Brother Moses Gone
Tradtional Old-Time, Spiritual;
ARTIST: from Charles Pickard Ware, William Francis Allen, Lucy McKim Garrison "Slave Songs of the United States," 1867, no. 4, p. 3.
CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Bluegrass Gospel;
DATE: 1867; Negro Spirituals by Thomas Wentworth Higginson from the Atlantic Monthly, June 1867
RECORDING INFO: Brother Moses Gone
Allen, William Francis, (eds.) / Slave Songs of the United States, Dover, Sof (1995/1867), # 65 [1860s]
OTHER NAMES: “Brother, Guide Me Home,”
SOURCES: from William Francis Allen, (eds.) 1867 book, Slave Songs of the United States.
NOTES: “Brother Moses Gone” is found in William Francis Allen, (eds.) 1867 book, Slave Songs of the United States.
Brother Moses (Brudder Moses) is frequently found in early African- American spirituals including Fenner 1874 and Odum 1909.
BROTHER MOSES GONE- Spiritual 1867
Brudder Moses gone to de promised land,