Black Diamond Express To Hell- Rev. Nix 1926

Black Diamond Express To Hell
Rev. A. W. Nix- 1926

Black Diamond Express To Hell

Shouting Sermon; Rev. A.W. Nix

ARTIST: from Rev. A.W. Nix


CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel;

DATE: 1900s; 

RECORDING INFO: Diamond Express To Hell 

OTHER NAMES: "Black Diamond Express To Hell"



NOTES:  "Black Diamond Express To Hell" is a series of shouting sermons from Rev. A.W. Nix. The first installments were “Black Diamond Express to Hell Pts. I & II.” Like Gates "Death's Black Train" the Diamond Express is a train bound for hell carrying drunkards, liars, deceivers, church fighters, beggers for the church who keep for themselves, gamblers, bootleggers, and plotters. Sin is the engineer, pleasure is the headlight, devil is the conductor, all aboard for hell. There are also conjurors, confusion, a fresh supply of brimstone, dancers, and crapshooters.

The most startling sermon is so long it is divided up into two parts (in the liner notes we learn that he later recorded four more installments, not included here) - Rev. A.W. Nix’s “Black Diamond Express to Hell Pts. I & II.” could be seen as a companion piece to Dante’s Inferno. Nix describes a train ride into Hell, where each stop or station is for a different type of sinner. The entire sermon is delivered with incredible singing style, injected with such fervor that it could rival even the most famous of blues vocalists:

Black Diamond Express to Hell Pt. I

I take my text this morning from Matthew Chapter 7 and 13th verse:
Here ye in the straight gate
For wide is the gate and broad the way that leadeth to destruction,
And many there be that go therein

This train is know as the Black Diamond Train to hell
Sin his engineer, pleasure is the headlight,
And the Devil is the conductor.

[sings/shouts] I see the Black Diamond as she's starts off for hell,
A bell is ringing hellbound hellbound.
The Devil cries out "All aboard for Hell."

First Station is Drunkardsville.
Stop there and let all the drunkards get on board.
I have a big crowd down there drinking,
Some city,
some drinking shimmy some drinking moonshine,
some drinking white mule and red horse.
All you drunkards, you gotta go to Hell on the Black Diamond Train.
The Black Diamond start off for Hell now.

Next station is Liar's Avenue,
Wait there, and let all the liars get onboard.
Have a good crowd of liars down there,
Have some smooth liars, some unreasonable liars,
Some professional liars, some bareface liars,
Some ungodly liars, some big liars,
Some little liars, some go to bed lying, get up lying.
Lie all day! Lie on you and lie on me!
A big crowd of liars!
You go to Hell on the Black Diamond Train.

Next station is Deceiversville
Wait there, till all the deceivers get on board
Some of you been deceivin' ever since you been in the world
Friend deceiving friend, husband deceiving wives,
Wives deceiving husbands,
But you got to Hell on the Black Diamond Train

Next station is Conjuration Station
Wait there, and all the conjurs get on board
I've got a big crowd of Louisiana conjurs down here
But they got to Hell on the Black Diamond Train
There always taking brick dust and Christ healing match heads
And making a little hand sign or whatever
But you got to Hell on the Black Diamond Train

Next station is Confusion Junction
Wait there till all the confusion can get on
Some of you raise confusion in your home
Confusion and deceit, confusion in the church, confusion everywhere you go.
But you go to Hell on the Black Diamond Train

Next station is Fight Town
Wait there and let all the church fighters get on board
I have a big crowd of church fighters down there.
They never go to a prayer meeting
They never go to Sunday School,
They never go to the morning service,
They always stay away from the morning church,
Until they hear about a business meeting
And then they coming running from the prayer room bottom
To put up a big fight in God's church, 
But all church fighters you got to Hell on the Black Diamond Train.

Now the Black Diamond train is going to stop for a minute,
To take on brimstone for Hell


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