707. Mary, Weep No More For Me

706. Maple on the Hill
'Maple on the Hill.' Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford, Turkey Creek, Buncombe county. No date given. This song belongs to the group of songs under the general title: 'Will You Love Me When I'm Old?' (F-271). There is, however, no melodic relationship involved. For another text cf. JAFL Lix 452.


Come, lis - ten now, me dar - ling, lean your head up -on my breast, As we lis - ten

to the mur - mur of the rill.
Will you al - ways love me dar-ling, as you did thatstar - ry night. As we sat be-neath the ma - pie on the hill.

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: a. Structure: nmm1 (4.2,2) = inverted barform.

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