741. Gwine 'Round Dis Mountain

GwiNE 'Round Dis Mountain

'Gwine 'Round Dis Mountain.' (Cotton Picking Song.) Sung by Miss
Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Montgomery county, 1921-24. For other versions cf.
WaS 45; FSoA 115. As only one stanza was recorded, it is impossible to say
how the second stanza could be sung to this tune.


 Gwine 'round dis moun - tain,
To Geor - gia I'm a gwine.




Set - tin' by that pret - ty lit - tie gal
Broke dis heart o'mine.
Car - 'lin - a gal can't you 'mem-ber me

Fal dal did - die did - die dey.
Some day, some day you'll reimem - ber me.

Fal dal did - die did - die dey.-

Scale : Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: abacded^e^ (2,2,2,
2,2,2,3,3) = aa^bb^ (4,4,4,6). In the smaller subdivision, d1 is not only
considerably modified but also initially incremented ; likewise of course, b^
in the over-all form. The same holds true of e1 and b1, with the difference
that instead of initial there is terminal increment.

2nd stanza:
Goner hew dis mountain down, my love.
Goner hew dis mountain down,
Goner hew dis mountain down, my love,
'Fore the sun goes down.
Work all day
And git no pay,

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