Are You Building on the Rock- Warren 1897

Are You Building on the Rock?
Warren- 1897

Are You Building on the Rock?

Public Domain, Old-Time Gospel; 1897 written by Barney E. Warren in 1897

ARTIST: From  Barney E. Warren in 1897

CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel 

DATE: 1897;

RECORDING INFO: Are You Building on the Rock?
OTHER NAMES: "Building on the Rock?"


NOTES: "Are You Building on the Rock?" was written by Barney E. Warren in 1897.

Barney E. Warren (1867-1951) was born Feb­ru­a­ry 20, 1867 in Lew­is­ton, New York and died on Ap­ril 21, 1951 in Spring­field, Ohio.

Warren was con­verted in 1884 at a re­viv­al near Bang­or, Mi­chi­gan. Two years lat­er he joined Dan­i­el Sid­ney War­ner and his evan­gel­is­tic sing­ing com­pa­ny as a bass sing­er. The group was part of the Church of God Re­form­a­tion Move­ment in An­der­son, In­di­a­na. War­ren is cred­it­ed with writ­ing over 7000 songs. His wife was Nan­nie Ki­gar, who be­longed to the sing­ing group that tra­veled the coun­try­side in the late 1800’s.

Warren was a Church of God min­is­ter as well as a song writ­er, and pas­tored sev­er­al con­gre­ga­tions. He al­so worked on pro­duc­ing song books and hymn­als for the Gos­pel Trum­pet Com­pa­ny from 1888 un­til 1940.


Blameless Church, The
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Are You Building on the Rock?- Barney E. Warren, 1897
Key: C  Meter:

Are you building on the Rock eternal?
Are you building on the sinking sand?
Are you going to that home supernal,
In that brighter, far-off, happy land?

Refrain: Are you building (building) on the Rock?
Are you building (building) on the Rock?
Are you building (building) on the Rock,
Or on the sinking sand?

Are you building on a strong foundation?
Can you stand the stormy sea of life?
’Mid the surging billows’ wild commotion,
Do you conquer in the raging strife?

Are you building on a strong foundation,
With an anchor that will keep the soul?
Living in His love and truth unshaken,
Grounded firm and deep though billows roll?

Are you building on a strong foundation?
Can you stand the awful judgment shock?
Are you grounded in His great salvation,
Fastened like an anchor to the Rock?