507. I Got de Hezotation Stockings and de Hezotation Shoes

I Got de Hezotation Stockings and de Hezotation Shoes

White ANFS 391 identifies a shorter text (without music) as a
variety of the "hesitating blues" and cites \\. F. Hardy and Dorothy
Scarborough for further examples of the type and discussions of
its history.

From Blake B. Harrison, Trinity College student, December 5, 1919,
with music.

1 ]\Iy daddy drives a street car and my brother drives a

hack ;
My mammy takes in washin' while I bawl de Jack.


Oh, honey, how long will I have to wait?
Kin I git you now or must I hezotate?

2 I got de hezotation stockings and de hezotation shoes.
I believe to my soul I got de hezotation bhies.


I Got de Hezotation Stockings and de Hezotation Shoes

*I Got de Hezotation Stockings and de Hezotation Shoes.* Sung by Blake
B. Harrison, Trinity College, Durham, December 5, 1919. The influence of
more recent times can readily be seen from the chromatic alterations of
what otherwise is a simple innocent pentatonic mode. For additional versions
cf. NASb 98 and PSB 34.



My dad - dy drives a street - car and my broth - er

drives a hack; My mam -my takes in wash - in' while

wait? Oh, kin I get you now-
or must I he - zo-tate?

Structure: mm1n (2,2,4) = bar- form. The tonal center is the lowest tone,
Scale: Hexatonic (4). Tonal Center: d.

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