769. The Watchman's Call

769. The Watchman's Call

'The Watchman's Call.' Sung by Mrs. Manassa Wiseman, at the foot of Buck Hill, near Spear, Avery county, September 7, 1939. The singer was then seventy-nine years of age.


The watch - man blows the—trum - pet loud.
Come lis - ten to the trum-pet's sound.
And be as - sured there's dan - ger there.
How man - y are pre - pared to die?

Your days head will soon be o'er
And time to you re - turn no-more,
Oh, soul to save
What will — I have be - yond the grave?

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: ababcca^b (2,2,2,
2,2,2,2,2) = aabai (4,4,4,4) := Reprisenbar.

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