698. Leap Frog John

698. Leap Frog John
'Leap Frog John.' Sung by Mrs. Eliza Sanders, Jonas Ridge (Rip Shin Ridge), Caldwell county, June 30, 1940. Mrs. Sanders is the mother of Estalina Graybeal and Millie Ann Sanders. Our first four measures are identical with the first two of 'Little Musgrove and Lady Barnard' (IV 56, No. 26G). Our first two measures are also identical with the first measure of 'Down Under the Hill' (V, F-52); this measure is repeated in our present tune, but not in the former. The second measure of F-52, however, modified, is the third in our tune, and our seventh measure is the fourth there. The cadence in both is the same. Our first eight measures are closely related to the first four measures of 'Maid Freed from the Gallows' (IV 77, No. 30A) and the general melodic progression of IV 331-2, No. 316.


 A poor lit - tie man liv - ing un - der the hill And his

 name is — Leap frog John- 

Old man is eo joy - ous and

eas y to please As a - limp - ing on his way he goes.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abed (4,4,4,4).

2nd stanza:
He's out at the elbow, and lame in the knees,
And he talks through his nose.

Old man is so joyous and easy to please
As a-limping on his way he goes.

3rd stanza :
When he shuts up the shop and the sun sets low
And the cows from the pasture come,
Oh ! He's playing for .... along with his bow
As he fiddles taw, tee, taw, tum.

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