727. Sweet Forget-Me-Not

727. Sweet Forget-Me-Not
'Sweet Forget-Me-Not.' Sung by Dr. I. G. Greer, Boone, Watauga county, 1915-16. MS score. The whole song seems to be somewhat hazy reminiscing on old favorites like "Little Annie Rooney,' 'In the Good Old Summertime,' and 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart.' For another version (Negro text) with the same title but different text cf. JAFL xxiv 287.


Oh, fan - cy brings a thought to me,
A flow - er rich and rare—
Of grace and beau - ty these com-bined,
A fade-less flow - er rare-
So like a maid - en that I knew,
It was my hap - py lot
She dropped a flow - er, I picked it up,
A Sweet For-get - me Dot.
Grace -tul and as  charm -ing as
The li - lies of the pond,-
For time doth glide so swift - ly by
While with her I'm so fond. —
The ros - es and the vio - lets, too,
They clus - ter round the spot.

When we part - ed and she whis-pered
'Oh, you'll for - get me not.' —

Scale: Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: b-flat. Structure: (one strophe only) abacabde (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa1ab (4,4,4,4).


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