769. The Watchman's Call
'The Watchman's Call.' Sung by Mrs. Manassa Wiseman, at the foot of Buck Hill, near Spear, Avery county, September 7, 1939. The singer was then seventy-nine years of age.
The watch - man blows the—trum - pet loud.
Come lis - ten to the trum-pet's sound.
And be as - sured there's dan - ger there.
How man - y are pre - pared to die?
Your days head will soon be o'er
And time to you re - turn no-more,
Oh, soul to save
What will — I have be - yond the grave?
Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: ababcca^b (2,2,2,
2,2,2,2,2) = aabai (4,4,4,4) := Reprisenbar.