An Alien from God, And A Stranger To Grace

An Alien from God, And A Stranger To Grace Old Blessed Hope Old Regular Baptist Church

An Alien from God, And A Stranger To Grace/Sweet Home 

Old Baptist hymn; Luther J. Cox circa 1830

ARTIST: Blessed Hope Old Regular Baptist church, Liberty, Kentucky

SHEET MUSIC:,+and+a+stranger+to+grace&cd=1#v=onepage&q=%22Sweet%20home%22%20An%20alien%20from%20God%2C%20and%20a%20stranger%20to%20grace&f=false

CATEGORY: Traditional Shape-Note Gospel;

DATE: circa 1830

RECORDING INFO: An Alien from God, And A Stranger To Grace/Sweet home

Blessed Hope Services: Sermons and singing from Blessed Hope Old Regular Baptist church, Liberty, Kentucky


SOURCES: Blessed Hope Services: Sermons and singing from Blessed Hope Old Regular Baptist church, Liberty, Kentucky

NOTES: "An Alien from God, And A Stranger To Grace" or usualy titled, "Sweet Home" is an old-time hymn still sung at Baptist churches. this version comes from Blessed Hope Old Regular Baptist church, Liberty, Kentucky.

According to one source, Sweet Home was written by Luther J. Cox.  

An Alien from God, And A Stranger To Grace/ Sweet Home- Luther J. Cox pub. 1833

1 An alien from God, and a stranger to grace,
I wandered through earth, its gay pleasures to trace
In the pathway oi sin I continued to roam,
Unmindful, alas ! that it led me from home.    

Home, home, sweet, sweet home,   
O Savior! direct me to heaven, my home.

2 The pleasures of earth, I have seen fade away,  
They bloom for a season, but soon they decay,  
But pleasures more lasting, in Jesus are given,  
Salvation on earth, and a mansion in heaven.

Home, home, sweet, sweet home,
The saints in those mansions are ever at home.

3 Allure me no longer, ye false glowing charms'
The Savior invites me, I'll go to his arms;
At the hanquet of mercy, I hear there is room,
0 there may I feast with his children at home!

Home, home, sweet, sweet home,
O Jesus, conduct me to heaven, my home

4 Farewell, vain amusements, my follies, adieu,
While Jesus, and heaven, and glory I view;
I feast on the pleasures that flow from his throne,
The foretaste of heaven, sweet heaven, my home.

Home, home, sweet, sweet home,
O when shall I share the fruition of home!

5 The days of my exile are passing away,
The time is approaching, when Jesus will say,
Well done, faithful servant, sit down on my throne,
And dwell in my presence for ever at home.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home,   
O there I shall rest with the Savior at home.

6. Affliction, and sorrow, and deatli shall be o'er,  
The saints shall unite to he parted no more;  
There loud hallelujahs fill heaven's high dome,  
They dwell with the Savior for ever at home.     

Home, home, sweet, sweet home,     
They dwell with the Savior for ever at home.

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