Behold The Love- Sacred Harp

"Behold The Love" Arbacoochee

S. M. Denson, 1908;  Isaac Watts, 1719

Behold The Love/Arbacoochee

Shape-Note Gospel by S. M. Denson, 1908 and words by Isaac Watts, 1719

ARTIST: S. M. Denson, 1908 and words by Isaac Watts, 1719

Traditional Shape-Note Gospel;

DATE: J. A. Culbreth, 1902


John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection; Lyon College, Batesville, Arkansas

OTHER NAMES: "Arbacoochee"

SOURCES: Sacred Harp

NOTES: "Arbacoochee" also known as "Behold The Love" with a tune by S. M. Denson, 1908 and words by Isaac Watts, 1719 appears in 1991 edition of the Sacred Harp as number 430. 

A version was collected in the John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection (below) and can be heard on-line.

ARBACOOCHEE- The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection; Lyon College, Batesville, Arkansas (unknown singer) no date given

Behold the love, the generous love,
That holy David shows.
Behold his kind compassion move
For his afflicted foes.

When they are sick, his soul complains
And seems to feel the smart.
The spirit of the gospel reigns
And melts his pious heart,
And melts his pious heart.

When they are sick, his soul complains
And seems to feel the smart.
The spirit of the gospel reigns
And melts his pious heart,
And melts his pious heart.

ARBACOOCHEE- Sacred Harp 'Behold the Love'
430 Arbacoochee
Tune: S. M. Denson, 1908
Words: Isaac Watts, 1719
Meter: Common Meter Double (8,6,8,6,8,6,8,6)

Behold the love, the gen’rous love,
That holy David shows,
Behold his kind compassion move
For his afflicted foes.

When they are sick, his soul complains,
And seems to feel the smart.
The spirit of the gospel reigns,
And melts his pious heart.

8 6 8 6 (C.M.); Dates:  1719; Bible Refs:  Ps 35:12-14
1. Behold the love, the gen'rous love,
That holy David shows;
Hark, how his sounding bowels move
To his afflicted foes!

2. When they are sick his soul complains,
And seems to feel the smart;
The spirit of the gospel reigns,
And melts his pious heart.

3. How did his flowing tears condole
As for a brother dead!
And fasting mortified his soul,
While for their life he prayed.

4. They groaned, and cursed him on their bed,
Yet still he pleads and mourns;
And double blessings on his head
The righteous God returns.

5. O glorious type of heav'nly grace!
Thus Christ the Lord appears;
While sinners curse, the Savior prays,
And pities them with tears.

6. He, the true David, Isr'el's King,
Blest and beloved of God,
To save us rebels, dead in sin,
Paid his own dearest blood.

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