A Little More Faith In Jesus- Fisk Jubilee Singers 1877

All I Want Is A Little More Faith In Jesus

 A Little More Faith In Jesus- Jubilee Singers 1877

All I Want Is A Little More Faith In Jesus/A Little More Faith In Jesus/All I Want 

Traditional Old-Time, Bluegrass Gospel;

ARTIST: "The story of the Jubilee Singers, including their Songs" 1877

Blue Lick Holiness Church- Upbeat version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZGIUXyld64

CATEGORY: Traditional Bluegrass Gospel;

DATE: 1800s; 1877 "The story of the Jubilee Singers, including their Songs" also "All I Want Is A Little More Faith In Jesus" comes from the 1922 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLK-LORE article- Negro Spirituals from the Far South by E. A. Perkins.
First Recorded in Fisk Jubilee Singers

All I Want Is A Little More Faith In Jesus

Fisk Jubilee Singers- A Little More Faith In Jesus

Rev. Gary Davis - A Little More Faith Album: A Little More Faith
Sullivan Pugh- A Little More Faith in Jesus 

OTHER NAMES: "A Little More Faith In Jesus" "All I Want"

SOURCES: JOAFL 1922; online

NOTES: "A Little More Faith In Jesus" is found in "The story of the Jubilee Singers, including their Songs" (1903) by J. B. T. Marsh, which was first published in 1877.
Marsh, J.B.T. The book is “the story of a little company [The Jubilee Singers] of emancipated slaves who set out to secure, by their singing, the fabulous sum of $20,000 for the impoverished school [Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee] in which they were students.”

A Little More Faith In Jesus- Fisk Jubille Singers 1877

CHORUS: All I want,
All I want,
All I want is a little more faith in Jesus.

1. Whenever we meet you here we say,
A little more faith in Jesus
Pray what's the order of the day,
A little more faith in Jesus

2. I tell you now as I told you before,
A little more faith in Jesus,
To the promised land I'm bound to go,
A little more faith in Jesus.

CHORUS— All I want. &c.

3. Oh! Hallelujah to the Lamb,
A little more faith in Jesus,
The Lord is on the giving hand,
A little more faith in Jesus.
CHORUS— All I want. &c.

I do believe without a doubt,
A little more faith in Jesus,
That Ciiristians have a right to shout,
A little more faith in Jesus.

CHORUS— All I want. &c.

Shout, you children, shout, you're free,
A little more faith In Jesus,
For Christ has bought this liberty,
A little more faith in Jesus.

CHORUS— All I want. &c.

"All I Want Is A Little More Faith In Jesus" is included in the 1922 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLK-LORE article- Negro Spirituals from the Far South by E. A. Perkins (below). You can listen to the song here: 

Listen: http://www.africanamericanspirituals.com/song2.htm

This is a version online at www.africanamericanspirituals.com/song2.htm The lyrics are slightly different than the JOAFL below:

A little More Faith in Jesus

CHORUS: All I want,
All I want,
All I want
Is a little more faith in Jesus.

VERSE: Whenever we meet you here we say,
A little more faith in Jesus
What’s the order of the day?
A little more faith in Jesus.

I tell you now as I told you before,
A little more faith in Jesus,
To the promise land I’m bound to go,
A little more faith in Jesus.

Shout, you children, shout, you’re free,
A little more faith in Jesus,
For Christ has bought this liberty,
A little more faith in Jesus.

I do believe without a doubt,
A little more faith in Jesus,
That Christians have a right to shout,
A little more faith in Jesus.

All I Want - Tune: Trad. spiritual “A Little More Faith in Jesus”
Lyrics and arrangement: Harry Campbell

Harmony in second and fourth lines

All I want (clap)
All I want (stamp)
All I want (clap)
Is a little more time to keep singing

Stamp-clap-stamp-clap etc
Tune continues with "All I want"; harmony parts sing "singing, singing, singing..."


1. (David)
What’s the order of the day?
        A little more time to keep singing
Singing drives my cares away
        A little more time to keep singing

2. (Karen)
A little less time on the cares of the world
        A little more time to keep singing
Keeping the banner of song unfurled
        A little more time to keep singing

3. (Frank)
A little while longer on this good earth
        A little more time to keep singing
Sing at the death and sing at the birth
        A little more time to keep singing

4. (Maureen)
Forge ahead not fade away
        A little more time to keep singing
Singing till my dying day
        A little more time to keep singing


("And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole." —
Luke xvii 19)

This is a very popular class-meeting song with the Methodists. The tone of the song is slow, rhythmic, and mellow, soothing and comforting to the pilgrim who has resolved to be courageous and hopeful under his struggles toward "Heaven an' immortal glory."

CHORUS: All I want,
All I want.
All I want,
Is a little more faith in Jesus.

Oh, run 'long, mourner, and git your crown,
A little more faith in Jesus;
By your Father's side set down,
A little more faith in Jesus.


My father says it is the best,
A little more faith in Jesus,
To live and die a Methodest,
A little more faith in Jesus.


I love my *brother, yes, I do,
A little more faith in Jesus;
I hope my brother loves me too,
A little more faith in Jesus.

I love the Lord, he heard me cry,
A little more faith in Jesus;
And I'm gwi' trust him till I die,
A little more faith in Jesus.


* "Brother" is here used as a member of the church of the same faith and order.

All I Want is A Little More Faith- John Work

Chorus: All I want,
All I want,
All I want,
Is a little more faith in Jesus.

1. Did ever you see such a man as God,
 A little more faith in Jesus,
A preaching the gospel to the poor,  
A little more faith in Jesus.     

Chorus It's all I want, etc.

2. He died for all upon the tree,
A little more faith in Jesns;
He died for you and He died for me,  
A little more faith in Jesus.     

Chorus Oh, it's all I want, etc.

A Little More Faith- Rev. Gary Davis "A Little More Faith" album. Chorus is improvised, sometimes the guitar plays the "little more faith" line. 

CHORUS: It's all I want
All I want children
All I want is
A little more faith in Jesus


VERSE: One day I went in the valley to pray
Little more faith in Jesus
I met ole Satan down on my way,
Little more faith in Jesus
What do you reckon he said to me
Little more faith in Jesus
*Say, I'm to old to die and too young to pray
Little more faith in Jesus
I went on down the valley to pray
With Satan out of line, I stayed all day




Get back gambler give me room
Little more faith in Jesus
Just a little gamblin' never hurt no one,
Little more faith in Jesus
What do you reckon he said to me
Little more faith in Jesus
Just a little more living it'll set your soul free
Little more faith in Jesus


A iittle more faith in Jesus
Just a little more faith, a little more in Jesus
A little more faith in Jesus


*This may be substituted, "Before you'll die I'll set you free,"

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