755. Blow Gabriel

755 Blow Gabriel

'Blow Gabriel.' Sung by Dr. Bradley, Blowing Rock, Watauga county,
September 3, 1939. For other texts cf. NS 86-7; SSGSI 87-8; ANS 209-10
(chorus) ; SS 3 (chorus) ; NSSUS 116 (same chorus). Our chorus resembles
somewhat 'Oh, Susanna.'


1. Oh, when I was lost in the wil- der -ness.
King Je -sus hand- ed the can - dies down,

And I hope that trum - pet gwin' a blow me home To the

New Je - ru - sa - lem. Blow, Ga - briel, Blow your trum-pet

loud - er, And hope that trum - pet gwin' a

blow me home To the New Je - ru - salem.

For melodic relationship cf. ***SS 3, chorus.

Scale : Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : f. Structure ; abb^1cdb1c (2,2,2, 2,4,2,2). Over-all form: abcb1 (4,4,4,4).

2nd stanza:
When Moses smote the water with his rod,
It rose right back, and we crossed dry-shod;
And I hope that trumpet gwin'a blow me home
To the New Jerusalem.

3rd stanza :
And when I escaped from the Red Sea flood,
I looked, an' thar King Jesus stood.
And I hope that trumpet gwin' a blow me home
To the New Jerusalem.

4th stanza:
When Joshua ordered the sun stood still,
King Jesus smiled on the highest hill ;
And I hope that trumpet gwin' a blow me home
To the New Jerusalem.

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