Bye'm Bye- Spiritual Lullaby

"Bye'm Bye"

Spiritual "By'm By" Sandburg 1880

Bye'm Bye/Stars Shining/By'm By

Traditional Old-Time Gospel; Most versions based on "By'm By" Sandburg 1927
ARTIST: Charley Thorpe of Santa Fe 1880, Collected by Sandburg- The American Songbag 1927

CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel;

DATE: 1800s; Charley Thorpe of Santa Fe 1880, Collected by Sandburg- The American Songbag 1927.  
 Bye'm Bye /By'm By

Rt - Stars Shining
Seeger, Ruth Crawford (eds.) / American Folk Songs for Children, Doubleday/Zephyr Books, Sof (1948), p 71
Sandburg, Carl (ed.) / American Songbag, Harcourt, Sof (1955/1928), p453
Blood, Peter; and Annie Patterson (eds.) / Rise Up Singing, Sing Out, Sof (1992/1989), p131 (Bye 'n' Bye)
Armstrong Family. Wheel of the Year. Thirty Years with the Armstrong Family, Flying Fish FF70 594, CD (1992), trk# 26b (Bye 'n' Bye)
Carawan, Guy. This Little Light of Mine, Folkways FG 3552, LP (1959), trk# B.05 (Bye 'n' Bye)
Fennigs All-Star String Band. Hammered Dulcimer Strikes Again, Front Hall FHR-010, LP (1977), trk# 11d
Folk Singers. Run Come Hear, Elektra EKL 157, LP (1958), trk# B.01
Mills, Alan. 14 Numbers, Letters and Animal Songs, Folkways FC 7545, LP (1972), trk# A.02
Seeger, Peggy and Mike. American Folk Songs for Children, Rounder 8001/8002/8003, CD (1977), trk# 1-18
Horne, Marilyn. From the Album Rockabye Baby (By'm Bye)

RELATED TO: "We'll Understand It Better Bye and Bye" Tindley 1906

OTHER NAMES: "Bye'n Bye" Bye'm Bye" "By'n By"

SOURCES: Folk Index; Ballad Index;

NOTES: "By'n By" or "Bye'm Bye" or "Bye'n Bye" is a traditional African-American spiritual collected by Sandburg from Charley Thorpe of Santa Fe, who heard it in 1880.
Sandburg published it in The American Songbag in 1927.

It's been adapted and usually has three verses. The song is a popular childrens song and lullaby. Version include "stars shining" and sometimes appears under this title.

This is a different song than the other various "Bye and Bye" songs. Here's teh lyrics from Sandburg in 1927:

 BY'M BY- The American Songbag

The stealth and mystery of the coming out of the stars one by one on the night sky... a fragment of a spiritual heard in Texas in the early 1880's by Charley Thorpe of Santa Fe.

By'm by, by'm by,
Stahs shinin',
Numbah, numbah one,
Numbah two, numbah three,
Good Lawd, by'm by, by'm by,
Good Lawd, by'm by. 
BYE'M BYE- modern adaptation    

Bye'm bye, Bye'm bye;
Stars shining
Number, number one, number two, number three,
Oh, my! Bye'm Bye, Bye'm Bye
Oh, my! Bye'm Bye.

By'm bye, By'm bye;
Stars shining
Number, number four, number five, number six,
Oh, my! By'm Bye, By'm Bye
Oh, my! By'm Bye.

By'm bye, By'm bye;
Stars shining
Number, number seven, number eight, number nine, number ten,
Oh, my! By'm Bye, By'm Bye
Oh, my! By'm Bye. 

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