Sixty) ]'ears Ago
335; 390
♦Twenty Years Ago 335A ; 391
Tzi'cnty-One Years Is a Mighty
Long Time 352; 417
♦Two Fleas 192 ; 227
'Ai'o Little Fleas 192; 227
♦Va'o Little Xiggers Black as far
467; 540
Tico White Horses Side bx Side
645; 678
Cnclc Joe Cut Off His Toe 97,
97CE; 132, 134
* Uncle Ned 420, 420AC; 505 f,
Cnclc Sam's Farm 399; 474
Under the Weeping Willow Tree
267K; 317
Unreconstructed Rehel, The 391 A;
Up Roanoke and Down the Rii'cr
205; 239
Up the Lane and Down the Level
102B ; 137
J'eteran's Song. The 392; 467
*]'oodoo Man, The 429; 516
*rozirls. The 139: 188
♦Wagoner Lad, The 250B ; 276
*Wa(/o)ter's Lad. The 250, 250A ;
275 f.
Wait on de Lord 344; 404
Waiting for a Train 361 ; 428
*Walk in the Parlor 341, 341EF;
399, 402 f.
I folk Light. Ladies 469
*\\"alkin" Talkin' Jinger Blue 496 :
*\\'alking Up and Down One Day
149; 196
Wallflower, Wallflower, Growing
Up So High (106)
War Song 379A ; 452
irashtuh Blues. The 247; 269
]]'atcrmeIon Hanging on the J'ine
468; 540
Way Dozen Bclozv 492; 555
Way Dozen on the Old Pcedce
421 ; 506
W'ay Down Yonder a Long \\'ay
Off 153C; 201
W ay Dozift Yonder in Pasquotank
189; 225
*Way Down Yonder in the Lone-
some Valley 547A ; 605
*Way Dozen Yonder on Cedar
Street 469; 541
Jl'av Over in the Premised Land
646; 678
*We Are Marching On 647; 679
*We Have a New Pig in the Par-
lor 80C; 113
It e Have Loved Ones Over
Yonder 648; 679
We Live on the Banks of the Ohio
224 ; 256
We Loved, but \Ne Parted 248D ;
We Will All Pray Together 625 ;
Ji' easel and the L^at. The 172; 215
*Weeping Willoze. The 267, 267A
CI; 314 f- 317
Weeping Willow Tree. The 267B
D-G: 315 f.
*li'ee7'i!y Wheat 6y; 100
We'll Have a Little Danee To-
night. Boys 491 : 555
We'll Roll the Old Chariot Along
650; 680
*We'll Sail Azeax to Heaz'en 6^1 ;
*Went Dozen Tozen 502: 562
if'cnt to the River and I Couldn't
Get Across 193; 227
Jl'c're All A-Singing 95; 131
Ji'hat Are Little Girls Made Of?
143: 193
What Kind of Crozens Do the
Angels Wcar.^ 655; 683
What Shall I Do with My Old
Sow's Nose? 177; 218
What )'ou Gon'er Do That Day?
649 ; 680
*ll'hat ]'oH Gzt.'i)ia Do Whoi the
World's on Fire.'' 470; 541
What's the Lady's Motion:' 87;
*Whe)i Adam Was Created 53,
53A: 83 f.
W hen Colonel Died 38B ; 70
When I'irst I Seen This Lovely
Queen 294; 349
*When I Die 38ADE: 69 f.
When I Die Don't Wear So
Black 489; 554
When I Saw Sweet Nellie Home
^89: 343
When I Was a Little Box 131;
*Wheii I Was a ]'oung Girl 10;
When I Ji'as Lost in the Wilder-
ness 652; 682
*JYhen I Was Single 19, 19ACFJ-
Q: 37 ff.
W hen I Went Down to Sycamore
Town 154A ; 202
When de Wind Blows East and de
Wind Blows West 622 ; 658
When the World Is on Fire 653:
When This Cruel War /.s- Ozer
390, 390ACE; 462 ff.
*Whcn ]'oung Men Go Courting
337 ■• 394
Where Are You Going, My Pretty
Fair Maid? iiB ; 22
Where Are Yon Going. My
Pretty Maid 11 ; 21
Where M\ Lord Went to I'rax
654: 683
*Whip Jamboree 230; 260
Whistling Girls and Crozeing liens
145 : 194
White Folks Go to College 473;
1 X 1) K X 703
ll'hite Folks in tin- }\irlor 476; Cents a Day 234 B ; 263
;44 *ll'ork-iny on the Railroad 234,
*irititc (nil. Yallcr Cal. lUack (,al 234C, 500; 262 f.
477; 544 Write My Mother I'll />'<• Home
♦White Owl with tlic White Head, 353: 418
The 152A: 199 ll'rcstliu' Jacoh 656 ; 684
Hl'ho Is Mv Xcii/hhorf 60: 91
*Who Will Shoe My Pretty Little )allcr Cirl, The 450; 527
Feet? 258K: 303 *\v Nations All 554; 612
*ll'ho's (niHua Love Yon. Iluncy.' Yonder Comes a (ieori/ia (iirl
302; 357 ^3: 11^
//7iV Do You liol' Your Hair. )'ou Can h'lin <in a l.onn limebG;
Girls? 56; 88 97
ll'ieked (iirl. The 62; 92 )'<'/( Caused Me to Lose My Mind
♦Wicked Polly 62C; 94 296; 353
Wild and Reekless Hobo. I'he You Have Forsaken Me 258A ;
359: 426 300
*Wild Ashe Deer. I'he 219; 250 ) ou Lovers All. to ) on I L all
in Id Oats 65: gb 293: 348
*Will ]'ou Love Me When Tni You Say You Are of Xohle Raee
Old? 273. 273A-F; 321 59; 90
♦Willow Tree, The 267 H ; 317 *You Shall Be Tree 478; 547
Wish, A 254F ; 292 )'ou've Got Your Big Gun, and
Wish Fd Lived an Old Maid 2(>A ; /"ir Got Mine 501 ; 562
56 *)'ou. )'ou, ]'ou 276; 325
Wish I Had a Xeedte and I'liread ♦'S'oung Folks, Old Folks, Every-
III ; 143 body Come 341 B; 401
♦Wish I Had a Pig in a Pen *Young Girls, Take Warniiv^
iiiB ; 144 248C ; 272
Wood Llauler, The 340, 340 A ; 397 Young People Hark 62A ; 92
♦Woodman's Song, A 120L; 161
♦Won't You Walk Out Tonight? 'Zekiel'll Weep and 'Zekiel'lt
81 A; 114 .]Joan 657; 685
Workin' on the Railroad Forty Zigon Made a Wheel 445: 525
ILJERE are included, in one alphabetical list, the names
both of these persons who gave their contributions di-
rectly to Dr. Brown and to the North Carolina Folklore
Society — or to another collector whose materials have
been added to our collection — and of those from whom
they obtained their texts of the Ballads and Songs ; and
also, when known, the names of the singers. Thus for a
single text there may have been two or three or even
more "contributors." But the records are often unclear
or incomplete, proper names are variously spelled, and
many details which Dr. Brown's or Dr. White's memory
would have supplied are now missing. We hope, how-
ever, that any inaccuracies and omissions will l^e for-
given. When a contributor's name occurs in two forms,
before and after marriage, it is usually entered in the
latter form, with a cross-reference. The numeral fol-
lowing each name shows the number ( as accurate as we
can make it) of the contributions appearing in these
A Supplementary List, printed below, contains the
names of those who sent in items which were not. for
various reasons, used by the Associate Editors of vol-
umes II and III. Many of the same names occur in both
A complete list of all contributors was earlier com-
piled and mimeographed by Dr. White, and may be con-
sulted in the Duke University Librarv.
Special mention should be made of Mrs. Sutton's numerous
contributions, often with lively and illuminating commentary of
her own; of the many texts collected by Julian P. Boyd (now
distinguished in quite different ways) from his old pupils in
Alliance; of the unusual number sent in by Thomas R. Smith,
by Miss Jewell Robbins (later Mrs. Perdue). ])y W. Amos
Abrams, by L. W. .Anderson, by K. P. Lewis, and bv Miss Ger-
trude Allen (later Mrs. V^aught) — to name only those with
fortv or more texts to their credit. Dr. IJrown and the North
C () X T R 1 I! r T () R S 705
Carolina l'\)lkl()rc Society aci|uirc(l not oiil)- .sinj^lc lexis hul also
whole collections. ( )n Dr. .\l)i"anis' nuinu.script book see III,
573. j. ]\. 1 Icnncnian's and 1. Cj. (ireer's collections came to
the Society throni^ii Professor C". Alphonso Smith. Miss lulilh
Walker and .Miss I .ura Wagoner generously lent Dr. lirown
their manuscri])t hooks to copy from. Dr. White borrowed in
1943 a similar book from Mrs. llarold (dasscock. In 1944
through the agency of Dr. Abrams the Blaylock Collection of
274 ballads and songs was presented to the Society, and from
it a large selection was made by Professor Hudson and J. W.
McCullough. Professor Hudson also made liberal use of the
unpublished Master's thesis at the University of North Caro-
lina by Mrs. Mercedes S. Steely. Details of these accpiisitions
and other pertinent information are to be found in the editorial
notes accompanying the texts. It hardly need be said lliat the
addresses given there are not correct for the present, and no
attempt has been made to bring them down to date.
Abrams, W. Amos 59; Abrams and Williams, Gratis D. 12;
Adams, Monta i ; Adams, Moses i : Aider, Leonora i ; Aiken, B. O.
i; Allen, Gertrude (sec Vaught, Mrs. R. C.) ; Anderson, L. W.
46 ; Andrews, George Lawrence i ; Andrews, The Misses i ; An-
drews, W. J. I.
Bagley, Charles R. 15; Ballentine, Mabel 2; Banks, Bryan D. 5;
Barbee, Mrs. J. W. 2 ; Barbour, Mary 2 ; Barlowe, Margaret 5 :
Barnes, Mrs. R. E. i ; Barnett. Myra (sec Miller, Mrs. J. J.):
Barnett, Mrs. O. D. i ; Barnwell. Lila Ripley i ; Barnwell, Mildred
G. I : Bascom. Louise Rand 17; Basetiekl, Phebe G. i ; Bast, Vivian
I ; Battle. Dr. Kemp P. 41 ; Baum, Rlioda i ; Beaseley, Antoinette
3; Beasley. Mrs. Lorena 1; Belair, Miss i: Belangia, Luther i ;
Belk. Henry i ; Belvin, Jennie 15; Bennett, Catherine 16; Bennett,
Louise 7; Best, Mrs. J. A. 3: Biggers, Caroline i; Bird. Dean
W. E. I : Black. Elizabeth Janet 5; Black, G. S. 3; Blacknall, Mrs.
R. D. 11; Blackstock. Vivian 2; Blackwell, Mrs. L. E. (Julia E.
Self) [X'irginia] i; Blades, Camden Charles 2; Blair, Col. W. A.
I : Blaylock, John Burch 75 ; Block, G. S. i ; Bobbitt, Emma i ;
Best, Mary 12: Bostic, Mrs. A. L. i; Bowers, Virginia 3; Bow-
man, Marvin 1; Boyd, Julian P. no; Boyd. Tom i; Brady, J. W.
i; Brandon, Bell 4: Bray. Cleophas i; Brim, Mrs. Kenneth M.
(Doris Overton) 11; Brower, R. Frank i; Brown, Mrs. 4; Brown.
Ethel 8; Buchanan. Mrs. Silas 4; Buckner, C. E. 2; Buffalo, Ethel
Hicks 4; Burleson, Clarice i; Burleson, Ethel i; Burns, 2;
Burrus, Rev. Andrew Jackson 6; Burrus, J. H. 8; Burrus, O. J.
l; Bushee. Isabel B. 3; Busl)ee. Jac(|ues i: Byers, Mrs. X. 'I". 8.
Caldwell. G. B. 4: Canada, Mary i; Carpenter. Jesse T. 2~ \
Carniichael, M. K. 3; Carson, Mrs. Charles M. i; Casey. Ruby 4;
Cavenaugh. E. D. 2 ; Chamberlain. Mrs. J. R. 2 ; Chambers. M. R.
i; Chappelle. Iris C. (Mrs. H. C. Turlington) 2; Chase, Prof.
Richard i; Cheek, Lucille 22; Cheek, Mamie E. 5; Cherry. H. A.
3; Christenbury, Jane 2: Church. Mrs. Minnie },2\ Clarke. Eugenia
i; Clayton, i; Clayton. J. W. 2; Cobb. Lucy R. 3; Coble.
Cozette 3 ; Coffey, Mrs. Ann i ; Coffey, Betty i ; Coffey, O. L. and
Mrs. O. L. 24; Coley. Mrs. Will X. i; Coleman. Florence 4; Col-
lins. Prof. Fletcher, Jr. i : Colvord, Maude S. i : Combs, Jack i ;
Copley. Mrs. Mary ^L1rtin 22; Cook. Mrs. Alice 5; Cooper, Rev.
Bertram i; Corbett, Mrs. J. N. i; Corum. Clyde 2; Corum, John
2; Couch, Mrs. Daisy Jones 6; Cousor. 3; Covington. Cor-
nelia E. [S. C] i; Covington, William B. 16; Cox. Catharine 2:
Cox, Jeannette 2; Craig, Marjorie 2; Craven. Rev. Braxton i:
Crawford, D. C. 2; Crawford. Eugene C. 5: Cromartie. Mrs. Laura
^L 4; Crowell, Mrs. E. A. i ; Cumming. William C. 5.
Daulken. William C. 4; Davis. Junius i; Davis. S. ]\L 8: Day.
Ethel i; Dickson. Bonnie Ethel 13; Dickson. S. O. H. 4; Dilling.
Percy F. i ; Dixon. Josa i ; Dobson. Mattie i : Doering. J. F. i ;
Douglas. Clarence D. i; Downum, Rev. J. M. i; Doxey, Elsie 5:
Dudley, W. R. i : Duncan. John i ; Dunnegan. Lucy i.
Edwards, R. B. 4; Efird, Rosa 2; Efird. Ruth 4; Eggers, Mrs.
Sallie I ; Elliott, A. E. i : Elliott. Austin L. 6; Ellis, Mrs. A. J. i ;
Ellison, W. A., Jr. 2; Emerson. E. [Maine] i; Ericson. E. E. i.
Fairley, 4: Farrior, Minnie Bryan 4: Farthing. Mrs. 2:
Faucette, Miss i; Faulkner. S. T. i : Few. Kendrick 3; Fincher.
Lizzie i; Fish, Edith B. 10; Fitzgerald, W. S. i ; Fletcher. D. \\'.
6; Fletcher. E. T. i ; Fletcher, Lizzie i ; Folger, J. C. i ; Foreman,
Wilma I : Fonts, Mrs. Augusta i ; Fox. Mrs. ^L1e Smith i : Foy,
Miss 2; Frierson. W. C. 2; Fries. Adelaide L. 3: Frye, Pat 15:
Frisbie, Zilpah Rebecca 9: Fulton, Prof. ^L G. 7: Funderburk.
Beulah M. (Mrs. H. C. Trull) i; Furr. Eva 2: Fusscll. Tina (Mrs.
L. A. Wilson) 4.
Gahagan. Nita i; Gibson. Edwin P. i: Gill. T. J., Jr. 3: Glass-
cock, Mrs. Harold 24; Gordon, Mrs. Rebecca 11; Gosney, Mrs.
Minnie Stamps 4; Graham. Pearl i; Graybeal. Mrs. Estalena 2;
Green, Mrs. A. L 2; Green, Paul and Elizabeth i ; Greene. Manley
i; Greer, L G. 40; Greer, John M. 1; Grigg. W. Q. i; Grimes.
Minnie Bryan 2; Grindstaff, Mrs. Norma i; Grogan, Ben i; Gro-
gan, Fannie 8; Grogan. Mrs. Julia 9; Grogan, Sherman i.
Hagaman. Elsie 1: Hageman. Susie i; Hall, Virginia C. 3:
Hamlen, Annie {sec Swindell. Mrs. E. S.): Hampton, Belvia i:
C" () N T K I I! r T () R S 707
Hanchey. H. H. 2: Hardin. Addic J ; Hank-n, I-'.Ila 3: Harmon.
George D. 4; Harris, I'.dna 2; Harris, j. Wcu 1; Harris. Jim i ;
Harris, Loy \'. 3; Harris. Mildred i; Harris. W. K. 1; Harrison
Blake B. 5; Hartsell. Vir.c:inia 4; Harward, Harvey i: Haskett.
Katherine i: Hatcher, Howell J. K; Hauser. Jessie 6; Hawkins.
Lon i; Haymann, Rev. L. D. 10; Haywood, Delma 6; Haywood.
Mrs. H. G. i; Hearne, Clara -'f) ; IkMiderson. Amy 31 : Henneman.
J. B. 8; Herring, Mrs. Norman J. 3; Hicks. Mrs. Calvin i; Higgs.
Margaret i; Hill, Buck i: Hines. Lizzie 3; Hodges, Mrs. Martha
I ; Hodgin, 6; Holder, D. E. 2; Holeman. Jean 2; Holenian,
The Misses ( Hallie and Jean) 15: Holton, Aura 3; Helton, Carlos
2; Holton. Florence 7: Holton, S. M., Jr. 7; Horton, Mrs. I'rank
i; Houck. C. B. 6; Houck, Herman i; House. David T., Jr. 2;
Houston, 'Granny' i; Houston. Ida C. i; Howell. Dr. E. V. i;
Howard, Valeria Johnson 3 ; Huhbard, R. T. i : Hubbell, Prof. J.
B. i; Huckabee. W. T.. Jr. 2; Hudson, Prof. A. V. 8; Hughes.
Mrs. Arizona i ; Hull, Bessie Lou i ; Huskins, i ; Hutchins.
Louise I : Hutchings, C. M. 3.
Icenham. Mrs. Rebecca 3; Isenhour. Mrs. Rebecca i.
Jenkins. Frederica 3: Johnson. Anne i : Johnson. Bonnie i : John-
son, J. D., Jr. 4; Johnson. Lois 4; Johnson, Margaret i; Johnson.
Obadiah (Obie) 29: Johnson, Sadie i; Jones, Katlierine Bernard
6; Jones, J. P. i; Jones, Mrs. Mattie Southgate 4: Jones. Mrs.
Rebecca 2: Jones. Southgate 4: Jordan. Prof. A. C. i; Jordan.
Charles E. i : Jordan, Patsy i.
Keever, Homer M. i ; Kennedy, Fronde i ; Kirkland, E. C. i ;
Knox, Carl G. 1 1 : Knox. J. C. 3; Kuykendall. Otis 27.
Lambert. Autie Bell 2; Lambert, Elsie 2; Lancaster, Mrs. Nilla
15; Lane, Martha i; Leach, Floy i; Leake. W. B. 4: Leary.
Thomas F. 2; Lee, Minnie 16: Lewis. K. P. 41; Lewis, R. '!". t;
Lineberger, Nancy i; Litaker. K. W. 8; Litaker. Thomas 3: Little.
George C. 2; Liverman. Frederick i : Livingston. Jesse ^L i ; Love,
Will 7; Lovell, E. C. i; Lovill, Melba 2; Lucas, Louise 3; Luns-
ford, Basconi Lamar 3; Lvon, James E. 3.
MacRea, Mrs. Donald 2; Malloy. Katharine i: Mangum, Eura
10; Mann, Blanche i; Mansfield, Mamie 26: Marshbanks, Flossie
4; Martin, Averie M. 2; Martin, Miss Cooper i; Martin, H. C.
2; Massey, J. E. 4; Massey, J. W. 3; Massey. Lucille 6; Masten,
;\L I ; Matthews, Laura 2; Maxwell, Nancy 5: McAdams, J. G. 3;
McCauley. Clara J. i; McClusky. John i; McCotter. Clifton 2;
McDonald. Monnie Lou 2: McGee. Andy i; McKay, James A. 2;
McKinnon. 2; McLean, Mrs. John Allen i ; McNeill. Hattie
4: Meekins. Bob i ; Meckins, Irene i; Meekins. Mrs. Sallie 7:
Meredith, Flora M. i ; Michael, Chloe i; Midgett, J. B. 7: Midgett,
P. D., jr. i;: Milam, Edna i; Miller, E. B. 3 ; Miller, Gaithe'r i;
Miller, "Mrs. J. J. (Myra BarnettJ 19; Miller, J. W. 2; Miller,
Mrs. Joseph i ; Miller, Lorenzo (Ranz) i ; Miller, Pauline 2; Miller,
Walter J. 3; Minnish, Maud {see Sutton, Mrs. ) ; Monteague,
Arnold i; Moody, Alice R. 3; Moody, Mrs. Birdie May i; IMoody,
Mrs. Cynthia i ; Moody, Evelyn 4 ; Moody, Fred i ; Moore, Arthur
2; INIoore, Mrs. M. M. i; Morris, Mrs. i; Morgan, Macie 9; Mor-
gan, M. F. I ; Morgan, Ruth 5 ; Moffitt. Mrs. E. E. i ; Morrow,
Mary 6; Mull, Bessie Lou 2; Murphy, Mrs. C. C. 4; Murray, Rob-
ert B. I ; Myers, E. 3.
Neal, J. G. i : Neal, T. G. i : Neal. Thomas T. i ; Neal, W. C. i ;
Nelson, J. L. 1 ; Newsom, D. W. i ; Newton, Jane Elizabeth i ;
Nichols, Madge 5; Nichols, Penelope i; Norris, Mrs. i; Norris,
E. J. I : Norris, Imogene i ; Norton, Mrs. Fannie i.
Olds, Fred A. i ; Overton, Doris (sec Brim, Mrs. Kenneth M.).
Page, Lida 2 ; Paisley, Jesse L. i ; Patten, Constance 2 ; Pearce,
Allie Ann; Pendergraph, Bertha (Mrs. J. S. Bowman) i; Pennell,
Laura i ; Perdue. Mrs. C. P. (Jewell R. Robbins ) 70; Perry, Arnold
i; Perry, Fred i; Perry, George i; Perry, Mrs. Lilly 2; Perry,
Mrs. Peggy 8; Perry, Mrs. T. L. (Isabel Rawn) 12: Perry, Mrs.
W. T. 2; Peterson, Jesse L. i; Peterson, Mildred 10 ; Pickens,
2; Pickens, M. L i ; Pool, Eliza A. i ; Poole, L T. 6; Poovey,
W. E. 2 ; Powles, Joe 2 ; Prather, Mrs. Nancy i ; Price, Mary 5 ;
Pridgen, Mrs. Loraine Iseley i ; Pridgen, Mrs. W. L. 9 ; Proffitt,
Frank 11.
Randall, Willard i; Rawls, Elsie 2; Rawn, Lsabel (see Mrs. T.
L. Perry); Rayfield, Mrs. Ada Miller i; Rayfield, Mrs. Polly 7;
Reavis, B. C. 2 ; Reese, Mrs. Ira i ; Reese, Wagner A. i ; Reid,
Mrs. I ; Reynolds, Letch i ; Riggs, Marguerite i ; Rig^bee, Mrs. i ;
Rhew, Estella i ; Rhinehart, Constance i ; Rhinehart, Lillie i ; Rob-
bins, Jewell (sec Mrs. C. P. Perdue); Robinson, G. S. 20; Robin-
son, Mrs. R. A. 1; Royall, Dorothy [Wis.] 2; Royster, Prof. James
F"". i; Royster, Dr. J. M. 2; Royster, V. C. 9; Russell, B. "s. i;
Russell, Kate S. 16; Rymer, i.
Sails, Dr. Alfred i ; Sails, Helen H. i ; Saunders, 2; Scar-
borough, Mary 4; Scarborough, Mildred i ; Scott, Duval 6; Sechrist,
Vernon 4; Shaffner, Etta i; Shaw, H. F. 6; Sheetz, H. E., Jr. i;
Shelton, W. R. i; Shunian, Florence L. (Mrs Mackenzie) i;
Shuma, Miss i; Simpkins, Mrs. Elizabeth 8; Simpson,
Eleanor l; Skinner, Charles Boyd i; Sloan, Louise W. 2; Smith,
Mrs. Anne 1; Smith, I^ennett 5; Smith. Bessie 2; Smith, C. II. t;
Smith, Duo K. 4: Smith, I'Llla 5; Smith, Ellen i; Smith, Mrs.
(• () N T K 1 H V T () K S /OQ
I'jimia 2; Sniitli, llck'n ['"rascr i; Sinitli, Mae 3: Sniitli. Mrs.
Mary 2: Smith. .Merle ;^ ; .Smitli, Robert i; .Smith. Tliouias K. 88;
Smith, W. (). i; Southi^ati'. James i; .S])ainh()ur. J. !•". i; .S])ence,
11. !■:. I ; Speuce, .Mrs. 11. l".. 1 : Si)ivey. K. G., Jr. i; Stack, N. L.
1 : .Stanley. l'4)h i; Starr. I'lol". !•'.. L. 4; .Stone, Alma Irene i ;
StovaU. Sidney 2; Straw hridije. .Mary 2; Stroupe, Carrie 2; Sum-
mer. Sam 1; Sutton, .Mrs. Dennis 11. 129; .Swariniien. Rev. R. A.
2; Swim. Airs. \V. 11. i ; Swindell, Mrs. K. S. 2.
Taylor. 1'^. (i. i ; Thomas. .Mrs. C". C. 4: Thomas, C". V. i ; Thoma^,
James i; Thomas. Mrs. Katherine i; Ticknor. 11. W. i ; Tingle.
James 6: Tingle, Jeannette 9; Tillett, C"harles K. 3: Tillett, Mrs.
Charles K. (Juanita) 20; Tillett, Maxine 12; Todd, Kula i; Trull,
Mrs. H. C. i; Tucker, Effie 9; Tugman, Alexander 6; Tuttle,
Emeth i.
Vance, Airs. Zebulon Baird 3: Vann, Dorothy McDowell 2;
\'aim, Fannie E. i; \\anney. R. G. i; Vaughan, W. N. 2; Vaught,
Mrs. R. C. (Gertrude Allen) 41.
Wagoner. Lura 39 ; Walker, C. L. 3 ; Walker, Edith 25 ; Walker,
Elizabeth 2: Walton, Beulah 4; Walz, H. O. i; Ward, Monroe i;
Ware, R. D. 7 ; Warf , Lena i ; Watkins, Louise i ; Watkins, Sarah
K. 4 ; Wayne, Graham 4 ; Weaver, Lizzie Lee i ; Weaver, Luna i ;
Weatherly, Mrs. C. T. 3; Webb, Pearle 26; West, Rosebud 7:
White, b'. N. i; White, Prof. N. I. 8; Whitley, Edna 6; Wil-
liams, Gratis D (sec Abrams and Williams); Wise, Alva 13;
Wise, Mrs. J. P. 2; Wilson, Mrs. Asa L. i; Wilson, C. A. i;
Wilson, Ida i ; Wilson, Mrs. Jim i ; Wilson. Mrs. Leander i ; Wil-
son. Mrs. Rhoda i ; Winston. Judge R. W. 2 ; Wiseman. Mrs. i ; Wright, Prof. J. T. C. 4 ; Wyatt, Cora Lee i.
York, lames 18.
W. Amos Ahranis, Gertrude Allen (Mrs. R. C. Vaught), L. W.
Mabel Ballentine. Suzanne Bardin, Grace Barbee, Jennie Belvin,
Louise Bennett. Caroline Biggers, Janet Black, Rutb Black, Cam-
den Blades, Julian P. Boyd, Virginia Bowers, Bell Brandon, Ethel
Brown, H. Braisted, N. C. Buffaloe, C. E. Buckner, R. T. Byers.
G. B. Caldwell, M. K. Carmichael, Jesse T. Carpenter, S. Carter,
Mrs. J. R. Chamberlain, Lucille Cheek, Mamie E. Cheek, Mrs.
Minnie Church, Eugenia M. Clark, O. L. Coffey, Collier Cobb, Alice
Cooke, Mrs. M. M. Copley.
Bonnie Ethel Dickson. Elsie Doxey.
Austin L. Elliott, Fairley. E. T. Fletcher. Eula G. Fletcher.
Tina Fussell (Mrs. L. A. Wilson).
Thomas Gallop, George Gilbert, Mrs. Harold Glasscock, I. G.
Susie Hageman, Virginia A. Hall, H. H. Hanchey, Deacon S.
Harris, Blake B. Harrison, Howell J. Hatcher, Clara Hearne, Mrs.
Norma J. Herring, The Misses Holeman, Aura Holton, Florence
Holton, S. M. Holton, C. B. Houck.
Jay L. Jackson, J. D. Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Kate Johnson, Lois John-
son, Obadiah Johnson, Katherine B. Jones, Mattie Southgate Jones.
Carl G. Knox, O. Kuykendall.
Autie B. Lambert, Mrs. Nilla Lancaster, W. H. Lander. Minnie
Lee, K. P. Lewis, Thomas Litaker, E. C. Lovell, Louise Lucas.
Blanche Mann, M. M. Mansfield, Jeanne McCauley, Mrs. J. J.
Miller, J. B. Midgett, Walter J. Miller, Macie Morgan. Ruth Mor-
gan, Mary Morrow. E. Myers.
Fred A. Olds, Doris Overton (Mrs. Kenneth M. Brim).
W. E. Poovey, Thomas E. Price, Mrs. Pridgen.
Jewell Robbins (Mrs. C. P. Perdue), G. S. Robinson, Miss K. S.
Mary Scarborough, Duval Scott, \>rnon Sechrist, Eleanor Simp-
son, Arthur Smith, Ella Smith, Duo K. Smith, Mary .Smith. Lucv
Gray Smither, Miss Smithers, Annabel Snow.
Mrs. C. K. Tillett. Juanita Tillett.
Lura Wagoner, C. L. Walker, Edith Walker, Mrs. Weatherly,
Luna Weaver, Pearle Webb, N. I. WHiite, Edna Whitley, Elaine
VFSB Vermont Folk-Songs and Ballads. By Helen H. F