Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’- Odum 1909

Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’
Spiritual- Collected Odum- 1909

Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’

Tradtional Old-Time, Spiritual;

ARTIST: from Howard W. Odum's 1909 "Religious Folk-Songs of the Southern Negroes" (American Journal of Psychology and Education, vol. iii, p. 356).

CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Bluegrass Gospel;

DATE: 1800s; 1909 Howard W. Odum, "Religious Folk-Songs of the Southern Negroes" (American Journal of Psychology and Education, vol. iii, p. 356).

RECORDING INFO:  Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’

OTHER NAMES: “Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’,”  

SOURCES: from 1909 Howard W. Odum, "Religious Folk-Songs of the Southern Negroes" (American Journal of Psychology and Education, vol. iii, p. 356).

NOTES: “Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’” is found in  Howard W. Odum's 1909 "Religious Folk-Songs of the Southern Negroes" (American Journal of Psychology and Education, vol. iii,). It was reprinted in Odum's "The Negro and His Songs" Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina, 1925.

Brother, You’d Better Be A-Prayin’- Odum 1909

Again, "Brother, you'd Better be a Prayin"', while mostly repetition makes a long song when sung to its limit. "Sister", "Sinner", "Backslider", "Mourner", " Children", each serves to make a complete stanza of eight lines :

Brother, you’d better be a prayin’,
Brother, you’d better be a prayin’,
My brother, you’d better be a prayin’,
An’ I’ll be carried above,
An’ I’ll be carried above,
An’ I’ll be carried above.
I’ll see King Jesus in his reign,
An’ I’ll be carried above 

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