Angel of Death- Stanley Brothers 1959

Angel of Death
Randolph 1921; Stanley Brothers- 1959

Angel of Death/There's a Man Going Round Taking Names

Traditional Old-Time Bluegrass Gospel; blues; Spiritual;

ARTIST: Randolph 1921/ Stanley Brothers 1959

Randolph sheet Music 1921 version:

CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel 

DATE: 1800s; First Recorded in 1928 by Grayson and Whitter

There's a Man Going Round Taking Names [Me III-C 44]

Lomax, J. A. & A. Lomax / American Ballads and Folk Songs, MacMillan, Bk (1934), p591 (Man Goin' Roun')
Shelton, Robert (ed.) / Josh White Song Book, Quadrangle, Sof (1963), trk# p 66 (Takin' Names)
Bille, Don. From Here on Up, Bille, Cas (1996), trk# A.05
Calkins, Enos. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume IV, Religous Songs and Others, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p 38/#606 [1921/10/04] (Angel of Death)
Carolina Tar Heels. Carolina Tar Heels, Old Homestead OHCS 113, LP (1978), trk# 4 [1928/10/11]
Carolina Tar Heels. Mountain Frolic. Rare Old Timey Classics; 1924-37, JSP 77100A-D, CD (2007), trk# D.06 [1928/10/11]
Sandburg, Carl. New Songs from the American Songbag, Lyrichord LL 4, LP (1950), trk# B.07 (Man Goin' Roun')
Taylor, Rebecca. Sandburg, Carl (ed.) / American Songbag, Harcourt, Sof (1955/1928), p447 (Man Goin' Roun')
Unknown Singers. Folk Music in America, Vol.15, Religious Music, Solo & Perform.., Library of Congress LBC-15, LP (1978), trk# B.02 [1928/07/30ca]
White, Josh. Josh at Midnight, Elektra EKL 102, LP (1955), trk# B.06 (Takin' Names)

OTHER NAMES: "There's a Man Going Round Taking Names," "Man Goin' Roun'" "Takin' Names" (Josh White);

SOURCES: Folk Index; Meade

NOTES: "Angel of Death" is better known as "There's a Man Going 'Round Taking Names" and has been recorded by early Country artists Grayson and Whitter (1928 unissued) and The Carolina Tar Heels. Randolph collected the song under the "Angel of Death" title in 1921 from Mr. Enos Calkins. The Stanley Brothers recorded it with the "Angel of Death" title in 1959.

The song is also a well-known African-American spiritual and has been done by blues artist Josh White and Leadbelly.

ANGEL OF DEATH/THERE'S A MAN- Mr. Enos Calkins 1921

There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
He took my father's name
And he filled my heart with pain
There's a man goin' round takin' names.

There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
There's a man goin' round takin' names
He took my dear mother's name
And he filled my heart with pain
There's a man goin' round takin' names.

Etc: He took my brother's name

Etc: He took my sister's name


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