Beyond The Dark Sea- Detherow from the Wolf Collection

Beyond The Dark Sea

W.P. Detherow 1959 From Wolf Collection

I’m Weary, I’m Fainting

Public Domain, Old-Time Gospel; Words by Lydia O. Baxter pre 1873;
Music and chorus Knowles Shaw 1883

ARTIST: Sung by: W.P. Detherow; Wolf Collection- Recorded in Batesville, AR 8/27/59

SHEET MUSIC (Baxter):!+let+me+anchor+beyond+the+dark+sea&cd=2&id=MVmU4eQnu6UC&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=html

CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel 

DATE: 1918; First recorded by Smith's Sacred Singers 1927

RECORDING INFO: I’m Weary, I’m Fainting 

OTHER NAMES: "I’m Weary, I’m Fainting,"

SOURCES: Folk Index; Meade

NOTES: "Beyond The Dark Sea" is from the singing of W.P. Detherow and appears in the Wolf Collection online. The lyrics were originally written by Lydia Baxter and the 1873 Royal Diadem For Sunday School. The music is by Hubert P. Main. Another setting by Knowles Shaw (author of "Bringing in The Sheaves") in 1883 titled "Beyond The Dark Sea" gives no credit to Baxter for the lyrics. Knowles Shaw adds a chorus and it's his arrangement that W.P. Detherow sings. 

Lydia O. Baxter was born Sep­tem­ber 2, 1809, Pe­ters­burg, New York and died on June 22, 1874 in New York Ci­ty. Lydia and her sis­ter came to Christ with the help of Bap­tist mis­sion­ary Eben Tucker. Fol­low­ing their con­ver­sion, the Bax­ter girls helped found the lo­cal Bap­tist church. Af­ter Ly­dia mar­ried, she moved to New York Ci­ty. She was an in­va­lid most of her adult life, but that didn’t stop her ac­tive mind from stu­dy­ing the Bi­ble and writ­ing. In 1855, she pub­lished Gems by the Way­side, a book of de­vo­tion­al po­ems. In ad­di­tion, she of­ten host­ed meet­ings of re­li­gious lead­ers at her home.

BEYOND THE DARK SEA Sung by: W.P. Detherow; 
Recorded in Batesville, AR 8/27/59

Click here to listen to the original recording

I'm weary, I'm fainting;
My day's work is done.
I'm watching, I'm waiting
For life's sinking sun.
The shadows are stretching
Far over the lea.

Chorus: Then, oh, let me anchor
Beyond the dark sea.
Beyond the sea, beyond the sea,
Then, oh, let me anchor
Beyond the dark sea.

The cold surging billows
That dash at my feet
Has lost all their terror,
Or music so sweet.
The portals of glory
Are open for me.



Cast Thy Net Again, My Brother
Gate Ajar for Me, The
Go, Work in My Vineyard
I’m Kneeling, Lord, at Mercy’s Gate

1. I'm weary, I'm fainting, my day's work is done,
I'm watching and waiting, for life's setting sun.
The shadows are stretching a-far o'er the lea;
Then oh! Let me anchor beyond the dark sea.

2. The cold surging billows that break at my feet,
Have lost all their terror, their music is sweet:
My Saviour is stilling the tempest for me;
Then oh! let me anchor beyond the dark sea.

3. Come, loving Redeem-er, and take to thy breast
The heart that is panting and sighing for rest :
My Saviour, I,m waiting, I'm waiting for thee;
Then oh! let me anchor beyond the dark sea.

4. I'll lay my life,s burden, O Lord, at thy feet,
For loved ones are watching my spirit to  greet:
The portals of glory are open for me;
Then oh! let me anchor beyond the dark sea.

BEYOND THE DARK SEA-Knowles Shaw 1883

1. I'm weary, I'm fainting, my day's work is done,
I'm watching and waiting, for life's setting sun.
The shadows are stretching a-far o'er the lea;
Then oh! Let me anchor beyond the dark sea.
CHORUS: Beyond the sea;
Beyond the sea;
Then oh! Let me anchor
Beyond the dark sea.


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