Blow Ye the Trumpet- Sacred Harp (Cooper Book)


Blow Ye the Trumpet (Lenox) 40

B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book)

Blow Ye the Trumpet/ Blow Ye the Trumpet (Lenox) 40

The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book) 

Public Domain Old-Time, Bluegrass Gospel by Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1750 Music: Lewis Edson 1782

ARTIST: The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book)
Originally Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1750 Music: Lewis Edson

CATEGORY: Traditional Bluegrass Gospel;

DATE: Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1750 Music: Lewis Edson 1782

RECORDING INFO: Blow Ye the Trumpet

The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book)

OTHER NAMES: "Blow Ye the Trump"

SOURCES: Folk Index; Wolf Collection

NOTES: "Blow Ye the Trumpet," is a public domain hymn from The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book). Originally the lyrics are from Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1750 with music by Lewis Edson 1782.

Blow Ye the Trumpet (Lenox) 40 The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book)
Tune: Lewis Edson, 1782 Lyrics: Charles Wesley, 1750
Meter: 6s (6,6,6,6)

Blow ye the trumpet, blow,
The gladly solemn sound;
Let all the nations know,
To earth’s remotest bound:


The year of jubilee is come:
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

Exalt the Lamb of God,
The sin atoning Lamb;
Redemption by his blood
Through all the lands proclaim:


Ye slaves of sin and hell,
Your liberty receive,
And safe in Jesus dwell,
And blest in Jesus live:


The gospel trumpet hear,
The news of pard’ning grace;
Ye happy souls, draw near;
Behold your Savior’s face:


Jesus, our great High Priest,
Has satisfaction made;
Ye weary spirits, rest;
Ye mourning souls, be glad:



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